
SAFT Models

ogSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


(original) Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (og-SAFT) Equation of State


  1. Chapman, W. G., Gubbins, K. E., Jackson, G., & Radosz, M. (1989). SAFT: Equation-of-state solution model for associating fluids. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 52, 31–38. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(89)80308-5
  2. Chapman, W. G., Gubbins, K. E., Jackson, G., & Radosz, M. (1990). New reference equation of state for associating liquids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 29(8), 1709–1721. doi:10.1021/ie00104a021
CKSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • vol: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Volume [dm^3]
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • c: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dispersion T-dependent parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • c: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dispersion T-dependent parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Chen and Kreglewski SAFT (CK-SAFT)


  1. Huang, S. H., & Radosz, M. (1990). Equation of state for small, large, polydisperse, and associating molecules. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 29(11), 2284–2294. doi:10.1021/ie00107a014
  2. Huang, S. H., & Radosz, M. (1991). Equation of state for small, large, polydisperse, and associating molecules: extension to fluid mixtures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30(8), 1994–2005. doi:10.1021/ie00056a050

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • vol: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Volume [dm^3]
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Simplified Chen and Kreglewski SAFT (sCK-SAFT)


  1. Huang, S. H., & Radosz, M. (1990). Equation of state for small, large, polydisperse, and associating molecules. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 29(11), 2284–2294. doi:10.1021/ie00107a014
  2. Huang, S. H., & Radosz, M. (1991). Equation of state for small, large, polydisperse, and associating molecules: extension to fluid mixtures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30(8), 1994–2005. doi:10.1021/ie00056a050
  3. Fu, Y.-H., & Sandler, S. I. (1995). A simplified SAFT equation of state for associating compounds and mixtures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 34(5), 1897–1909. doi:10.1021/ie00044a042

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • vol: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Volume [dm^3]
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K/mol]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • c: Single Parameter (Float64) - Adjustable parameter (no units)
  • alpha: Single Parameter (Float64) - Non-spherical deviation (no units)

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • c: Single Parameter (Float64) - Adjustable parameter (no units)
  • alpha: Single Parameter (Float64) - Non-spherical deviation (no units)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model




  1. Mi, J.-G., Chen, J., Gao, G.-H., & Fei, W.-Y. (2002). Equation of state extended from SAFT with improved results for polar fluids across the critical point. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 201(2), 295–307. doi:10.1016/s0378-3812(02)00093-6
PCSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Perturbed-Chain SAFT (PC-SAFT)


  1. Gross, J., & Sadowski, G. (2001). Perturbed-chain SAFT: An equation of state based on a perturbation theory for chain molecules. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40(4), 1244–1260. doi:10.1021/ie0003887
  2. Gross, J., & Sadowski, G. (2002). Application of the perturbed-chain SAFT equation of state to associating systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(22), 5510–5515. doi:10.1021/ie010954d


idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Dipole moment [D]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Perturbed-Chain Polar SAFT (PCP-SAFT)


  1. Gross, J., & Vrabec, J. (2005). An equation-of-state contribution for polar components: Dipolar molecules. AIChE Journal, 52(3), 856-1282. doi:10.1002/aic.10683

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • quadrupole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Quadrupole moment [DA°]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • quadrupole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Quadrupole moment [DA°]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Polar Perturbed-Chain SAFT, including Quadrupolar interaction contributions (Q-PCP-SAFT)


  1. Gross, J. (2005). An equation-of-state contribution for polar components: Quadrupolar molecules. AIChE Journal, 51(9), 2556-2568. doi:10.1002/aic.10502
  2. Gross, J., & Vrabec, J. (2008). Vapor−Liquid Equilibria Simulation and an Equation of State Contribution for Dipole−Quadrupole Interactions. J. Phys. Chem. B, 112(1), 51-60. doi:10.1021/jp072619u
HomogcPCPSAFTModel <: PCPSAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • m: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Homosegmented Group-contribution Polar Perturbed-Chain SAFT (Homo-gc-PCP-SAFT)


  1. Sauer, E., Stavrou, M., Gross, J. (2014). Comparison between a Homo- and a Heterosegmented Group Contribution Approach Based on the Perturbed-Chain Polar Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Equation of State. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(38), 14854-14864. doi:10.1021/ie502203w

