Approximate Joint Diagonalization (AJD) is a diagonalization prodedure generalizing the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition to more then two matrices. This corresponds to the situation $m=1$ (one dataset) and $k>2$ (number of observations). As such, is a very general procedure with a myriad of potential applications. It was first proposed by Flury and Gautschi (1986) in statistics and by Cardoso and Souloumiac(1996) in signal processing 馃帗. Since, it has become a fundamental tool for solving the blind source separation(BSS) problem.

Let ${C_1,...,C_k}$ be a set of $n鈰卬$ symmetric or Hermitian matrices. In BSS typically those are covariance matrices, Fourier cross-spectral matrices, lagged covariance matrices or slices of 4th order cumulants, where $n$ is the number of variables.

An AJD algorithm seeks a matrix $F$ diagonalizing all matrices in the set as much as possible, according to some diagonalization criterion, that is, we want to achieve

$F^HC_lF鈮埼沖l$, for all $l鈭圼1...k]$. $\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.1]

In some algorithm, such as OJoB, $F$ is constrained to be orthogonal, in others, like NoJoB only to be non-singular.

pre-whitening for AJD

Similarly to the two-step procedures encountered in other filters, e.g., for the CCA, for solving the AJD problem often pre-whitening is applied: first a whitening matrix $W$ if found such that

$W^H\Big(\frac{1}{k}\sum_{l=1}^kC_k\Big)W_k=I$, $\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.2]

then the following transformed AJD problem if solved for $U$:

$U^H(W^HC_lW)U鈮埼沖l$, for all $l鈭圼1...k]$.

Finally, $F$ is obtained as

$F=WU$. $\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.3]

Notice that:

  • matrix $W$ may be taken rectangular so as to engender a dimensionality reduction at this stage. This may improve the convergence behavior of AJD algorithms if the matrices ${C_1,...,C_k}$ are not well-conditioned.
  • if this two-step procedure is employed, the final solution $F$ is never orthogonal, even if the solving AJD algorithm constrains the solution within the orthogonal group.

permutation for AJD

Approximate joint diagonalizers are arbitrary up to a scale and permutation. Diagonalizations.jl attempts to solve the permutation ambiguity by reordering the columns of $F$ so as to sort in descending order the diagonal elements of

$\frac{1}{k}\sum_{l=1}^kF^HC_kF$. $\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.4]

This sorting mimics the sorting of exact diagonalization procedures such as the PCA, of which the AJD is a generalization, however it is meaningful only if the input matrices ${C_1,...,C_k}$ are positive definite.

In analogy with PCA, let

$位=[位_1...位_n]$$\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.5]

be the diagonal elements of [ajd.4] and let

$蟽_{TOT}=\sum_{i=1}^n位_i$ be the total variance.

We denote $\widetilde{F}=[f_1 \ldots f_p]$ the matrix holding the first $p<n$ column vectors of $F$, where $p$ is the subspace dimension. The explained variance is given by

$蟽_p=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^p位_i}{蟽_{TOT}}$$\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.6]

and the accumulated regularized eigenvalues (arev) by

$蟽_j=\sum_{i=1}^j{蟽_i}$, for $j=[1 \ldots n]$. $\hspace{1cm}$ [ajd.7]

For setting the subspace dimension $p$ manually, set the eVar optional keyword argument of the MCA constructors either to an integer or to a real number, this latter establishing $p$ in conjunction with argument eVarMeth using the arev vector (see subspace dimension). By default, eVar is set to 0.999.


There is no closed-form solution to the AJD problem in general. See Algorithms.


Two constructors are available (see here below). The constructed LinearFilter object holding the AJD will have fields:

.F: matrix $\widetilde{F}$ with columns holding the first $p$ eigenvectors in $F$, or just $F$ if $p=n$

.iF: the left-inverse of .F

.D: the leading $p鈰卲$ block of $螞$, i.e., the elements [ajd.5] associated to .F in diagonal form.

.eVar: the explained variance [ajd.6] for the chosen value of $p$.

.ev: the vector $位$ [ajd.5].

.arev: the accumulated regularized eigenvalues, defined in [ajd.7].

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