
Extended Corresponding states Model

ExtendedCorrespondingStates <: EoSModel

function ECS(components,
    shaperef = SRK(refmodel.components))

Input Models

  • shape_model: shape model
  • shape_ref: shape reference. is the same type of EoS that shape_model
  • model_ref: Reference model


A Extended Corresponding states method.

The idea is to use a "shape model" that provides a corresponding states parameters and a "reference model" that implements a helmholtz energy function, so that:

eos(shape_model,v,T,x)/RT = eos(model_ref,v₀,T₀)/RT₀    


T₀ = T/f
v₀ = v/h
f,h = shape_factors(model::ECS,shape_ref::EoSModel,V,T,z)

shape_factors can be used to create custom Extended Corresponding state models.


.1 Mollerup, J. (1998). Unification of the two-parameter equation of state and the principle of corresponding states. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 148(1–2), 1–19. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(98)00230-1


Returns f and h scaling factors, used by the ECS Equation of state.

eos(shape_model,v,T,x)/RT = eos(model_ref,v₀,T₀)/RT₀    


T₀ = T/f
v₀ = v/h

For cubics, a general procedure is defined in [1]:

h = b/b₀
fh = a(T)/a₀(T₀)
General Shape Factors?

For general EoS, there is no existent publications on how to obtain shape factors. However, we can "map" any EoS to a cubic with:

b ≈ lb_volume(model,z)
a ≈ RT*(b - B)
B = second_virial_coefficient(model,T)

This is not tested extensively and it is considered an Experimental feature, subject to future changes.


  1. Mollerup, J. (1998). Unification of the two-parameter equation of state and the principle of corresponding states. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 148(1–2), 1–19. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(98)00230-1
function function SPUNG(components,
    shaperef = SRK(refmodel.components))


SPUNG: State Research Program for Utilization of Natural Gas

ECS method. It uses SRK as the shape model and PropaneRef as the reference model.


  1. Wilhelmsen, Ø., Skaugen, G., Jørstad, O., & Li, H. (2012). Evaluation of SPUNG* and other equations of state for use in carbon capture and storage modelling. Energy Procedia, 23, 236–245. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.06.024
LKP <: EmpiricHelmholtzModel

Input parameters

  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • Pc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Pressure [Pa]
  • Vc: Single Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Critical Volume [m^3]
  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • acentricfactor: Single Parameter (Float64) - Acentric Factor (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - binary interaction parameter (no units)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Lee-Kesler-Plöker equation of state. corresponding states using interpolation between a simple, spherical fluid (methane, ) and a reference fluid (n-octane, ref):

αᵣ = (1 - ωᵣ)*αᵣ(δr,τ,params(∅)) + ωᵣ*αᵣ(δr,τ,params(ref))
τ = Tr/T
δr = Vr/V/Zr
Zr = Pr*Vr/(R*Tr)
Pr = (0.2905 - 0.085*ω̄)*R*Tr/Vr
ωᵣ = (ω̄ - ω(∅))/(ω(ref) - ω(∅))
ω̄ = ∑xᵢωᵢ
Tr = ∑xᵢ*xⱼ*Tcᵢⱼ*Vcᵢⱼ^η * (1-kᵢⱼ)
Vr = ∑xᵢ*xⱼ*Tcᵢⱼ*Vcᵢⱼ
Tcᵢⱼ = √Tcᵢ*Tcⱼ
Vcᵢⱼ = 0.125*(∛Vcᵢ + ∛Vcⱼ)^3
η = 0.25

Model Construction Examples

# Using the default database
model = LKP("water") #single input
model = LKP(["water","ethanol"]) #multiple components
model = LKP(["water","ethanol"], idealmodel = ReidIdeal) #modifying ideal model

# Passing a prebuilt model

my_idealmodel = MonomerIdeal(["neon","hydrogen"];userlocations = (;Mw = [20.17, 2.]))
model =  LKP(["neon","hydrogen"],idealmodel = my_idealmodel)

# User-provided parameters, passing files or folders
model = LKP(["neon","hydrogen"]; userlocations = ["path/to/my/db","lkp/my_k_values.csv"])

# User-provided parameters, passing parameters directly

model = LKP(["neon","hydrogen"];
        userlocations = (;Tc = [44.492,33.19],
                        Pc = [2679000, 1296400],
                        Vc = [4.25e-5, 6.43e-5],
                        Mw = [20.17, 2.],
                        acentricfactor = [-0.03,-0.21]
                        k = [0. 0.18; 0.18 0.]) #k,l can be ommited in single-component models.