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • m: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • dipole: Single Parameter (Float64) - Dipole moment [D]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Heterosegmented Group-contribution Polar Perturbed-Chain SAFT (Hetero-gc-PCP-SAFT)


  1. Gross, J., Spuhl, O., Tumakaka, F. & Sadowski, G. (2003). Modeling Copolymer Systems Using the Perturbed-Chain SAFT Equation of State. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, 1266-1274. doi:10.1021/ie020509y
  2. Sauer, E., Stavrou, M. & Gross, J. (2014). Comparison between a Homo- and a Heterosegmented Group Contribution Approach Based on the Perturbed-Chain Polar Statistical Associating Fluid Theory Equation of State. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(38), 14854–14864. doi:10.1021/ie502203w

List of available groups

CH2=Terminal alkene
C#CHTerminal alkyne
cCH2_penCyclic pentane group
cCH2_hexCyclic hexane group
aCHAromatic group
OHHydroxyl group
NH2Amine group

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Simplified Perturbed-Chain SAFT (sPC-SAFT)


  1. von Solms, N., Michelsen, M. L., & Kontogeorgis, G. M. (2003). Computational and physical performance of a modified PC-SAFT equation of state for highly asymmetric and associating mixtures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42(5), 1098–1105. doi:10.1021/ie020753p
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • m: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Group-contribution version of Simplified Perturbed-Chain SAFT (sPC-SAFT)


  1. Tihic, A., Kontogeorgis, G.M., von Solms, N., Michelsen, M.L. (2008). A predictive group-contribution simplified PC-SAFT equation of state: Application to polymer systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 47(15), 5092-5101. doi:10.1021/ie0710768
pharmaPCSAFTModel <: PCSAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Constant binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • kT: Pair Parameter (Float64) - T-dependent inary Interaction Paramater [K^-1]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Constant binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • kT: Pair Parameter (Float64) - T-dependent inary Interaction Paramater [K^-1]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Perturbed-Chain SAFT (PC-SAFT), with T dependent kij and water correlation [2] for segment diameter. For using the water's sigma correlation, water08 should be selected instead of water.


  1. Paus, R., Ji, Y., Vahle, L., & Sadowski, G. (2015). Predicting the solubility advantage of amorphous pharmaceuticals: A novel thermodynamic approach. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 12(8), 2823–2833. doi:10.1021/mp500824d
  2. Cameretti, L. F., & Sadowski, G. (2008). Modeling of aqueous amino acid and polypeptide solutions with PC-SAFT. Genie Des Procedes [Chemical Engineering and Processing], 47(6), 1018–1025. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2007.02.034

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • delta: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical volume displacement (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • delta: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical volume displacement (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Critical Point-Based PC-SAFT (CP-PC-SAFT)


  1. Polishuk, I. (2014). Standardized critical point-based numerical solution of statistical association fluid theory parameters: The perturbed chain-statistical association fluid theory equation of state revisited. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(36), 14127–14141. doi:10.1021/ie502633e

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • activity: Activity model


Perturbed-Chain SAFT (PC-SAFT), with Gᴱ mixing rule.


  1. Walker, P. J. (2022). Toward advanced, predictive mixing rules in SAFT equations of state. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03464
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • r_c: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c2: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c3: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • theta_c: Association Parameter (Float64)

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • r_c: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c2: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • c3: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume
  • theta_c: Association Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


modified Perturbed-Chain SAFT (PC-SAFT) with an association dependent hard sphere diameter.Currently only works for water.

numerically unstable

Due to its functional form, DAPT is numerically unstable. Please use big Floats for most calculations.


  1. Marshall, B. D. (2021). A modified perturbed chain‐statistical associating fluid theory equation of state for water which includes an association dependent hard sphere diameter. AIChE Journal. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 67(10). doi:10.1002/aic.17342
LJSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • b: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Volume [dm^3/mol]
  • T_tilde: Single Parameter (Float64) - Lennard-Jones attraction parameter [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater for energy(no units)
  • zeta: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Binary Interaction Paramater for volume (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment covolume [dm^3/mol]
  • T_tilde: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Lennard-Jones attraction parameter [K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Perturbed-Chain SAFT (PC-SAFT)


