Cycle structure

After initialization, the structure of the cycle is created, using named functions based on the components they represent and the input state of the component being informed in the first parameter of the function and the output state being informed in the second parameter.

List of components:

  • pump(inState, outState, optionalEfficiency)
  • turbine(inState, outState, optionalEfficiency)
  • condenser(inState, outState)
  • boiler(inState, outState)
  • evaporator(inState, outState)
  • evaporator_condenser(inState, outState)
  • expansion_valve(inState, outState)
  • flash_chamber(inState, outState)
  • heater_closed(inState, outState)
  • heater_open(inState, outState)
  • mix(inState, outState)
  • div(inState, outState)
  • process_heater(inState, outState)
  • compressor(inState, outState, optionalEfficiency)
  • combustion_chamber(inState, outState)
  • heater_exchanger(inState, outState, optionalEffectiveness)
  • separator(inState, outState)

Components with more than one input or output state

For the definition that the component has multiple input or output states, the states are inserted into a list, which will be the input or output parameter of the component. For example a mix with two input states, st1 and st2, and an output state st3: mix([st1, st2], st3).

Efficiency and effectiveness

In order to include the efficiency and effectiveness of the components in the cycle schedule, the percentage value is defined in the third parameter of the component function, after defining the input and output states. For example, a turbine with input and output states, st1 and st2, and isentropic efficiency of 90%: turbine(st1, st2, 90).