
export_gml(fpn::String, G::AbstractGraph{::Integer}, kwargs...)

Save the graph G as a .gml file.

G can be either a FlipGraph or FlipGraphPlanar.


  • vertex_attributes::Vector{Dict} : If provided, the i-th vertex gets the attributes from the i-th Dict. Each key, value pair defines an attribute, where the key is the name of the attribute and value is its value.
  • edge_attributes::Vector{Dict} : If provided, the i-th edge gets the attributes from the i-th Dict. Each key, value pair defines an attribute, where the key is the name of the attribute and value is its value.
  • add_diameter = false : If set to true, every vertex in the exported tree gets an attribute called diameter with the respective diameter of the DeltaComplex of that vertex.


julia> G = flipgraph_planar(10);
julia> export_gml("C:/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/filename.gml", G);

By adding the additional symbol :diameter, the nodes get a value diameter which corresponds to the diameter of the DeltaComplex or TriangulatedPolygon it models. Be aware however, that this diameter is computed on the run and will therefore significantly slow down this export method.

julia> G = flipgraph_modular(1,3,labeled_points = true);
julia> export_gml("C:/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/filename.gml", G, add_diameter=true);