Contributor's guide

First of all, huge thanks for your interest in the package! ✨

This page has some tips and guidelines on how to contribute.

Opening issues

If you spot something strange in the software (something doesn't work or doesn't behave as expected) do not hesitate to open a bug issue.

If have an idea of how to make the package better (a new feature, a new piece of documentation, an idea to improve some existing feature), you can open an enhancement issue.

In both cases, try to follow the template, but do not worry if you don't know how to fill something.

If you feel like your issue does not fit any of the above mentioned templates (e.g. you just want to ask something), you can also open a blank issue.

Collaborative Practices

We follow the ColPrac guide for collaborative practices. New contributors should make sure to read that guide. Below are some additional practices we follow.

Git workflow

All contributions should go through git branches. If you are not familiar with git practices, you will find some references at the end of this file. Here is a short cheat-sheet.


1. Clone the repository

git clone

and enter it with

cd FuzzyLogic.jl

From now on, these instructions assume you are in the FuzzyLogic.jl folder

2. Fork the repository.

3. Add your fork as remote with

git remote add $new_remote_name $your_fork_link

for example

git remote add johndoe

after this running git remote -v should produce

lucaferranti (fetch)
lucaferranti (push)
johndoe (fetch)
johndoe (push)

Working with branches

0. Run git branch and check you are on main. If you are not, switch to main via

git switch main

Next, make sure your local version is up to date by running

git fetch origin
git merge origin/main

1. Create a new branch with

git switch -c $new-branch-name

3. Now let the fun begin! Fix bugs, add the new features, modify the docs, whatever you do, it's gonna be awesome!

4. When you are ready, go to the package main repository (not your fork!) and open a pull request.

5. If nothing happens within 7 working days feel free to ping Luca Ferranti (@lucaferranti) every 1-2 days until you get his attention.

Coding guideline

  • The package follows SciMLStyle.
  • You can run the tests locally from the Julia REPL with
  • Each test file is stand-alone, hence you can also run individual files, e.g. include("test/test_parser.jl")

  • To make finding tests easier, the test folder structure should (roughly) reflect the structure of the src folder.

Working on the documentation

  • You can build the documentation locally with
julia --project=docs docs/make.jl
  • Tutorials and applications are written using Literate.jl, hence if working on those, you should edit the source file under the literate folder and not directly the markdown.

Further reading

Here is a list of useful resources for contributors.