Triangulations of Closed Surfaces

A triangulation of a closed surface is composed of points on the closed surface, which are connected by a maximal number of arcs (isotopy classes of curves on the surface that start and end at fixed points without containing any loops) in such a way, that no two arcs are homotopic to each other.
As these become very complex objects that are difficult and computationally complex to model, it is often more useful to look at the dual of a triangulation. This dual is called a Δ-complex.


A Δ-complex is a representation of a triangulation on a closed surface. To define a triangulation on a closed surface, it does not suffice to consider vertices and edges. We will also need to consider the triangular faces between them. Therefore, the triangulations are modeled using an extension of their dual graph.

Vertices are triangular faces, which in turn consist of three points and three edges. These points and edges are not necessarily distinct. Edges in the dual (i.e. the Δ-complex) connect two triangular faces if they, in turn, share an edge. To avoid confusion between the edges of the triangulation and the edges of the dual, I will henceforth refer to the latter as the dual edge.


struct DeltaComplex

A graph data structure representing a triangulation of a surface.

The DeltaComplex may be thought of as the dual of a triangulation.

Vertices are triangular faces (TriFace). Every vertex has three edges (DualEdge) incident to it.

struct TriFace

A TriFace represents a triangle in the triangulation of a surface.

The TriFaces form the vertices of a DeltaComplex. Each TriFace is formed between 3 points and is connected to 3 TriFaces through DualEdges. The points and neighboring triangles do not have to be unique.

The points and edges are stored in an anticlockwise order.
The first edge/side is between the first and second point.
The second edge/side is between the second and third point.
The third edge/side is between the third and first point.

struct DualEdge

Representation of an edge in a DeltaComplex (i.e. the dual graph of a triangulation).

A DualEdge connects two TriFaces through specific sides.

Construction of a DeltaComplex

This Module comes with some handy and easy to use tools to construct a triangulation of a surface:

deltacomplex(genus :: Integer, num_points :: Integer = 1) :: DeltaComplex

Create a triangulation of an orientable surface of a certain genus with num_points points on it.

By default, num_points is set to 1.

deltacomplex(s :: Vector{<:Integer})

Create a triangulation of an orientable surface with a single point, by gluing the corresponding edges together.

s should be an array of nonzero integers representing the edges of a polygon in anticlockwise order.
The i-th edge is orientated anticlockwise if s[i]>0 and anticlockwise if s[i]<0.
If s[i] and s[j] have the same absolute value, they are glued together while respecting their orientation.


The following results in the triangulation of a torus with one point:

julia> deltacomplex([1,2,-1,-2])

The following results in the triangulation of a klein bottle with one point:

julia> deltacomplex([1,2,-1,2])
deltacomplex_non_orientable(demigenus :: Integer, num_points :: Integer = 1) :: DeltaComplex

Create a triangulation of a non-orientable surface with num_points points on it.

By default, num_points is set to 1.

subdivide!(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer)

Add a point to the inside of the t-th TriFace and connect it to each corner.

Extracting information from DeltaComplex'

DeltaComplex is not an implementation of Graphs.AbstractGraph. However, as it is similar to a simple graph, the same notation and function names were used for simplicity.

np(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Return the number of points in the triangulation defined by D.

nv(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Return the number of vertices (TriFaces) in D.

ne(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Return the number of edges (DualEdges) in the DeltaComplex D.

This is equal to the number of edges in the triangulation itself.

vertices(D::DeltaComplex) :: Vector{TriFace}

Return the list of all vertices(TriFaces) in D.

get_vertex(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer) :: TriFace

Return the t-th TriFace in D

edges(D::DeltaComplex) :: Vector{DualEdge}

Return the list of all the DualEdges in D.

get_edge(D::DeltaComplex, e::Integer) :: DualEdge

Return the e-th DualEdge in the DeltaComplex D.

get_edge(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer, side::Integer) :: DualEdge

Return the edge that forms the respective side(1,2 or 3) of the t-th TriFace in the given DeltaComplex.

quadrilateral_edges(D::DeltaComplex, diagonal::DualEdge) :: Tuple{DualEdge, DualEdge, DualEdge, DualEdge}

Return the 4 edges who form a quadrilateral with the given diagonal.

is_similar(d1::DualEdge, d2::DualEdge) :: Bool

Return true if d1 and d2 have the same twist and are connected to the same triangles.

This is only the case if d1 and d2 are the same edge, or if they are incident to a point of degree 2.