  1. Kraska, T., & Gubbins, K. E. (1996). Phase equilibria calculations with a modified SAFT equation of state. 1. Pure alkanes, alkanols, and water. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35(12), 4727–4737. doi:10.1021/ie9602320
softSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Soft SAFT, with Lennard-Jones function from Johnson et al. (1993)


  1. Johnson, J. K., Zollweg, J. A., & Gubbins, K. E. (1993). The Lennard-Jones equation of state revisited. Molecular physics, 78(3), 591–618. doi:10.1080/00268979300100411
  2. FELIPE J. BLAS and LOURDES F. VEGA. (1997). Thermodynamic behaviour of homonuclear and heteronuclear Lennard-Jones chains with association sites from simulation and theory. Molecular physics, 92(1), 135–150. doi:10.1080/002689797170707
softSAFT2016Model <: softSAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Soft SAFT, with Lennard-Jones function from Thol et al. (2016)


  1. FELIPE J. BLAS and LOURDES F. VEGA. (1997). Thermodynamic behaviour of homonuclear and heteronuclear Lennard-Jones chains with association sites from simulation and theory. Molecular physics, 92(1), 135–150. doi:10.1080/002689797170707
  2. Thol, M., Rutkai, G., Köster, A., Lustig, R., Span, R., & Vrabec, J. (2016). Equation of state for the Lennard-Jones fluid. Journal of physical and chemical reference data, 45(2), 023101. doi:10.1063/1.4945000
solidsoftSAFTModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Soft SAFT equation of state for the solid phase.


  1. Johnson, J. K., Zollweg, J. A., & Gubbins, K. E. (1993). Modelling the solid–liquid–vapour phase behaviour ofn-alkanes in a TPT-1framework. Molecular physics, 78(3), 591–618. doi:10.1080/00268979300100411
  2. FELIPE J. BLAS and LOURDES F. VEGA. (1997). Thermodynamic behaviour of homonuclear and heteronuclear Lennard-Jones chains with association sites from simulation and theory. Molecular physics, 92(1), 135–150. doi:10.1080/002689797170707
  3. Ramírez-Carpio, V., Galindo, A., & Gil-Villegas, A. (2023). Modelling the solid–liquid–vapour phase behaviour of n -alkanes in a TPT-1 framework. Molecular Physics, 121(19–20). doi:10.1080/00268976.2023.2204150

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda: Single Parameter (Float64) - Soft Well range parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Soft Well range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


SAFT, Variable Range (VR) ,Square Well (SW)


  1. Gil-Villegas, A., Galindo, A., Whitehead, P. J., Mills, S. J., Jackson, G., & Burgess, A. N. (1997). Statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules with attractive potentials of variable range. The Journal of chemical physics, 106(10), 4168–4186. doi:10.1063/1.473101
SAFTVRMieModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


SAFT-VR with Mie potential


  1. Lafitte, T., Apostolakou, A., Avendaño, C., Galindo, A., Adjiman, C. S., Müller, E. A., & Jackson, G. (2013). Accurate statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules formed from Mie segments. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(15), 154504. doi:10.1063/1.4819786
  2. Dufal, S., Lafitte, T., Haslam, A. J., Galindo, A., Clark, G. N. I., Vega, C., & Jackson, G. (2015). The A in SAFT: developing the contribution of association to the Helmholtz free energy within a Wertheim TPT1 treatment of generic Mie fluids. Molecular Physics, 113(9–10), 948–984. doi:10.1080/00268976.2015.1029027
SAFTVRMie15Model <: SAFTVRMieModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


SAFT-VR with Mie potential and the Mie association kernel


  1. Lafitte, T., Apostolakou, A., Avendaño, C., Galindo, A., Adjiman, C. S., Müller, E. A., & Jackson, G. (2013). Accurate statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules formed from Mie segments. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(15), 154504. doi:10.1063/1.4819786
  2. Dufal, S., Lafitte, T., Haslam, A. J., Galindo, A., Clark, G. N. I., Vega, C., & Jackson, G. (2015). The A in SAFT: developing the contribution of association to the Helmholtz free energy within a Wertheim TPT1 treatment of generic Mie fluids. Molecular Physics, 113(9–10), 948–984. doi:10.1080/00268976.2015.1029027

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Quantum-Corrected SAFT-VR Mie. In particular, it uses the second order Feynman–Hibbs corrections to the Mie Potential


