Inverse Modeling for Space Varying Viscoelasticity

Inverse Modeling for Space Varying Viscoelasticity

Problem Description

In this example, we consider the Maxwell viscoelasticity model. The governing equations are

\[\sigma_{ij,j} + \rho f_i = \rho \ddot u_i\]
\[\dot \sigma_{ij} + \frac{\mu}{\eta} \left( \sigma_{ij} - \frac{\sigma_{kk}}{3}\delta_{ij} \right) = 2\mu \dot \varepsilon_{ij} + \lambda \dot\varepsilon_{kk}\delta_{ij}\]
\[\begin{aligned} \bm{\sigma} \mathbf{n} &= \begin{cases} 0 & \text{Top or Bottom} \\ [-T, 0] & \text{Right} \\ \end{cases} \\ \mathbf{u} &=0 \text{\hspace{3.1cm} Left} & \end{aligned}\]

We assume that the Lamé constants $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are given. The viscosity $\eta$ is spatial varying. We want to estimate $\eta$ based on the measurement of surface horizontal displacements. The true model consists of two layers of different vicosity.

True Viscosity DistributionVon Mises StressDisplacement

Forward simulation

We implement the forward simulation using finite element analysis discretization and $\alpha$-scheme, an implicit time stepping scheme that offers good stability and accuracy.

Inversion Method

We formulate the loss function as the discrepancy between observations and predictions

\[\mathcal{J}(\eta) = \sum_{i=1}^{N_T} \sum_{k=1}^{m+1} (\mathbf{u}_{ik}^{\mathrm{obs}}- \mathbf{u}_i(x_k, 0))^2\]

Unlike the linear elasticity case, in the viscoelasticity case, the stress is history-dependent. Therefore, when we calculate the gradients $\frac{\partial\mathcal{J}}{\partial \eta}$, the state variables are both $\mathbf{u}$ and $\bm{\sigma}$. Additionally, in each time step, since we have used an implicit scheme, we need to solve an equation

\[A(\eta, \bm{\sigma}^{n+1}) \mathbf{u}^{n+1} = \mathbf{f}(\bm{\sigma}^n, \mathbf{u}^{n})\]

The state adjoint method requires us to compute the gradients of

\[\mathbf{u}^{n+1}(\bm{\sigma}^n, \eta, \mathbf{u}^{n}) = A(\eta, \bm{\sigma}^{n+1})^{-1} \mathbf{f}(\bm{\sigma}^n, \mathbf{u}^{n})\tag{1}\]

with respect to $\bm{\sigma}^n$, $\eta$ and $\mathbf{u}^{n}$.

Surprisingly, the seemingly complex formula (1) admits a simple implementation using automatic differentiation (of course a special technique called physics constrained learning is needed). Once the gradients $\frac{\partial\mathcal{J}}{\partial \eta}$ is computed, the inversion problem can be solved using gradient-based optimization techniques (e.g., LBFGS).

Numerical Example

We present the numerical example here. The true model and inverted model are shown as follows. We assume that the viscosity values are the same horizontally.

True modelInverted result

We also show the inversion results in each iteration:


The highlights of the implementation are

using Revise
using AdFem
using PyCall
using LinearAlgebra
using PyPlot
using SparseArrays
using MAT
using ADCMEKit
np = pyimport("numpy")

stepsize = 1
if length(ARGS)==1
  global stepsize = parse(Int64, ARGS[1])
@info stepsize

mode = "training"

## alpha-scheme
β = 1/4; γ = 1/2
a = b = 0.1

n = 15
m = 2n 
h = 0.01
NT = 100
Δt = 2.0/NT
ηmax = 1
ηmin = 0.5

obs_idx = collect(1:stepsize:m+1)

bdedge = bcedge("right", m, n, h)
bdnode = bcnode("lower", m, n, h)

# λ = Variable(1.0)
# μ = Variable(1.0)
# invη = Variable(1.0)

function eta_model(idx)
  if idx == 1
    out = ηmin * ones(n)
    out[1:div(n,3)] .= ηmax
  elseif idx==2
    out = ηmin * ones(4, m, n)
    out[:, :, 1:div(n,3)] .= ηmax
    out[:, :, 2div(n,3):end] .= ηmax

function visualize_inv_eta(X, k)
    x = LinRange(0.5h,m*h, m)
    y = LinRange(0.5h,n*h, n)
    V = zeros(m, n)
    for i = 1:m  
        for j = 1:n 
            elem = (j-1)*m + i 
            V[i, j] = mean(X[4(elem-1)+1:4elem])
    pcolormesh(x, y, V'/50.0, vmin=ηmin-(ηmax-ηmin)/4, vmax=ηmax+(ηmax-ηmin)/4)
    # title("Iteration = $k")
    if k == "true"
      title("True Model")
    k_ = string(k)
    k_ = reduce(*, "0" for i = 1:3-length(k_))*k_
    title("Iteration = $k_")

λ = constant(2.0)
μ = constant(0.2)
if mode=="data"
  global invη_var = constant(eta_model(1))
  invη = reshape(repeat(invη_var, 1, 4m), (-1,))
  global invη *= 50.0
    global invη_var = Variable((ηmin + ηmax)/2*ones(n))
    invη_ = reshape(repeat(invη_var, 1, 4m), (-1,))
    # invη_ = constant(eta_model(1))
    global invη = 50.0*invη_

fn_G = invη->begin 
  G = tensor([1/Δt+2/3*μ*invη -μ/3*invη 0.0
    -μ/3*invη 1/Δt+2/3*μ*invη 0.0
    0.0 0.0 1/Δt+μ*invη])
  invG = inv(G)
invG = map(fn_G, invη)
S = tensor([2μ/Δt+λ/Δt λ/Δt 0.0
    λ/Δt 2μ/Δt+λ/Δt 0.0
    0.0 0.0 μ/Δt])
H = invG*S

