Degree of freedom


AbstractFaceSidePair{A} <: AbstractLazyWrap{A}


  • side_n(a::AbstractFaceSidePair)
  • side_p(a::AbstractFaceSidePair)

Dev notes

Two levels of "LazyMapOver" because first we LazyMapOver the Tuple of argument of the linear form, and the for each item of this Tuple we LazyMapOver the shape functions.

_assemble_linear!(b, l, V, integration::Integration)
_assemble_linear!(b, l, V, integration::MultiIntegration{N}) where {N}

These functions act as a function barrier in order to:

  • get the function corresponding to the operand in the linear form
  • reshape b internally to deal with cases when V is a AbstractMultiTestFESpace
  • call __assemble_linear! to apply dispatch on the type of measure of the integration and improve type stability during the assembling loop.

Dev note:

The case integration::MultiIntegration{N} is treated by looping over each Integration contained in the MultiIntegration


From tuples $a=(a_1, a_2, …, a_i, …, a_m)$ and $b=(b_1, b_2, …, b_j, …, b_n)$, it builds A and B which correspond formally to the following two matrices :

\[A \equiv \begin{pmatrix} a_1 & a_1 & ⋯ & a_1\\ a_2 & a_2 & ⋯ & a_2\\ ⋮ & ⋮ & ⋮ & ⋮ \\ a_m & a_m & ⋯ & a_m \end{pmatrix} \qquad and \qquad B \equiv \begin{pmatrix} b_1 & b_2 & ⋯ & b_n\\ b_1 & b_2 & ⋯ & b_n\\ ⋮ & ⋮ & ⋮ & ⋮ \\ b_1 & b_2 & ⋯ & b_n \end{pmatrix}\]

A and B are wrapped in LazyMapOver structures so that all operations on them are done elementwise by default (in other words, it can be considered that the operations are automatically broadcasted).

Dev note :

Both A and B are stored as a tuple of tuples, wrapped by LazyMapOver, where inner tuples correspond to each columns of a matrix. This hierarchical structure reduces both inference and compile times by avoiding the use of large tuples.

_diag_tuples(diag::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}, b) where N

Return N tuples of length N. For each tuple tᵢ, its values are defined so that tᵢ[k]=diag[k] if k==i, tᵢ[k]=b otherwise. The result can be seen as a dense diagonal-like array using tuple.

Example for N=3:

(diag[1],  b,       b      ),
(b,        diag[2], b      ),
(b,        b,       diag[3]))

For N=3 for example: (LazyMapOver((LazyMapOver(V[1]), NullOperator(), NullOperator())), LazyMapOver((NullOperator(), LazyMapOver(V[2]), NullOperator())), LazyMapOver((NullOperator(), NullOperator(), LazyMapOver(V[3]))))


For AbstractMultiTestFESpace, it creates a Tuple (of views) of the different "destination" in the vector: one for each FESpace

assemble_bilinear(a::Function, U, V)

Assemble the (sparse) Matrix corresponding to the given bilinear form a on the trial and test finite element spaces U and V.

For the in-place version, check-out assemble_bilinear!.


  • a::Function : function of two variables (u,v) representing the bilinear form
  • U : trial finite element space (for u)
  • V : test finite element space (for v)


julia> mesh = rectangle_mesh(3,3)
julia> U = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 0), mesh)
julia> V = TestFESpace(U)
julia> dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 3)
julia> a(u, v) = ∫(u * v)dΩ
julia> assemble_bilinear(a, U, V)
4×4 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:
 0.25   ⋅     ⋅     ⋅
  ⋅    0.25   ⋅     ⋅
  ⋅     ⋅    0.25   ⋅
  ⋅     ⋅     ⋅    0.25
assemble_linear(l::Function, V::Union{TestFESpace, AbstractMultiTestFESpace})

Assemble the vector corresponding to a linear form l on the finite element space V

For the in-place version, checkout assemble_linear!.


