Visualizing Curricula and Degree Plans

In order to visualize curricula and degree plans, you must first install Blink.jl and CurricularVisualization. For instructions on how to do this, see the Installation section.

Visualization Functions

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for visualize. Check Documenter's build log for details.


An example curriculum for an electrical engineering program is provided in the examples directory of this toolbox. To visualize this curriculum, execute the following commands:

julia> curric = read_csv("./examples/UKY_EE_curric.csv")
julia> visualize(curric)

This should produce the following window: UK EE curriculum

An example eight-term degree plan for the electrical engineering curriculum shown above is also provided in the examples directory of this toolbox. To visualize this degree plan, execute the following commands:

julia> curric = read_csv("./examples/UKY_EE_plan.csv")
julia> visualize(dp)

This should produce the following window: UK EE degree plan

In order to visualize the various metrics associated with this degree plan, simply hover your mouse over a course, as shown below: UK EE degree plan metrics

To learn more about the metrics displayed in this visualization, see the Metrics section.