
mutable struct Storage <: Modification

Storage(;name, file, build_file="")

Storage is represented over sets of time-weighted sequential representative hours for which the following must hold true, for a given storage device:

  • Net charge over the interval must equal zero.
  • Total charge of the device cannot exceed its maximum charge, or go below zero.
  • Initial charge over an interval can be anywhere between 0 and the maximum charge, and is the same initial charge for each time interval.


Variables Introduced

  • pcap_stor[stor_idx, yr_idx] - The discharge power capacity, in MW, of the storage device.
  • pcharge_stor[stor_idx, yr_idx, hr_idx] - The charge power, in MW, for a given hour.
  • pdischarge_stor[stor_idx, yr_idx, hr_idx] - The discharged power, in MW, for a given hour.
  • e0_stor[stor_idx, yr_idx, int_idx] - The starting charge energy (in MWh) for each interval.

Constraints Introduced

  • cons_stor_charge_bal[stor_idx, yr_idx, int_idx] - the charge balancing equation - net charge in each interval is 0
  • cons_stor_charge_max[stor_idx, yr_idx, int_idx, _hr_idx] - constrain the stored energy in each hour of each interval to be less than the maximum (function of pcap_stor and the discharge duration column of the storage table). Note _hr_idx is the index within the interval, not the normal hr_idx
  • cons_stor_charge_min[stor_idx, yr_idx, int_idx, _hr_idx] - constrain the stored energy in each hour of each interval to be greater than zero. Note _hr_idx is the index within the interval, not the normal hr_idx
  • cons_pcap_stor_noadd[stor_idx, yr_idx; years[yr_idx] >= storage.year_on[stor_idx]] - constrain the capacity to be non-increasing after being built. (only in multi-year simulations)
  • cons_pcap_stor_prebuild[stor_idx, yr_idx; years[yr_idx] < storage.year_on[stor_idx]] - fix the capacity to zero before being built. (should only happen in multi-year simulations)
  • cons_pcap_stor_exog[stor_idx, yr_idx] - constrain the exogenous, unbuilt capacity to equal pcap0 for the first year >= its build year.

Objective Terms

  • capex_obj_stor - the capital expenditures to build the storage device, only non-zero in the build year. (function of pcap_stor and capex, and year_on)
  • fom_stor - the fixed operation and maintenance costs for the storage device (function of pcap_stor and fom from the storage table)
  • vom_stor - the variable operation and maintenance costs for the storage device (function of pdischarge_stor, the vom column of the storage table, and the hour weights get_hour_weights)

Power Balancing Equation

Each storage device can either be on the "gen" side or the "load" side, as specified by the side column.

  • "gen" side:
    • pcharge_stor gets subtracted from pgen_bus
    • pdischarge_stor gets added to pgen_bus
  • "load" side:
    • pcharge_stor gets added to plserv_bus
    • pdischarge_stor gets subtracted from plserv_bus
modify_raw_data!(mod::Modification, config, data, model)

Change the raw data with mod.

modify_setup_data!(mod::Modification, config, data, model)

Change the setup data with mod.

modify_model!(mod::Modification, config, data, model)

Apply mod to the model, called in setup_model

modify_results!(mod::Storage, config, data)

Modify battery results. Add columns to the storage table for:

  • pcap - discharge capacity of the storage device, in MW.
  • pcharge - the charging rate, in MW
  • pdischarge - the discharging rate, in MW
  • echarge - the energy charged in each representative hour (including losses)
  • edischarge - Energy that was discharged by the storage device
  • ploss - Power that was lost by the battery, counted as served load equal to pcharge * (1-η)
  • eloss - Energy that was lost by the battery, counted as served load
  • pcap_inv_sim - power discharge capacity invested in the sim
  • ecap_inv_sim - 8760 * pcapinvsim

Also saves the updated storage table via save_updated_storage_table.

save_updated_storage_table(config, data)

Saves the updated storage table with any additional storage units, updated capacities, etc.