  • l::Function : linear form to assemble, a function of one variable l(v)
  • V : test finite element space


julia> mesh = rectangle_mesh(3,3)
julia> U = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 0), mesh)
julia> V = TestFESpace(U)
julia> dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 3)
julia> l(v) = ∫(v)dΩ
julia> assemble_linear(l, V)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Dev notes:

Return blockU and blockV to be able to compute the local matrix corresponding to the bilinear form :

\[ A[i,j] = a(λᵤ[j], λᵥ[i])\]

where λᵤ and λᵥ are the shape functions associated with the trial U and the test V function spaces respectively. In a "map-over" version, it can be written :

\[ A = a(blockU, blockV)\]

where blockU and blockV correspond formally to the lazy-map-over matrices :

\[ ∀k, blockU[k,j] = λᵤ[j], blockV[i,k] = λᵥ[i]\]


Dev note :

Materialize the integrand function on all the different possible Tuples of v=(v1,0,0,...), (0,v2,0,...), ..., (..., vi, ...)

blockmap_shape_functions(fespace::AbstractFESpace, cellinfo::AbstractCellInfo)

Return all shape functions a = LazyMapOver((λ₁, λ₂, …, λₙ)) corresponding to fespace in cell cellinfo. These shape functions are wrapped by a LazyMapOver so that for a function f it gives: f(a) == map(f, a)

blockmap_shape_functions(multiFESpace::AbstractMultiFESpace, cellinfo::AbstractCellInfo)

Return all shape functions corresponding to each fespace in multiFESSpace for cell cellinfo :

\[ ((v₁, ∅, ∅, …), (∅, v₂, ∅, …), …, ( …, ∅, ∅, vₙ))\]


  • vᵢ = (λᵢ₁, λᵢ₂, …, λᵢ_ₘ) are the shapes functions of the i-th fespace in the cell.
  • ∅ are NullOperators

Note that the LazyMapOver is used to wrap recursively the result.


Compute an integral, independently from a FEM/DG framework (i.e without FESpace)

Return a SparseVector. The indices of the domain elements are used to store the result of the integration in this sparse vector.


Compute volume of each cell and each face.

mesh = rectangle_mesh(2, 3)
dΩ = Measure(CellDomain(mesh), 1)
dΓ = Measure(BoundaryFaceDomain(mesh), 1)
f = PhysicalFunction(x -> 1)
@show Bcube.compute(∫(f)dΩ)
@show Bcube.compute(∫(side⁻(f))dΓ)



The DofHandler handles the degree of freedom numbering. To each degree of freedom is associated a unique integer.


DofHandler(mesh::Mesh, fSpace::AbstractFunctionSpace, ncomponents::Int, isContinuous::Bool)

Constructor of a DofHandler for a SingleFESpace on a Mesh.

deal_with_dofs_on_edges!(dict, iglob, offset, c2n, celltypes, icell::Int, inodes_g, e2n_g, s::AbstractShape, kvar::Int, fs)

Function dealing with dofs shared by different cell through an edge connection (excluding bord vertices).

TODO : remove kvar


  • dict may be modified by this routine
  • iglob may be modified by this routine
  • offset may be modified by this routine
  • fs : FunctionSpace of var kvar
  • icell : cell index
  • kvar : var index
  • s : shape of icell-th cell
  • inodes_g : global indices of nodes of icell
deal_with_dofs_on_vertices!(dict, iglob, offset, icell::Int, inodes_g, s::AbstractShape, kvar::Int, fs)

Function dealing with dofs shared by different cell through a vertex connection.

TODO : remove kvar


  • dict may be modified by this routine
  • iglob may be modified by this routine
  • offset may be modified by this routine
  • fs : FunctionSpace of var kvar
  • icell : cell index
  • kvar : var index
  • s : shape of icell-th cell
  • inodes_g : global indices of nodes of icell
get_dof(dhl::DofHandler, icell, icomp::Int, idof::Int)

Global index of the idof local degree of freedom of component icomp in cell icell.


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1)))
@show get_dof(dhl, 1, 1, 1)
get_dof(dhl::DofHandler, icell, icomp::Int)

Global indices of all the dofs of a given component in a given cell


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1)))
@show get_dof(dhl, 1, 1)
get_ndofs(dhl, icell, icomp::Vector{Int})

Number of dofs for a given set of components in a given cell.


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1); size = 2))
@show get_ndofs(dhl, 1, [1, 2])
get_ndofs(dhl, icell, kvar::Int)

Number of dofs for a given variable in a given cell.


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1)))
@show get_ndofs(dhl, 1, 1)
get_ndofs(dhl::DofHandler, icell)

Number of dofs for a given cell.

Note that for a vector variable, the total (accross all components) number of dofs is returned.


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1)))
@show get_ndofs(dhl, 1, :u)

Total number of dofs. This function takes into account that dofs can be shared by multiple cells.


mesh = one_cell_mesh(:line)
dhl = DofHandler(mesh, Variable(:u, FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, 1)))
@show get_ndofs(dhl::DofHandler)

Count maximum number of dofs per cell, all components mixed