Extracting information from TriFaces

TriFaces form the vertices of a DeltaComplex. They are defined by their 3 edges. Additionally, they store the 3 points that form their corners.

As the TriFaces are stored in a list in DeltaComplex, each TriFace has its proper id which is the same as its index in the list.

id(T::TriFace) :: Int

Return the index of the triangular face T in its DeltaComplex.

If you wish to get the edges of a TriFace, you might want to use any of the following methods:

get_edge(T::TriFace, side::Integer) :: DualEdge

Return the DualEdge that is incident to the given side(1, 2 or 3) of the triangular face T.

get_edge_id(T::TriFace, side::Integer) :: Integer

Return the index of the DualEdges on the respective side(1, 2 or 3) of the triangular face T.

edges(T::TriFace) :: Vector{DualEdge}

Return the list of all 3 DualEdges that are incident to the triangular face T.

edges_id(T::TriFace) :: Tuple{Int, Int, Int}

Return the indices of all 3 DualEdges that are incident to the TriFace T.

edges(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer) :: Vector{DualEdge}

Return the list of all 3 DualEdges that are incident to the t-th TriFace in D.

edges_id(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer) :: Tuple{Int, Int, Int}

Return the indices of all 3 DualEdges that are incident to the t-th TriFace in D.

If you wish to get the points that form the corners of a TriFace, you might want to use any of the following methods:

has_point(T::TriFace, x::Integer) :: Bool

Return true if x forms one of the corners of the triangular face T

get_point(T::TriFace, corner::Integer) :: Int

Return the point that is at the given corner(1, 2 or 3) of the triangular face T.

points(T::TriFace) :: Tuple{Int, Int, Int}

Return a tuple of the three points, that form the corners of T.

points(D::DeltaComplex, d::DualEdge) :: Tuple{Int, Int}

Return both endpoints of the edge d in the triangulation defined by D.

Extracting information from DualEdges

DualEdges form the edges in a DeltaComplex. They are defined by the 2 triangles that form the endpoints and the respective sides through which they connect them. In addition, they may be twisted. (See Non-orientable closed surfaces for more on twisted edges) Contrary to a normal graph, it is important on which side of a TriFace an edge is incident to.

Like the TriFaces, DualEdges are also stored in a list in DeltaComplex, each DualEdge has its proper id which is the same as its index in the list.

id(d::DualEdge) :: Int

Return the index of d in its DeltaComplex.

If you wish to get the TriFaces that border the DualEdge, you might want to use any of the following methods:

vertices(D::DeltaComplex, d::DualEdge) :: Tuple{TriFace, TriFace}

Return both vertices(TriFaces) adjacent to the dual edge d.

The first TriFace is on the left of the edge, and the second one on the right of the edge.

vertices_id(d::DualEdge) :: Tuple{Int, Int}

Return the indices of both vertices (TriFaces) adjacent to d.

get_vertex_id(d::DualEdge, side::Integer) :: Int

Return the index of the vertex (TriFace) to the left of d.

sides(d::DualEdge) :: Tuple{Int8, Int8}

Return the respective sides through which d connects its incident TriFaces.

get_side(d::DualEdge, side::Integer) :: Int8

Return the respective side of the triangle that d forms on the TriFace on the given side of d.

other_endpoint(d::DualEdge, t::Integer, side::Integer) :: Tuple{Int, Int8}

Return the index of the other TriFace and its respective side, that is incident to d

Classifying the triangulation

Here are some useful methods, to pull out general information about the Δ-Complex, and the triangulation it represents:

genus(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Compute the genus of the DeltaComplex D if it forms an orientable surface.

euler_characteristic(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Compute the euler characteristic of the DeltaComplex D:

\[X = n_{vertices} - n_{edges} + n_{faces} \]


Compute the diameter of the DeltaComplex D.
The diameter of a graph is the greatest minimal distance between any 2 vertices.

See also diameter_triangulation

adjacency_matrix_deltacomplex(D::DeltaComplex) :: Matrix{::Int32}

Compute the simple adjacency matrix of the delta complex D.

Values are either 0(not adjacent) or 1(adjacent).

multi_adjacency_matrix_deltacomplex(D::DeltaComplex) :: Matrix{Int32}

Compute the multi adjacency matrix of the delta complex D.

The i,j-th value counts the number of sides through which the i-th and j-th TriFace are adjacent.

point_degrees(D::DeltaComplex) :: Vector{<:Integer}

Return a vector containing the respective degree of each point in the triangulation.


