Mesh I/O

STL output

stl(file, object; kwargs...)

Outputs an STL description of object to the given file (string or IO). Optional kwargs are the same as for set_parameters.

TODO: other file formats (.ply) ?

SVG output

svg(file, object; kwargs...)

Outputs an SVG description of object to the given file (string or IO). Optional kwargs are the same as for set_parameters.

STL input


OpenSCAD output

scad(io::IO, name::Symbol, parameters, children)
scad(filename::AbstractString, s::AbstractGeometry...)
scad(io::IO, s::AbstractGeometry)

Returns, in printable form (e.g. Symbol or String), the OpenSCAD name of this object.


Since the constructions from this package have started to diverge from those of OpenSCAD, (and also since the possibilities for export and visualization have improved), OpenSCAD output is being deprecated and may be removed in a future version.

OpenSCAD to Julia conversion.

Might be possible for a limited subset of OpenSCAD language. TODO.