CO₂ Capture, Utilization & Storage

struct CCUS <: Modification

CCUS(;file, groupby, co2_scalar=1e5, co2_step_quantity_limit=1e9)

This is a Modification that sets up markets for carbon captured by generators.

  • file - a file to the table containing markets/prices for buying/selling carbon dioxide. See the ccus_paths table below, or summarize_table(::Val{:ccus_paths})
  • groupby - a String indicating how markets are grouped. I.e. "state".
  • co2_scalar - a Float64 for how much to scale the co2 variables by. This helps with numerical instability, given that some CO₂ steps can be very large and could bloat the RHS and bounds range of the model. A good rule of thumb is that this should be no less than 1e4 times smaller than co2_step_quantity_limit.
  • co2_step_quantity_limit - A Float64 for the maximum quantity of CO₂ that can be stored in any step.

Creates the following tables in data:

  • ccus_paths - contains all pathways possible to sell CO₂.
    • producing_region - The producing region
    • storing_region - The storing region of the pathway
    • ccus_type - the type of ccus (eor or saline)
    • step_id - the number of the step (not very important other than for book-keeping)
    • step_quantity - the quantity of CO₂ that can be stored in this step
    • price_trans - the cost to transport 1 short ton of CO₂ from producing_region to storing_region
    • price_store - the cost to store 1 short ton of CO₂ in the step
  • ccus_storers - contains all the storers
    • storing_region - the storing region
    • step_id - the number of the step for the region
    • ccus_type - whether the step is eor or saline.
    • step_quantity - the number of short tons that may be stored in the step
    • price_store - the price to store a short ton of CO₂.
    • path_idxs - A list of indices representing the transportation paths to store carbon in this step. Indexes into ccus_paths table.
  • ccus_producers - contains all the producers, grouped by ccus_type and producing_region. This contains the following columns:
    • producing_region - the region the CO₂ will be sent from
    • ccus_type - the type of the step the CO₂ will be sent to (eor or saline)
    • path_idxs - A list of indices representing the transportation paths to send carbon from this step. Indexes into ccus_paths table.
    • gen_idxs - A list of generator indices that produce CO₂ in this region.

Creates the following variables/expressions

  • co2_trans[1:nrow(ccus_paths), 1:nyear] - the amount of CO₂ transported along this producer-producer pathway (variable)
  • co2_stor[1:nrow(ccus_storers), 1:nyear] - the amount of CO₂ stored by each storer (expression of co2_trans)
  • co2_prod[1:nrow(ccus_producers), 1:nyear] - the amount of CO₂ produced by each sending region (expression of electricity generation)
  • co2_sent[1:nrow(ccus_producers), 1:nyear] - the amount of CO₂ sent out from each sending region (expression of co2_trans). This includes CO₂ sent within the same region.
  • cost_ccus_obj[1:nyear] - the total cost of ccus, as added to the objective function.

Creates the following constraints

  • cons_co2_stor[1:nrow(ccus_storers), 1:nyear] - the CO₂ stored at each injection site must not exceed step_quantity
  • cons_co2_bal[1:nrow(ccus_producers), 1:nyear] - the CO₂ balancing equation for each region, i.e. co2_prod == co2_sent.

Accessing Results

Results are stored in 2 places; the ccus_paths table, and the gen table.

Example Result Queries

  • compute_result(data, :gen, :stored_co2_total, :ccus_type=>"eor", "y2030")
  • compute_result(data, :gen, :cost_capt_co2, :ccus_type=>"eor", yr_idx)
  • compute_result(data, :gen, :cost_capt_co2_store, :gentype=>"coalccs", yr_idx)
  • compute_result(data, :gen, :cost_capt_co2_trans, :, yr_idx)
  • compute_result(data, :ccus_paths, :storer_cost_total, :storing_region=>"narnia")
  • compute_result(data, :ccus_paths, :storer_revenue_total, :producing_region=>"narnia")
  • compute_result(data, :ccus_paths, :storer_profit_total, :ccus_type=>"eor")

See also:

modify_setup_data!(mod::CCUS, config, data) -> nothing

Does the following:

  • Adds a column for carbon captured, capt_co2, based on emis_co2, and capt_co2_percent
  • reduces emis_co2 by capt_co2
  • Splits up carbon capturing generators into 2 separate generators - one for "saline" and one for "eor", and adjusts the eor emissions by config[eor_leakage_rate]
  • Add a column for ccus_type - either "eor", "saline", or "na"
  • Adds sets of indices to data[:ccus_gen_sets]::Vector{Vector{Int64}}
modify_model!(mod::Modification, config, data, model)

Apply mod to the model, called in setup_model

producing_regionStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the producing region (type of regions specified by groupby kwarg of CCUS mod
storing_regionStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the sequestering region (type of regions specified by groupby kwarg of CCUS mod
step_idInt64E4ST.NAtrueThe number of this particular market step
ccus_typeStringE4ST.NAtrueThe type of storage. Can be "eor" or "saline"
step_quantityFloat64E4ST.ShortTonsPerYeartrueThe annual quantity of CO2 that can be stored in the step
price_transFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerShortTontrueThe cost of transporting a short ton of CO2 for this producer-storing_region pair
price_storeFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerShortTontrueThe cost to store a short ton of CO2 in this storage step