Annual Capacity Factor Limit

struct AnnualCapacityFactorLimit <: Modification

AnnualCapacityFactorLimit(;name, file)

Sets annual capacity factor limits for generators. Annual capacity factor is defined as the total energy generated in a year divided by the total amount of energy capacity (power capacity times the number of hours in a year).

  • modify_raw_data! - Loads in a table from file, stores it into data[<name>]. See summarizetable(::Val{:annualcf_lim})
  • modify_model! - sets up the following constraints and expressions
    • Sets up expression model[:egen_gen_annual] (ngen x nhr) for annual energy generation for each generator
    • Creates constraint model[:cons_<name>_min] for each generator covered by each row of the table specified in file, if the annual_cf_min column is given.
    • Creates constraint model[:cons_<name>_max] for each generator covered by each row of the table specified in file, if the annual_cf_max column is given.
genfuelAbstractStringE4ST.NAfalseThe fuel type that the generator uses. Leave blank to not filter by genfuel.
gentypeStringE4ST.NAfalseThe generation technology type that the generator uses. Leave blank to not filter by gentype.
areaAbstractStringE4ST.NAfalseThe area with which to filter by. I.e. "state". Leave blank to not filter by area.
subareaAbstractStringE4ST.NAfalseThe subarea to include in the filter. I.e. "maryland". Leave blank to not filter by area.
filter_StringE4ST.NAfalseThere can be multiple filter conditions - filter1, filter2, etc. It denotes a comparison used for selecting the table rows to apply the adjustment to. See parse_comparison for examples
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not to use this limit
annual_cf_minFloat64E4ST.MWhGeneratedPerMWhCapacityfalseThe minimum annual capacity factor ∈ (0,1]. If outside these bounds, not set. Be very careful - easy to make model infeasible if contradictory to availability factors.
annual_cf_maxFloat64E4ST.MWhGeneratedPerMWhCapacityfalseThe maximum annual capacity factor ∈ [0,1). If outside these bounds, not set.