Inverse Modeling for Poroelasticity Models

Inverse Modeling for Poroelasticity Models

We have coupled geomechanics and single phase flow in Coupled Geomechanics and Single Phase Flow (poroelasticity). The governing equation for poroelasticity model is

\[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{div}\sigma(u) - b \nabla p &= 0\\ \frac{1}{M} \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} + b\frac{\partial \varepsilon_v(u)}{\partial t} - \nabla\cdot\left(\frac{k}{B_f\mu}\nabla p\right) &= f(x,t)\\ \sigma(u) = H\varepsilon(u) \end{aligned}\]

We impose no-flow boundary condition on left, right, and bottom sides for $p$, i.e., $\nabla p \cdot n=0$, and a zero pressure boundary condition on the top side, i.e., $p=0$. Additionally, we assume a fixed Dirichlet boundary condition for $u$ on the left and right side, and traction free boundary conditions for $u$ on all other three sides, i.e., $\sigma(u)n = 0$. We show the data in the following.

DisplacementPressureVon Mises Stress

We estimate the elasticity tensor $H$ by solving a minimization problem

\[\min_H \sum_{i\in\mathcal{I}} (u^{\mathrm{obs}}_i-u_i)^2\]

where $\mathcal{I}$ is the index set for horizontal displacement on the top side, $u^{\mathrm{obs}}_i$ is the corresponding observation.

Initial GuessEstimated $H$Reference $H$
$\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1\\\end{bmatrix}$$\begin{bmatrix}1.604938 & 0.864197 & -0.0 \\0.864197 & 1.604938 & -0.0 \\-0.0 & -0.0 & 0.370371 \\\end{bmatrix}$$\begin{bmatrix}1.604938 & 0.864198 & 0.0 \\0.864198 & 1.604938 & 0.0 \\0.0 & 0.0 & 0.37037 \\\end{bmatrix}$

To test the robustness of the method, we add noise to our observations

\[(u_{\mathrm{obs}})_i = u_i (1+\sigma \varepsilon_i)\]

where $\varepsilon_i$ are i.i.d. Gaussian noise with unit standard deviations and zero means.

using Revise
using AdFem
using PyCall
using LinearAlgebra
using ADCME
using MAT
using PyPlot
using ADCMEKit

np = pyimport("numpy")

# Domain information 
NT = 50
Δt = 1/NT
n = 15
m = 2*n 
h = 1. ./ n
bdnode = bcnode("left | right", m, n, h)
bdedge = bcedge("upper", m, n, h) # fixed pressure on the top 

b = 1.0
E = 1.0
ν = 0.35
Href = E/(1+ν)/(1-2ν) * [1-ν ν 0.0;ν 1-ν 0.0;0.0 0.0 (1-2ν)/2]

H = spd(Variable(diagm(0=>ones(3))))

Q, Prhs = compute_fvm_tpfa_matrix(ones(4*m*n), bdedge, zeros(size(bdedge,1)),m, n, h)
Q = SparseTensor(Q)
K = compute_fem_stiffness_matrix(H, m, n, h)
L = SparseTensor(compute_interaction_matrix(m, n, h))
M = SparseTensor(compute_fvm_mass_matrix(m, n, h))
A = [K -b*L'
b*L/Δt 1/Δt*M-Q]
A, Abd = fem_impose_coupled_Dirichlet_boundary_condition(A, bdnode, m, n, h)
U = zeros(m*n+2(m+1)*(n+1), NT+1)
x = Float64[]; y = Float64[]
for j = 1:n+1
    for i = 1:m+1
        push!(x, (i-1)*h)
        push!(y, (j-1)*h)
# injection and production
injection = (div(n,2)-1)*m + 3
production = (div(n,2)-1)*m + m-3

function get_disp(SOURCE_SCALE)
    function condition(i, tas...)

    function body(i, tas...)
        ta_u, ta_ε, ta_σ = tas
        u = read(ta_u, i)
        σ0 = read(ta_σ, i)
        ε0 = read(ta_ε, i)

        g = -ε0*H
        rhs1 = compute_strain_energy_term(g, m, n, h)

        rhs1 = scatter_update(rhs1, [bdnode; bdnode .+ (m+1)*(n+1)], zeros(2length(bdnode)))
        rhs2 = zeros(m*n)
        rhs2[injection] += SOURCE_SCALE * h^2
        rhs2[production] -= SOURCE_SCALE * h^2
        rhs2 = rhs2 + b*L*u[1:2(m+1)*(n+1)]/Δt + 
                M * u[2(m+1)*(n+1)+1:end]/Δt + Prhs
        rhs = [rhs1;rhs2]
        o = A\rhs 

        ε = eval_strain_on_gauss_pts(o, m, n, h)
        σ = ε*H

        ta_u = write(ta_u, i+1, o)
        ta_ε = write(ta_ε, i+1, ε)
        ta_σ = write(ta_σ, i+1, σ)
        i+1, ta_u, ta_ε, ta_σ

    i = constant(1, dtype=Int32)
    ta_u = TensorArray(NT+1); ta_u = write(ta_u, 1, constant(zeros(2(m+1)*(n+1)+m*n)))
    ta_ε = TensorArray(NT+1); ta_ε = write(ta_ε, 1, constant(zeros(4*m*n, 3)))
    ta_σ = TensorArray(NT+1); ta_σ = write(ta_σ, 1, constant(zeros(4*m*n, 3)))
    _, u_out, ε_out, σ_out = while_loop(condition, body, [i, ta_u, ta_ε, ta_σ])
    u_out = stack(u_out)
    u_out.set_shape((NT+1, size(u_out,2)))
    σ_out = stack(σ_out)
    ε_out = stack(ε_out)

    upper_idx = Int64[]
    for i = 1:m+1
        push!(upper_idx, (div(n,3)-1)*(m+1)+i)
        push!(upper_idx, (div(n,3)-1)*(m+1)+i + (m+1)*(n+1))
    for i = 1:m 
        push!(upper_idx, (div(n,3)-1)*m+i+2(m+1)*(n+1))

    u_out, σ_out

U, S = get_disp(500.0)

uobs = matread("data.mat")["U"][:, 1:m+1]
upred = set_shape(U,(NT+1,2(m+1)*(n+1)+m*n))[:, 1:m+1]
loss = sum((uobs-upred)^2)
err = norm(H-Href)/norm(Href)
sess = Session()
@show run(sess, [loss, err])
loss_ = BFGS!(sess, loss)