M = compute_fem_mass_matrix1(m, n, h)
Zero = spzeros((m+1)*(n+1), (m+1)*(n+1))
M = SparseTensor([M Zero;Zero M])

K = compute_fem_stiffness_matrix(H, m, n, h)
C = a*M + b*K # damping matrix 
L = M + γ*Δt*C + β*Δt^2*K
L, Lbd = fem_impose_Dirichlet_boundary_condition_experimental(L, bdnode, m, n, h)

a = TensorArray(NT+1); a = write(a, 1, zeros(2(m+1)*(n+1))|>constant)
v = TensorArray(NT+1); v = write(v, 1, zeros(2(m+1)*(n+1))|>constant)
d = TensorArray(NT+1); d = write(d, 1, zeros(2(m+1)*(n+1))|>constant)
U = TensorArray(NT+1); U = write(U, 1, zeros(2(m+1)*(n+1))|>constant)
Sigma = TensorArray(NT+1); Sigma = write(Sigma, 1, zeros(4*m*n, 3)|>constant)
Varepsilon = TensorArray(NT+1); Varepsilon = write(Varepsilon, 1,zeros(4*m*n, 3)|>constant)

Forces = zeros(NT, 2(m+1)*(n+1))
for i = 1:NT
  T = eval_f_on_boundary_edge((x,y)->0.1, bdedge, m, n, h)

  # if i>=NT÷2
  #   T *= 0.0
  # end
  T = [-T T]
#   T = [T T]
  rhs = compute_fem_traction_term(T, bdedge, m, n, h)

#   if i*Δt>0.5
#     rhs = zero(rhs)
#   end
  Forces[i, :] = rhs
Forces = constant(Forces)

function condition(i, tas...)
  i <= NT

function body(i, tas...)
  a_, v_, d_, U_, Sigma_, Varepsilon_ = tas
  a = read(a_, i)
  v = read(v_, i)
  d = read(d_, i)
  U = read(U_, i)
  Sigma = read(Sigma_, i)
  Varepsilon = read(Varepsilon_, i)

  res = batch_matmul(invG/Δt, Sigma)
  F = compute_strain_energy_term(res, m, n, h) - K * U
  rhs = Forces[i] - F

  td = d + Δt*v + Δt^2/2*(1-2β)*a 
  tv = v + (1-γ)*Δt*a 
  rhs = rhs - C*tv - K*td
  rhs = scatter_update(rhs, constant([bdnode; bdnode.+(m+1)*(n+1)]), constant(zeros(2*length(bdnode))))

  ## alpha-scheme
  a = L\rhs # bottleneck  
  d = td + β*Δt^2*a 
  v = tv + γ*Δt*a 
  U_new = d

  Varepsilon_new = eval_strain_on_gauss_pts(U_new, m, n, h)

  res2 = batch_matmul(invG * S, Varepsilon_new-Varepsilon)
  Sigma_new = res +  res2

  i+1, write(a_, i+1, a), write(v_, i+1, v), write(d_, i+1, d), write(U_, i+1, U_new),
        write(Sigma_, i+1, Sigma_new), write(Varepsilon_, i+1, Varepsilon_new)

i = constant(1, dtype=Int32)
_, _, _, _, u, sigma, varepsilon = while_loop(condition, body, 
                  [i, a, v, d, U, Sigma, Varepsilon])

U = stack(u)
Sigma = stack(sigma)
Varepsilon = stack(varepsilon)

if mode!="data"
  data = matread("viscoelasticity.mat")
  global Uval,Sigmaval, Varepsilonval = data["U"], data["Sigma"], data["Varepsilon"]
  U.set_shape((NT+1, size(U, 2)))
  idx0 = 1:4m*n
  Sigma = map(x->x[idx0,:], Sigma)
  global loss = sum((U[:, obs_idx] - Uval[:, obs_idx])^2) 

if !isdir(string(stepsize));mkdir(string(stepsize)); end
sess = Session(); init(sess)

cb = (v, i, l)->begin
  println("[$i] loss = $l")
  if i=="true" || mod(i,20)==0
    inv_eta = v[1]
    matwrite("$stepsize/eta$i.mat", Dict("eta"=>inv_eta))

if mode=="data"
  Uval,Sigmaval, Varepsilonval = run(sess, [U, Sigma, Varepsilon])
  matwrite("viscoelasticity.mat", Dict("U"=>Uval, "Sigma"=>Sigmaval, "Varepsilon"=>Varepsilonval))

  # p = visualize_von_mises_stress(Sigmaval[1:5:end,:,:], m, n, h); saveanim(p, "space_s.gif")
  # p = visualize_displacement(Uval[1:5:end,:], m, n, h); saveanim(p, "space_u.gif")

  visualize_inv_eta(run(sess, invη), "true")
  # cb([run(sess, invη)], "true", 0.0)

v_ = []
i_ = []
l_ = []

loss_ = BFGS!(sess, loss*1e10, vars=[invη], callback=cb, var_to_bounds=Dict(invη_var=>(0.1,2.0)))