Handling query params (GET variables)

Genie makes it easy to access query params, which are values sent as part of the URL over GET requests (ex: mywebsite.com/index?foo=1&bar=2 foo and bar are query params corresponding to the variables foo = 1 and bar = 2). All these values are automatically collected by Genie and exposed in the params() collection (which is part of the Router module).


using Genie, Genie.Router

route("/hi") do
  name = params(:name, "Anon")

  "Hello $name"

If you access the app will respond with "Hello Anon" since we're not passing any query params.

However, requesting will in turn display "Hello Adrian" as we're passing the name query variable with the value Adrian. This variable is exposed by Genie as params(:name).

Genie however provides utility methods for accessing these values in the Requests module.

The Requests module

Genie provides a set of utilities for working with requests data within the Requests module. You can use the getpayload method to retrieve the query params as a Dict{Symbol,Any}. We can rewrite the previous route to take advantage of the Requests utilities.


using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Requests

route("/hi") do
  "Hello $(getpayload(:name, "Anon"))"

The getpayload function has a few specializations, and one of them accepts the key and a default value. The default value is returned if the key variable is not defined. You can see the various implementations for getpayload using the API docs or Julia's help> mode.