Some operations on rational transfer functions and matrices

  • simplify Pole-zero cancellation.
  • normalize Normalization of a rational transfer function to monic denominator.
  • confmap Applying a conformal mapping transformation to a rational transfer function or a rational transfer function matrix.
  • zpk Computation of zeros, poles and gain of a rational transfer function.
  • rtfbilin Generation of common bilinear transformations and their inverses.
 simplify(r; atol = 0, rtol = atol)

Simplify the rational transfer function r(λ) by cancellation of common divisors of numerator and denominator. The keyword arguments atol and rtol are the absolute and relative tolerances for the nonzero numerator and denominator coefficients.


Normalize the rational transfer function r(λ) to have a monic denominator polynomial.

rt = confmap(r, f)

Apply the conformal mapping transformation λ = f(δ) to the rational transfer function r(λ) and return rt(δ) = r(f(δ)). The resulting rt inherits the sampling time and variable of f.

Rt = confmap(R, f)

Apply elementwise the conformal mapping transformation λ = f(δ) to the rational transfer function matrix R(λ) and return Rt(δ) = R(f(δ)). The resulting elements of Rt inherit the sampling time and variable of f.

 zpk(r) -> (z, p, k)

Compute the roots (zeros) z, poles p and gain k of the rational transfer function r(λ).

 rtfbilin(type = "c2d"; Ts = T, Tis = Ti, a = val1, b = val2, c = val3, d = val4) -> (g, ginv)

Build the rational transfer functions of several commonly used bilinear transformations and their inverses. The resulting g describes the rational transfer function g(δ) in the bilinear transformation λ = g(δ) and ginv describes its inverse transformation ginv(λ) in the bilinear transformation δ = ginv(λ). In accordance with the values of type and the keyword argument values Ts, Tis, a, b, c, and d, the resulting g and ginv contain first order rational transfer functions of the form g(δ) = (a*δ+b)/(c*δ+d) and ginv(λ) = (d*λ-b)/(-c*λ+a), respectively, which satisfy g(ginv(λ)) = λ and ginv(g(δ)) = δ.

Depending on the value of type, the following types of transformations can be generated in conjunction with parameters specified in Ts, Tis, a, b, c, and d:

"Cayley" - Cayley transformation: `s = g(z) = (z-1)/(z+1)` and `z = ginv(s) = (s+1)/(-s+1)`; 
           the sampling time `g.Ts` is set to the value `T ≠ 0` (default `T = -1`), while `ginv.Ts = 0`;
           g(z) and ginv(s) are also known as the continuous-to-discrete and discrete-to-continuous transformations, respectively; 

"c2d"    - is alias to "Cayley"

"Tustin" - Tustin transformation (also known as trapezoidal integration): `s = g(z) = (2*z-2)/(T*z+T)` and `z = ginv(s) = (T*s+2)/(-T*s+2)`; 
           the sampling time `g.Ts` is set to the value `T ≠ 0` (default `T = -1`), while `ginv.Ts = 0`;
           a nonzero prewarping frequency `freq` can be specified using the keyword parameter `prewarp_freq = freq`;

"Euler"  - Euler integration (or forward Euler integration): `s = g(z) = s = (z-1)/T` and `z = ginv(s) = T*s+1`; 
           the sampling time `g.Ts` is set to the value `T ≠ 0` (default `T = -1`), while `ginv.Ts = 0`;

"BEuler" - Backward Euler integration (or backward Euler integration): `s = g(z) = (z-1)/(T*z)` and `z = ginv(s) = 1/(-T*s+1)`;
           the sampling time `g.Ts` is set to the value `T ≠ 0` (default `T = -1`), while `ginv.Ts = 0`;

"Moebius" - general (Moebius ) bilinear transformation: `λ = g(δ) = (a*δ+b)/(c*δ+d)` and `δ = ginv(λ) = (d*λ-b)/(-c*λ+a)`;  
            the sampling times `g.Ts` and `ginv.Ts` are  set to the values `T` and `Ti`, respectively;
            the default values of the parameters `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d` are `a = 1`, `b = 0`, `c = 0`, and `d = 1`.
            Some useful particular Moebius transformations correspond to the following choices of parameters: 
            - _translation_: `a = 1`, `b ≠ 0`, `c = 0`, `d = 1` (`λ = δ+b`)
            - _scaling_: `a ≠ 0`, `b = 0`, `c = 0`, `d = 1` (`λ = a*δ`)
            - _rotation_: `|a| = 1`, `b = 0`, `c = 0`, `d = 1` (`λ = a*δ`)
            - _inversion_: `a = 0`, `b = 1`, `c = 1`, `d = 0`  (`λ = 1/δ`)

"lft"     - alias to "Moebius" (linear fractional transformation).