
To install the package, you first need to install Julia. After starting Julia, type the following:

julia> using Pkg 
julia> Pkg.add("FlipGraphs")

You can start using the package as follows:

julia> using FlipGraphs
julia> D = deltacomplex(4,10);
DeltaComplex on orientable surface of genus 4 with 10 points
32 TriFaces:
 TriFace #1: Points(1 1 2) Neighbors(5 15 16)
 TriFace #2: Points(1 1 3) Neighbors(20 17 18)
 TriFace #31: Points(1 1 10) Neighbors(10 32 9)
 TriFace #32: Points(1 1 10) Neighbors(8 9 31)
48 DualEdges:
 DualEdge 1 : (Δ15)-(1)-------(1)-(Δ18)
 DualEdge 2 : (Δ2)-(1)-------(1)-(Δ20)
 DualEdge 47 : (Δ9)-(2)-------(3)-(Δ31)
 DualEdge 48 : (Δ31)-(2)-------(3)-(Δ32)

If you need help understanding what a function does or what a structure represents, you can put a question mark in front of it:

julia> ?FlipGraph
  struct FlipGraph <: AbstractGraph{Int}

  A Graph representing the flip graph of a Δ-Complex.

  Vertices are isotopy classes of triangulations of the same surface.
  Two vertices are linked by an edge, if the respective triangulations differ only by a single flip.