Reinforcement Learning Basics: Q-learning and SARSA
This note gives a short introduction to Q-learning and SARSA in reinforcement learning.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning aims at making optimal decisions using experiences. In reinforcement learning, an agent interacts with an environment. There are three important concepts in reinforcement learning: states, actions, and rewards. An agent in a certain state takes an action, which results in a reward from the environment and a change of states. In this note, we assume that the states and actions are discrete, and let $\mathcal{S}$ and $\mathcal{A}$ denotes the set of states and actions, respectively.
We first define some important concepts in reinforcement learning:
- Policy. A policy is a function $\pi: \mathcal{S}\rightarrow \mathcal{A}$ that defines the agent's action at a given state.
- Reward. A reward is a function $R: \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ whose value is rewarded to an agent for performing certain actions at a given state. Particularly, the goal of an agent is to maximum the discounted reward
where $\gamma\in (0,1)$ is a discounted factor, and $(s_t, a_t)$ are a sequence of states and actions following a policy $\pi$.
Specifically, in this note we assume that both the policy and the reward function are time-independent and deterministic.
We can now define the quality function (Q-function) for a given policy
here $\pi$ is a given policy
It can be shown that the solution to Equation 1 is given by the policy $\pi$ that satisfies
Q-learning and SARSA
Both Q-learning and SARSA learn the Q-function iteratively. We denote the everchanging Q-function in the iterative process as $Q(s,a)$ (no superscript referring to any policy). When $|\mathcal{S}|<\infty, |\mathcal{A}|<\infty$, $Q(s,a)$ can be tabulated as a $|\mathcal{S}|\times |\mathcal{A}|$ table.
A powerful technique in reinforcment learning is the epsilon-greedy algorithm, which strikes a balance between exploration and exploitation of the state space. To describe the espilon-greedy algorithm, we introduce the stochastic policy$\pi_\epsilon$ given a Q-function:
Here $a'$ is a random variable whose values are in $\mathcal{A}$ (e.g., a uniform random variable over $\mathcal{A}$).
Then the Q-learning update formula can be expressed as
The SARSA update formula can be expressed as
In both cases, $s'$ is the subsequent state given the last action $a$ at state $s$, and $a = \pi_\epsilon(s)$.
The subtle difference between Q-learning and SARSA is how you select your next best action, either max or mean.
To extract the optimal deterministic policy $\pi$ from $\pi_\epsilon$, we only need to define
We use OpenAI gym to perform numerical experiments. We reimplemented the Q-learning algorithm from this post in Julia.
To run the scripts, you need to install the dependencies via
using ADCME
PIP = get_pip()
run(`$PIP install cmake 'gym[atari]'`)