show([io::IO = stdout], x)

Write a text representation of a value x to the output stream io. New types T should overload show(io::IO, x::T). The representation used by show generally includes Julia-specific formatting and type information, and should be parseable Julia code when possible.

repr returns the output of show as a string.

To customize human-readable text output for objects of type T, define show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::T) instead. Checking the :compact IOContext property of io in such methods is recommended, since some containers show their elements by calling this method with :compact => true.

See also print, which writes un-decorated representations.


julia> show("Hello World!")
"Hello World!"
julia> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!
show(io::IO, mime, x)

The display functions ultimately call show in order to write an object x as a given mime type to a given I/O stream io (usually a memory buffer), if possible. In order to provide a rich multimedia representation of a user-defined type T, it is only necessary to define a new show method for T, via: show(io, ::MIME"mime", x::T) = ..., where mime is a MIME-type string and the function body calls write (or similar) to write that representation of x to io. (Note that the MIME"" notation only supports literal strings; to construct MIME types in a more flexible manner use MIME{Symbol("")}.)

For example, if you define a MyImage type and know how to write it to a PNG file, you could define a function show(io, ::MIME"image/png", x::MyImage) = ... to allow your images to be displayed on any PNG-capable AbstractDisplay (such as IJulia). As usual, be sure to import in order to add new methods to the built-in Julia function show.

Technically, the MIME"mime" macro defines a singleton type for the given mime string, which allows us to exploit Julia's dispatch mechanisms in determining how to display objects of any given type.

The default MIME type is MIME"text/plain". There is a fallback definition for text/plain output that calls show with 2 arguments, so it is not always necessary to add a method for that case. If a type benefits from custom human-readable output though, show(::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::T) should be defined. For example, the Day type uses 1 day as the output for the text/plain MIME type, and Day(1) as the output of 2-argument show.

Container types generally implement 3-argument show by calling show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), x) for elements x, with :compact => true set in an IOContext passed as the first argument.

source, ex::RuntimeException)

Custom printing of RuntimeException, ex::FileExistsException)

Custom printing for FileExistsException

mutable struct Params{T}

Collection of key value pairs representing the parameters of the current request - response cycle.


True if the request can carry a payload - that is, it's a POST, PUT, or PATCH request


True if the request can carry a payload - that is, it's a POST, PUT, or PATCH request

route_request(req::Request, res::Response) :: Response

First step in handling a request: sets up params collection, handles query vars, negotiates content.

route_ws_request(req::Request, msg::String, ws_client::HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket) :: String

First step in handling a web socket request: sets up params collection, handles query vars.

push!(collection, items...) -> collection

Insert one or more items in collection. If collection is an ordered container, the items are inserted at the end (in the given order).


julia> push!([1, 2, 3], 4, 5, 6)
6-element Vector{Int64}:

If collection is ordered, use append! to add all the elements of another collection to it. The result of the preceding example is equivalent to append!([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]). For AbstractSet objects, union! can be used instead.

See sizehint! for notes about the performance model.

baptizer(params::Union{Route,Channel}, parts::Vector{String}) :: Symbol

Generates default names for routes and channels.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for routes. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for channels. Check Documenter's build log for details.


Removes the route with the corresponding name from the routes collection and returns the collection of remaining routes.


Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in d.

Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in route_params.


Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in d.

Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in route_params.


Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in d.

Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in route_params.


Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in d.

Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in route_params.


Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in d.

Generates the HTTP link corresponding to route_name using the parameters in route_params.

action_controller_params(action::Function, params::Params) :: Nothing

Sets up the :action_controller, :action, and :controller key - value pairs of the params collection.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for run_hook. Check Documenter's build log for details.

match_routes(req::Request, res::Response, params::Params) :: Response

Matches the invoked URL to the corresponding route, sets up the execution environment and invokes the controller method.

match_channels(req::Request, msg::String, ws_client::HTTP.WebSockets.WebSocket, params::Params) :: String

Matches the invoked URL to the corresponding channel, sets up the execution environment and invokes the channel controller method.

parse_route(route::String, context::Module = @__MODULE__) :: Tuple{String,Vector{String},Vector{Any}}

Parses a route and extracts its named params and types. context is used to access optional route parts types.

parse_channel(channel::String) :: Tuple{String,Vector{String},Vector{Any}}

Parses a channel and extracts its named parms and types.

extract_uri_params(uri::String, regex_route::Regex, param_names::Vector{String}, param_types::Vector{Any}, params::Params) :: Bool

Extracts params from request URI and sets up the params Dict.

extract_get_params(uri::URI, params::Params) :: Bool

Extracts query vars and adds them to the execution params Dict.

extract_request_params(req::HTTP.Request, params::Params) :: Nothing

Sets up the params key-value pairs corresponding to a JSON payload.

request_type_is(req::HTTP.Request, request_type::Symbol) :: Bool

Checks if the request content-type is of a certain type.

nested_keys(k::String, v, params::Params) :: Nothing

Utility function to process nested keys and set them up in params.

setup_base_params(req::Request, res::Response, params::Dict{Symbol,Any}) :: Dict{Symbol,Any}

Populates params with default environment vars.

to_response(action_result) :: Response

Converts the result of invoking the controller action to a Response.

function params()

The collection containing the request variables collection.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for _params_. Check Documenter's build log for details.

response_type{T}(params::Dict{Symbol,T}) :: Symbol
response_type(params::Params) :: Symbol

Returns the content-type of the current request-response cycle.

response_type{T}(check::Symbol, params::Dict{Symbol,T}) :: Bool

Checks if the content-type of the current request-response cycle matches check.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for to_uri. Check Documenter's build log for details.

serve_static_file(resource::String) :: Response

Reads the static file and returns the content as a Response.

file_path(resource::String; within_doc_root = true) :: String

Returns the path to a resource file. If within_doc_root it will automatically prepend the document root to resource.

file_path(resource::String; within_doc_root = true) :: String

Returns the path to a resource file. If within_doc_root it will automatically prepend the document root to resource.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for ormatch. Check Documenter's build log for details.