  1. Plöcker, U., Knapp, H., & Prausnitz, J. (1978). Calculation of high-pressure vapor-liquid equilibria from a corresponding-states correlation with emphasis on asymmetric mixtures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development, 17(3), 324–332. doi:10.1021/i260067a020

Sanchez-Lacombe Model

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
mixing = SLk0k1lMixingRule,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
mixing_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = false,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Nonbonded interaction energy per monomer [J/mol]
  • vol: Single Parameter (Float64) - Closed Packed Specific volume [m^3/mol]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Nonbonded interaction energy per monomer [J/mol]
  • vol: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Closed Packed Specific volume [m^3/mol]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • mixing: Mixing model


Sanchez-Lacombe Lattice Fluid Equation of State.

xᵢ = zᵢ/∑zᵢ
r̄ = ∑xᵢrᵢ
vᵣ,εᵣ = mix_vε(model,V,T,z,model.mixing,r̄,∑zᵢ)
ρ̃ = r̄*vᵣ/v
T̃ = R̄*T/εᵣ
aᵣ = r̄*(- ρ̃ /T̃ + (1/ρ̃  - 1)*log(1 - ρ̃ ) + 1)


  1. Neau, E. (2002). A consistent method for phase equilibrium calculation using the Sanchez–Lacombe lattice–fluid equation-of-state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 203(1–2), 133–140. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(02)00176-0
mix_vε(model::SanchezLacombeModel,V,T,z,mix::SLMixingRule,r̄ = @f(rmix),∑z = sum(z))

Function used to dispatch on the different mixing rules available for Sanchez-Lacombe.


function mix_vε(model::SanchezLacombe,V,T,z,mix::SLKRule,r̄,Σz = sum(z))
    v = model.params.vol.values
    ε = model.params.epsilon.values
    r = model.params.segment.values
    k = mix.k.values
    x = z ./ Σz
    ϕ = @. r * x / r̄
    εᵣ = sum(ε[i,j]*(1-k[i,j])*ϕ[i]*ϕ[j] for i ∈ @comps for j ∈ @comps)
    vᵣ = sum(v[i,j]*ϕ[i]*ϕ[j] for i ∈ @comps for j ∈ @comps)
    return vᵣ,εᵣ
SLKRule(components; userlocations = String[], verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Parameter (no units)

Constant Kᵢⱼ mixing rule for Sanchez-Lacombe:

εᵢⱼ = √εᵢεⱼ*(1-kᵢⱼ)
vᵢⱼ = (vᵢ + vⱼ)/2
ϕᵢ = rᵢ*xᵢ/r̄
εᵣ = ΣΣϕᵢϕⱼεᵢⱼ
vᵣ = ΣΣϕᵢϕⱼvᵢⱼ
SLKRule(components; userlocations = String[], verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • k0,k: Pair Parameter (Float64, optional) - Binary Interaction Parameter (no units)
  • k1: Pair Parameter (Float64, optional) - Binary Interaction Parameter (no units)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64,optional) - Binary Interaction Parameter (no units)

Neau's Consistent k₀,k₁,l mixing rule for Sanchez-Lacombe:

εᵢⱼ = √εᵢεⱼ
vᵢⱼ = (1 - lᵢⱼ)(vᵢ + vⱼ)/2
ϕᵢ = rᵢ*xᵢ/r̄
εᵣ = ΣΣϕᵢϕⱼεᵢⱼ*(1 - k₀ᵢⱼ + (1 - δᵢⱼ)(Σϕₖk₁ᵢₖ + Σϕₖk₁ₖⱼ))
vᵣ = ΣΣϕᵢϕⱼvᵢⱼ

Where δᵢⱼ is i == j ? 1 : 0


  1. Neau, E. (2002). A consistent method for phase equilibrium calculation using the Sanchez–Lacombe lattice–fluid equation-of-state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 203(1–2), 133–140. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(02)00176-0

Other molecular Models

PeTSModel <: EoSModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false)

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Perturbed, Truncated and Shifted (PeTS) Equation of State.


  1. Heier, M., Stephan, S., Liu, J., Chapman, W. G., Hasse, H., & Langenbach, K. (2018). Equation of state for the Lennard-Jones truncated and shifted fluid with a cut-off radius of 2.5 σ based on perturbation theory and its applications to interfacial thermodynamics. Molecular Physics, 116(15–16), 2083–2094. doi:10.1080/00268976.2018.1447153