bus_idxInt64E4ST.NAtrueThe index of the bus table that the storage device corresponds to
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not the storage device is in service
build_statusInlineStrings.String15E4ST.NAtrueWhether the storage device is built, 'new, or unbuilt. All storage devices marked new when the storage file is read in will be changed to built. Can also be changed to retired_exog or retired_endog after the simulation is run. See update_build_status!
build_typeAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueWhether the storage device is 'real', 'exog' (exogenously built), or 'endog' (endogenously built)
build_idAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueIdentifier of the build row. For pre-existing storage devices not specified in the build file, this is usually left empty
year_onE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe first year of operation for the storage device. (For new devices this is also the year it was built)
year_unbuiltE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YearfalseThe latest year the generator was known not to be built. Defaults to year_on - 1. Used for past capex accounting.
econ_lifeFloat64E4ST.NumYearstrueThe number of years in the economic lifetime of the storage device.
year_offE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe first year that the storage unit is no longer operating in the simulation, computed from the simulation. Leave as y9999 if an existing storage unit that has not been retired in the simulation yet.
year_shutdownE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe forced (exogenous) shutdown year for the storage unit.
pcap_invFloat64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueOriginal invested nameplate power generation capacity for the storage device. This is the original invested capacity of exogenously built storage devices (even if there have been retirements ), and the original invested capacity in year_on for endogenously built storage devices.
pcap0Float64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueStarting nameplate power discharge capacity for the storage device
pcap_minFloat64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueMinimum nameplate power discharge capacity of the storage device (normally set to zero to allow for retirement)
pcap_maxFloat64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueMaximum nameplate power discharge capacity of the storage device
vomFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWhGeneratedtrueVariable operation and maintenance cost per MWh of energy discharged
fomFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourtrueHourly fixed operation and maintenance cost for a MW of discharge capacity
capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWBuiltCapacityPerHourtrueHourly capital expenditures for a MW of discharge capacity
transmission_capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWBuiltCapacityPerHourfalseHourly capital expenditures for the transmission supporting a MW of discharge capacity
routine_capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourtrueRoutine capital expenditures for a MW of discharge capacity
past_invest_costFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourfalseInvestment costs per MW of initial capacity per hour, for past investments
past_invest_subsidyFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourfalseInvestment subsidies from govt. per MW of initial capacity per hour, for past investments
duration_dischargeFloat64E4ST.HourstrueNumber of hours to fully discharge the storage device, from full.
duration_chargeFloat64E4ST.HoursfalseNumber of hours to fully charge the empty storage device from empty. (Defaults to equal duration_discharge)
storage_efficiencyFloat64E4ST.MWhDischargedPerMWhChargedtrueThe round-trip efficiency of the battery.
sideStringE4ST.NAtrueThe side of the power balance equation to add the charging/discharging to. Can be "gen" or "load"
hour_groupbyStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table to group by. For example day
hour_durationStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table specifying the duration of each representatibe hour
hour_orderStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table specifying the sequence of the hours.
reg_factorFloat64E4ST.NAtrueThe percentage of power that dispatches to a cost-of-service regulated market
areaAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe area with which to filter by. I.e. "state". Leave blank to not filter by area.
subareaAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe subarea to include in the filter. I.e. "maryland". Leave blank to not filter by area.
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not the storage device is in service
build_statusInlineStrings.String15E4ST.NAtrueWhether the storage device is built, 'new, or unbuilt. All storage devices marked new when the storage file is read in will be changed to built. Can also be changed to retired_exog or retired_endog after the simulation is run. See update_build_status!
build_typeAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueWhether the storage device is 'real', 'exog' (exogenously built), or 'endog' (endogenously built)
build_idAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueIdentifier of the build row. Each storage device made using this build spec will inherit this build_id
year_onE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe first year of operation for the storage device. (For new devices this is also the year it was built)
econ_lifeFloat64E4ST.NumYearstrueThe number of years in the economic lifetime of the storage device.
age_shutdownFloat64E4ST.NumYearstrueThe age at which the storage device is no longer operating. I.e. if year_on = y2030 and age_shutdown = 20, then capacity will be 0 in y2040.
year_on_minE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe first year in which a storage device can be built/come online (inclusive). Storage device with no restriction and exogenously built gens will be left blank
year_on_maxE4ST.YearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe last year in which a storage device can be built/come online (inclusive). Storage devices with no restriction and exogenously built gens will be left blank
pcap0Float64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueStarting nameplate power discharge capacity for the storage device
pcap_minFloat64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueMinimum nameplate power discharge capacity of the storage device (normally set to zero to allow for retirement)
pcap_maxFloat64E4ST.MWCapacitytrueMaximum nameplate power discharge capacity of the storage device
vomFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWhGeneratedtrueVariable operation and maintenance cost per MWh of energy discharged
fomFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourtrueHourly fixed operation and maintenance cost for a MW of discharge capacity
capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWBuiltCapacityPerHourtrueHourly capital expenditures for a MW of discharge capacity
transmission_capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWBuiltCapacityPerHourtrueHourly capital expenditures for the transmission supporting a MW of discharge capacity
routine_capexFloat64E4ST.DollarsPerMWCapacityPerHourtrueRouting capital expenditures for a MW of discharge capacity
duration_dischargeFloat64E4ST.HourstrueNumber of hours to fully discharge the storage device, from full.
duration_chargeFloat64E4ST.HoursfalseNumber of hours to fully charge the empty storage device from empty. (Defaults to equal duration_discharge)
storage_efficiencyFloat64E4ST.MWhDischargedPerMWhChargedtrueThe round-trip efficiency of the device.
sideStringE4ST.NAtrueThe side of the power balance equation to add the charging/discharging to. Can be "gen" or "load"
hour_groupbyStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table to group by. For example day
hour_durationStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table specifying the duration of each representatibe hour
hour_orderStringE4ST.NAtrueThe column of the hours table specifying the sequence of the hours.