  1. Aasen, A., Hammer, M., Ervik, Å., Müller, E. A., & Wilhelmsen, Ø. (2019). Equation of state and force fields for Feynman–Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. I. Application to pure helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(6), 064508. doi:10.1063/1.5111364
  2. Aasen, A., Hammer, M., Müller, E. A., & Wilhelmsen, Ø. (2020). Equation of state and force fields for Feynman-Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. II. Application to mixtures of helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(7), 074507. doi:10.1063/1.5136079
SAFTVRSMieModel <: SAFTModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


SAFT-VR with Mie potential for the solid phase using WCA perturbation theory.


  1. Jalani, Y., Ramrattana, N., Walker, P.J., Riedemann, A., Galindo, A., Mater, O. K., & Müller, E. A. (2024). SAFT-VR Mie Equation of State for the Solid and Fluid Phases. (in preparation)
SAFTgammaMie <: SAFTModel

SAFTgammaMie(components; idealmodel = BasicIdeal, userlocations = String[], groupuserlocations = String[], idealuserlocations = String[], epsilonmixing = :default, referencestate = nothing, verbose = false, assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • vst: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • S: Single Parameter (Float64) - Shape factor for segment (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Model Parameters

  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • shapefactor: Single Parameter (Float64) - Shape factor for segment (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


SAFT-γ-Mie EoS

!! info You can choose between the Hudsen-McCoubrey combining rule (√(ϵᵢ*ϵⱼ)*(σᵢ^3 * σⱼ^3)/σᵢⱼ^6) or the default rule (√(ϵᵢ*ϵⱼ*(σᵢ^3 * σⱼ^3))/σᵢⱼ^3) by passing the epsilon_mixing argument. with arguments :default or :hudsen_mccoubrey


  1. Papaioannou, V., Lafitte, T., Avendaño, C., Adjiman, C. S., Jackson, G., Müller, E. A., & Galindo, A. (2014). Group contribution methodology based on the statistical associating fluid theory for heteronuclear molecules formed from Mie segments. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 140(5), 054107. doi:10.1063/1.4851455
  2. Dufal, S., Papaioannou, V., Sadeqzadeh, M., Pogiatzis, T., Chremos, A., Adjiman, C. S., … Galindo, A. (2014). Prediction of thermodynamic properties and phase behavior of fluids and mixtures with the SAFT-γ Mie group-contribution equation of state. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 59(10), 3272–3288. doi:10.1021/je500248h

List of available groups

aCHAromatic CH
CH2=Alkene group
cCH2Cyclic alkane group
COOHCarboxylic acid group
COOEster group
CH2OHMethylene hydroxyl group
NH2Amine group
eOEnd ether oxygen
cOCenter ether oxygen
structSAFTgammaMie <: SAFTgammaMieModel

idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
group_userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
epsilon_mixing = :default,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • vst: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • S: Single Parameter (Float64) - Shape factor for segment (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Model Parameters

  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • shapefactor: Single Parameter (Float64) - Shape factor for segment (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • lambda_a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Atractive range parameter (no units)
  • lambda_r: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Repulsive range parameter (no units)
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


s-SAFT-γ-Mie EoS


  1. Shaahmadi,, F., Hurter, R.M., Burger, A.J., Cripwell, J.T. (2021). Improving the SAFT-γ Mie equation of state to account for functional group interactions in a structural (s-SAFT-γ Mie) framework: Linear and branched alkanes. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 244102. doi:10.1063/5.0048315
  2. Schulze-Hulbe, A., Shaahmadi, F., Burger, A.J., Cripwell, J.T. (2022). Extending the Structural (s)-SAFT-γ Mie Equation of State to Primary Alcohols. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 61 (33), 12208-12228. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.2c00198
DAPTModel <: SAFTModel
idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
userlocations = String[],
ideal_userlocations = String[],
reference_state = nothing,
verbose = false,
assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • r_c: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • lambda: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Single Parameter (Float64) - Segment Diameter []
  • epsilon: Single Parameter (Float64) - Reduced dispersion energy [K]
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • theta_c: Association Parameter (Float64)

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • r_c: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • lambda: Single Parameter (Float64)
  • segment: Single Parameter (Float64) - Number of segments (no units)
  • sigma: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed segment Diameter [m]
  • epsilon: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed reduced dispersion energy[K]
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • theta_c: Association Parameter (Float64)

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model


Doubly-Associated Perturbation Theory model. Currently only works for water.

numerically unstable

Due to its functional form, DAPT is numerically unstable. Please use big Floats for most calculations.


