Building rational transfer functions

r = RationalTransferFunction(num::AbstractPolynomial, den::AbstractPolynomial, Ts:Real)

Construct a rational transfer function model r from its numerator and denominator polynomials num and den, respectively, and sampling time Ts.

If r::RationalTransferFunction{T,λ,P <: Polynomial(T,λ),Ts} is a rational transfer function system model object defined as r(λ) = num(λ)/den(λ), where num(λ) and den(λ) are polynomials with coefficients in T and with the indeterminate λ, and Ts is the sampling time, then:

r.num is the numerator polynomial num(λ);

r.den is the denominator polynomial den(λ).

The sampling time Ts can have the following values:

  • Ts = 0 for a continuous-time system and λ = s is the complex variable in the Laplace transform;

  • Ts > 0 or Ts = -1 for a discrete-time system and λ = z is the complex variable in the Z-transform; Ts = -1 indicates a discrete-time system with an unspecified sampling time.

The sampling time can be obtained as r.Ts. The symbol (or variable) used for the indeterminate λ is the common symbol used for the indeterminates of the polynomials num(λ) and den(λ) and can be obtained as r.var. The roots of the numerator polynomial num(λ) (also called zeros of r(λ)) can be obtained as r.zeros, while the roots of the denominator polynomial den(λ) (also called poles of r(λ)) can be obtained as r.poles. The ratio of the leading polynomial coefficients of num(λ) and den(λ) (also called gain of r(λ)) can be obtained as r.gain.

r = rtf(num, den; Ts = rts, var = rvar )

Create the rational transfer function r(λ) = num(λ)/den(λ) with the polynomials num(λ) and den(λ), sampling time rts and variable name rvar, representing the transfer function of a single-input single-output system of the form

Y(λ) = r(λ) U(λ),

where U(λ) and Y(λ) are the Laplace or Z transformed input u(t) and output y(t), respectively, and λ = s, the complex variable in the Laplace transform, if rts = 0, or λ = z, the complex variable in the Z transform, if rts ≠ 0. Both num and den can be real or complex numbers as well.

The resulting r is such that r.Ts = rts (default rts = 0) and r.var = rvar. The default value of rvar is rvar = Polynomials.indeterminate(num) if num is a polynomial, rvar = Polynomials.indeterminate(den) if num is a number and den is a polynomial, and rvar = :s if both num and den are numbers.

r = rtf(f; Ts = rts, var = rvar)

Create the rational transfer function r(λ) = f(λ) with sampling time rts and variable name rvar such that:

(1) if f(λ) is a rational transfer function, then r.Ts = rts (default rts = f.Ts) and r.var = rvar (default rvar = f.var);

(2) if f(λ) is a rational function, then r.Ts = rts (default rts = 0) and r.var = rvar (default rvar = Polynomials.indeterminate(f.num));

(3) if f(λ) is a polynomial, then r.Ts = rts (default rts = 0) and r.var = rvar (default rvar = Polynomials.indeterminate(f));

(4) if f(λ) is a ral or complex number, then r.Ts = rts (default rts = 0) and r.var = rvar (default rvar = :s);

r = rtf(var; Ts = rts)
r = rtf('s') or r = rtf('z'; Ts = rts) 
r = rtf("s") or r = rtf("z"; Ts = rts) 
r = rtf(:s) or r = rtf(:z; Ts = rts)

Create the rational transfer function r(λ) = λ, such that r.var and r.Ts are set as follows:

(1) `r.var = :s` and `r.Ts = 0` if `var = 's'`, or `var = "s"` or `var = :s` ;

(2) `r.var = :z` and `r.Ts = rts` if `var = 'z'`, or `var = "z"` or `var = :z`;

(3) `r.var = var` and `r.Ts = rts` (default `rts = 0.`) otherwise.
r = rtf(z, p, k; Ts = rts, var = rvar)

Create from the roots (zeros) z, poles p, gain k, sampling time rts and variable name rvar the rational transfer function r(λ) = k*num(λ)/den(λ), where num(λ) and den(λ) are monic polynomials with roots equal z and p, respectively, and such that r.Ts = rts (default rts = 0) and r.var = rvar (default rvar = :s if Ts = 0 or rvar = :z if Ts ≠ 0).