If you want to relabel/reorder the points, vertices or edges, you may do so, by providing a permutation vector $p=[p_1, p_2, \ldots , p_n]$ which will relabel $i$ as $p_i$.

rename_edges!(D::DeltaComplex, p::Vector{<:Integer})

Relabel every edge(DualEdge) in D, according to the permutation p.

DualEdge 1 => DualEdge $p[1]$

rename_points!(D::DeltaComplex, p::Vector{<:Integer})

Rename all the points in D according to the permutation p.

rename_vertices!(D::DeltaComplex, p::Vector{<:Integer})

Relabel every vertex(TriFace) in D, according to the permutation p.

TriFace 1 => TriFace $p[1]$

Non-orientable closed surfaces

Regarding on how different sides of triangles are associated to each other, the resulting surface may be non-orientable. These surfaces can also be modeled by DeltaComplex, and all the methods above (except for genus) may still be applied.

is_orientable(D::DeltaComplex) :: Bool

Check if the surface defined by D is orientable or not.

demigenus(D::DeltaComplex) :: Int

Compute the demigenus of the DeltaComplex D if it is non-orientable.

The demigenus or non-orientable genus ($k$) of a connected non-orientable closed surface is defined via the euler characteristic ($X$) :
$k = 2 - X$

twist_edges!(D::DeltaComplex, t::Integer)

Twist or untwist all 3 DualEdges of a TriFace, and reverse the side order.

This action gives an equivalent representation of the same triangulation. It is useful in the case that you would like to untwist a certain edge.


julia> D = deltacomplex([1,2,-1,2]);
julia> T = get_vertex(D,1);
julia> edges(T)
3-element Array{DualEdge,1}:
 DualEdge 2 : (Δ1)-(1)-------(2)-(Δ2)
 DualEdge 1 : (Δ1)-(2)-------(3)-(Δ2)
 DualEdge 3 : (Δ2)-(1)---↺---(3)-(Δ1)
 julia> twist_edges!(T);
 julia> edges(T)
 3-element Array{DualEdge,1}:
 DualEdge 3 : (Δ2)-(1)-------(1)-(Δ1)
 DualEdge 1 : (Δ1)-(2)---↺---(3)-(Δ2)
 DualEdge 2 : (Δ1)-(3)---↺---(2)-(Δ2)
is_twisted(d::DualEdge) :: Bool

Return whether or not the given edge is twisted.

If d is twisted, then everything on the other side gets regarded as its mirror image.


A flip is defined as the action of replacing an edge in the triangulation by the other diagonal of the quadrilateral formed by the two triangles adjacent to the edge.

It has been shown, that the flip graph of any closed surface is connected. Hence, it is possible, to obtain any triangulation by a finite number of flips.

flip(D::DeltaComplex, e::Integer) :: DeltaComplex

Return the resulting DeltaComplex obtained by flipping the given edge in D.

flip!(D::DeltaComplex, e::Integer)

Flip, if possible, the given edge in D.

flip!(D::DeltaComplex, d::DualEdge)

Flip, if possible, the given edge in D.

is_flippable(D::DeltaComplex, e::Integer) :: Bool

Return true if the given edge can be flipped.

This is always the case if the edge does not connect a TriFace to itself.


Return true if the given edge can be flipped.

This is always the case if the edge does not connect a TriFace to itself.

random_flips!(D::DeltaComplex, n::Integer)

Randomly pick an edge, and flip it if possible. Repeat this n times.

randomize!(D::DeltaComplex; kwargs...) -> Int

Randomly flip edges in D until D is sufficiently generic and return the number of attempted flips.

The measure by which we determine if D is sufficiently generic is through its diameter. This Method repeatedly flips a certain number of times. After each flip sequence, the diameter is computed. Once this was repeated a certain number of times, the variance of all these past diameter measurements gets computed.

In theory, the variance should diminish over time. However, as we are flipping randomly, it will never truly converge to 0. A certain flutter in the variance is expected, this will at some point cause the variance to increase every so often. The algorithm stops once the last measured variance is bigger than the past few measurements.


  • num_initial_flips::Integer=1000000 : the number of flips to do before even start taking measurements.
  • num_flips_per_step::Integer=10000 : the number of flips to do before computing the diameter each step.
  • variance_interval_size::Integer=10 : the number of diameters to store, before computing their variance.
  • lookback_size::Integer=2 : how far back to compare the current variance to, in order to decide when to stop.


julia> D = deltacomplex(30,30);
julia> randomize!(D, num_initial_flips=10000, num_flips_per_step = 1000, variance_interval_size=10, lookback_size = 5)