  1. Marshall, B. D. (2019). A doubly associated reference perturbation theory for water. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 500(112252), 112252. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2019.112252

CPA Models

CPAModel <: EoSModel

function CPA(components;
    radial_dist::Symbol = :CS,
    idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
    cubicmodel = RK,
    alpha = sCPAAlpha,
    mixing = vdW1fRule,
    activity = nothing,
    translation = NoTranslation,
    userlocations = String[],
    ideal_userlocations = String[],
    alpha_userlocations = String[],
    activity_userlocations = String[],
    mixing_userlocations = String[],
    translation_userlocations = String[],
    reference_state = nothing,
    verbose = false,
    assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • a: Single Parameter (Float64) - Atraction parameter [m^6*Pa/mol]
  • b: Single Parameter (Float64) - Covolume [m^3/mol]
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64) - α-function constant Parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • l: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Atraction Parameter [m^6*Pa/mol]
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Covolume [m^3/mol]
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64) - α-function constant Parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [J]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • cubicmodel: Cubic Model


Cubic Plus Association (CPA) EoS. Consists in the addition of a cubic part and an association part:

a_res(model::CPA) = a_res(model::Cubic) + a_assoc(model)

The radial_dist argument can be used to choose between a Carnahan-Starling form (CS, default) or the Kontogeorgis (KG) term, more widely known as s-CPA.


  1. Kontogeorgis, G. M., Michelsen, M. L., Folas, G. K., Derawi, S., von Solms, N., & Stenby, E. H. (2006). Ten years with the CPA (cubic-plus-association) equation of state. Part 1. Pure compounds and self-associating systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45(14), 4855–4868. doi:10.1021/ie051305v
sCPAModel <: CPAModel

function sCPA(components;
    idealmodel = BasicIdeal,
    radial_dist::Symbol = :KG,
    cubicmodel = RK,
    alpha = sCPAAlpha,
    mixing = vdW1fRule,
    activity = nothing,
    translation = NoTranslation,
    userlocations = String[],
    ideal_userlocations = String[],
    alpha_userlocations = String[],
    activity_userlocations = String[],
    mixing_userlocations = String[],
    translation_userlocations = String[],
    reference_state = nothing,
    verbose = false,
    assoc_options = AssocOptions())

Input parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • Tc: Single Parameter (Float64) - Critical Temperature [K]
  • a: Single Parameter (Float64) - Atraction parameter [m^6*Pa/mol]
  • b: Single Parameter (Float64) - Covolume [m^3/mol]
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64) - α-function constant Parameter (no units)
  • k: Pair Parameter (Float64) (optional) - Binary Interaction Paramater (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [K]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Model Parameters

  • Mw: Single Parameter (Float64) - Molecular Weight [g/mol]
  • a: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Atraction Parameter [m^6*Pa/mol]
  • b: Pair Parameter (Float64) - Mixed Covolume [m^3/mol]
  • c1: Single Parameter (Float64) - α-function constant Parameter (no units)
  • epsilon_assoc: Association Parameter (Float64) - Reduced association energy [J]
  • bondvol: Association Parameter (Float64) - Association Volume [m^3]

Input models

  • idealmodel: Ideal Model
  • cubicmodel: Cubic Model


Simplified Cubic Plus Association (s-CPA) EoS. Consists in the addition of a cubic part and an association part:

a_res(model::CPA) = a_res(model::Cubic) + a_assoc(model)

The radial_dist argument can be used to choose between a Carnahan-Starling form (CS, default) or the Kontogeorgis (KG) term, more widely known as s-CPA. using sCPA(components, radial_dist =: CS) is equivalent to using the original CPA


  1. Kontogeorgis, G. M., Michelsen, M. L., Folas, G. K., Derawi, S., von Solms, N., & Stenby, E. H. (2006). Ten years with the CPA (cubic-plus-association) equation of state. Part 1. Pure compounds and self-associating systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45(14), 4855–4868. doi:10.1021/ie051305v