
This module contains general functions for the exchange of fields between the atmospheric and surface component models.

The FieldExchanger needs to populate the coupler with

  • atmospheric fields (mostly fluxes), via the import_atmos_fields! function
  • average surface properties of each coupler gridpoint, via the import_combined_surface_fields! function

The component models are updated by broadcasting the coupler fields, via the update_model_sims! function. For an update, this function requires that update_field! is defined for the particular variable and component model. Currently, we support the:

  • AtmosModelSimulation: albedo, surface_temperature
    • if calculating fluxes in the atmospheric model: roughness_momentum, roughness_buoyancy, beta
  • SurfaceModelSimulation: air_density, turbulent_energy_flux, turbulent_moisture_flux, radiative_energy_flux_sfc, liquid_precipitation, snow_precipitation

If an update_field! function is not defined for a particular component model, it will be ignored.

FieldExchanger API

import_atmos_fields!(csf, model_sims, boundary_space, turbulent_fluxes)

Updates the coupler with the atmospheric fluxes. The Interfacer.get_field functions (:turbulent_energy_flux, :turbulent_moisture_flux, :radiative_energy_flux_sfc, :liquid_precipitation, :snow_precipitation) have to be defined for the amtospheric component model type.


  • csf: [NamedTuple] containing coupler fields.
  • model_sims: [NamedTuple] containing ComponentModelSimulations.
  • boundary_space: [Spaces.AbstractSpace] the space of the coupler surface.
  • turbulent_fluxes: [TurbulentFluxPartition] denotes a flag for turbulent flux calculation.
import_combined_surface_fields!(csf, model_sims, turbulent_fluxes)

Updates the coupler with the surface properties. The Interfacer.get_field functions for (:surface_temperature, :surface_direct_albedo, :surface_diffuse_albedo, :roughness_momentum, :roughness_buoyancy, :beta) need to be specified for each surface model.


  • csf: [NamedTuple] containing coupler fields.
  • model_sims: [NamedTuple] containing ComponentModelSimulations.
  • turbulent_fluxes: [TurbulentFluxPartition] denotes a flag for turbulent flux calculation.
update_model_sims!(model_sims, csf, turbulent_fluxes)

Iterates update_sim! over all component model simulations saved in cs.model_sims.


  • model_sims: [NamedTuple] containing ComponentModelSimulations.
  • csf: [NamedTuple] containing coupler fields.
  • turbulent_fluxes: [TurbulentFluxPartition] denotes a flag for turbulent flux calculation.
update_sim!(atmos_sim::Interfacer.AtmosModelSimulation, csf)

Updates the surface fields for temperature, roughness length, albedo, and specific humidity.


  • atmos_sim: [Interfacer.AtmosModelSimulation] containing an atmospheric model simulation object.
  • csf: [NamedTuple] containing coupler fields.
update_sim!(sim::SurfaceModelSimulation, csf, area_fraction)

Updates the surface component model cache with the current coupler fields of Fturbenergy, Fradiative, Fturbmoisture, Pliq, and ρ_sfc.


  • sim: [Interfacer.SurfaceModelSimulation] containing a surface model simulation object.
  • csf: [NamedTuple] containing coupler fields.

Iterates reinit! over all component model simulations saved in cs.model_sims.


  • model_sims: [NamedTuple] containing ComponentModelSimulations.
step_model_sims!(model_sims, t)

Iterates step! over all component model simulations saved in cs.model_sims.


  • model_sims: [NamedTuple] containing ComponentModelSimulations.
  • t: [AbstractFloat] denoting the simulation time.