How to... (FAQ)
Build your own LazyOperator
Imagine that you want some kind of function (~operator) that has a different behavior depending on the cell (or face) it is applied to. The PhysicalFunction
won't do the job since it is assumed that the provided function applies the same way in all the different cells. What you want is a LazyOperator
. Here is how to build a custom one.
For the example, let's say that you want an operator whose action is to multiply x
, the evaluated point, by the index of the cell surrounding x
. Start importing some Bcube material and by declaring a type corresponding to this operator:
using Bcube
import Bcube: CellInfo, CellPoint, get_coords
struct DummyOperator <: Bcube.AbstractLazy end
Then, specify what happens when Bcube
asks for the restriction of your operator in a given cell. This is done before applying it to any point. In most case, you don't want to do anything special, so just return the operator itself:
Bcube.materialize(op::DummyOperator, ::CellInfo) = op
Now, specify what to return when Bcube
wants to apply this operator on a given point in a cell. As said earlier, we want it the return the point, multiplied by the cell index (but it could be anything you want):
function Bcube.materialize(
x = get_coords(cPoint)
cInfo = Bcube.get_cellinfo(cPoint)
index = Bcube.cellindex(cInfo)
return x * index
That's it! To see your operator in action, take a look at the related section.
In this short example, note that we restricted ourselves to CellPoint
: the DummyOperator
won't be applicable to a face. To do so, you have to specialize the materialization on a Side
of a FaceInfo
and on a Side
of a FacePoint
. Checkout the source code for TangentialProjector
to see this in action. Besides, the CellPoint
is parametrized by a DomainStyle
, allowing to specify different behavior depending on if your operator is applied to a point in the ReferenceDomain
or in the PhysicalDomain
Evaluate a LazyOperator
on a specific point
Suppose that you have built a mesh and defined a LazyOperator
on this mesh and you want, for debug purpose, evaluate this operator on a point of your choice. First, let's define our example operator:
using Bcube
mesh = circle_mesh(10)
op = Bcube.TangentialProjector()
Then, let's define the point where we want to evaluate this operator. For this, we need to create a so-called CellPoint
. It's structure is quite basic : it needs the coordinates, the mesh cell owning these coordinates, and if the coordinates are given in the ReferenceDomain
or in the PhysicalDomain
. Here, we will select the first cell of the mesh, and choose the coordinates [0.5]
(recall that we are in 1D, hence this vector of one component):
cInfo = Bcube.CellInfo(mesh, 1)
cPoint = Bcube.CellPoint([0.5], cInfo, Bcube.ReferenceDomain())
Now, they are always two steps to evaluate a LazyOperator
. First we need to materialize it on a cell (or a face) and then to evaluate it on a cell-point (or face-point). The materialization on a cell does not necessarily triggers something, it depends on the operator. For instance, an analytic function will not have a specific behaviour depending on the cell; however a shape function will.
op_cell = Bcube.materialize(op, cInfo)
Finally, we can apply our operator on the cell point defined above and observe the result. It is also called a "materialization":
@show Bcube.materialize(op_cell, cPoint)
Note that before and after the materialization on a cell point, the operator can be displayed as a tree with
Get the coordinates of Lagrange dofs
For a Lagrange "uniform" function space, the dofs corresponds to vertices. The following lagrange_dof_to_coords
function returns a matrix : each line contains the coordinates of the dof corresponding to the line number.
function lagrange_dof_to_coords(mesh, degree)
U = TrialFESpace(FunctionSpace(:Lagrange, degree), mesh)
coords = map(1:Bcube.spacedim(mesh)) do i
f = PhysicalFunction(x -> x[i])
u = FEFunction(U)
projection_l2!(u, f, mesh)
return get_dof_values(u)
return hcat(coords...)
For instance:
using Bcube
mesh = rectangle_mesh(2, 3; xmin = 1, xmax = 2, ymin = 3, ymax = 5)
coords = lagrange_dof_to_coords(mesh, 1)
@show coords[2] # coordinates of dof '2' in the global numbering
Comparing manually the benchmarks with main
Let's say you want to compare the performance of your current branch (named "target" hereafter) with the main
branch (named "baseline" hereafter).
Open from Bcube.jl/
a REPL and type:
pkg> activate --temp
pkg> add BenchmarkTools PkgBenchmark StaticArrays WriteVTK UnPack
pkg> dev .
using PkgBenchmark
import Bcube
benchmarkpkg(Bcube, BenchmarkConfig(; env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => "1")); resultfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "result-target.json"))
This will create a result-target.json
in the current directory.
Then checkout the main
branch. Start a fresh REPL and type (almost the same):
pkg> activate --temp
pkg> add BenchmarkTools PkgBenchmark StaticArrays WriteVTK UnPack
pkg> dev .
using PkgBenchmark
import Bcube
benchmarkpkg(Bcube, BenchmarkConfig(; env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => "1")); resultfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "result-baseline.json"))
This will create a result-baseline.json
in the current directory.
You can now "compare" the two files by running (watch-out for the order):
target = PkgBenchmark.readresults("result-target.json")
baseline = PkgBenchmark.readresults("result-baseline.json")
judgement = judge(target, baseline)
export_markdown("", judgement)
This will create the markdown file
with the results.
For more details, once you've built the judgement
object, you can also type the following code from
open("", "w") do io
println(io, "# Judge result")
export_markdown(io, judgement)
println(io, "---")
println(io, "# Target result")
export_markdown(io, PkgBenchmark.target_result(judgement))
println(io, "---")
println(io, "# Baseline result")
export_markdown(io, PkgBenchmark.baseline_result(judgement))
println(io, "---")
Run the benchmark manually
Let's say you want to run the benchmarks locally (without comparing with main
Open from Bcube.jl/
a REPL and type:
pkg> activate --temp
pkg> add BenchmarkTools PkgBenchmark StaticArrays WriteVTK UnPack
pkg> dev .
using PkgBenchmark
import Bcube
results = benchmarkpkg(Bcube, BenchmarkConfig(; env = Dict("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => "1")); resultfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "result.json"))
export_markdown("", results)
This will create the markdown file
with the results.