This module contains functions that define the interface for coupling component models, as well as stub objects that contain prescribed fields. Here we explain each type of component model, and the functions that must be implemented to use a component model with ClimaCoupler.jl
Coupled simulation
A CoupledSimulation
stores info for ESM run and contains each of the component model simulations. We currently require that each CoupledSimulation
contains four components: atmos_sim
, land_sim
, ocean_sim
and ice_sim
. If a simulation surface type is not needed for a given run, it should be initialized with SurfaceStub
with a zero area_fracion
. The atmos_sim
should always be specified.
Component simulations
Individual component model simulations fall under ComponentModelSimulation
, which together combine to make the CoupledSimulation
. We have two types of ComponentModelSimulations
: AtmosModelSimulation
and SurfaceModelSimulation
. The two have different requirements, which are detailed below. SurfaceModelSimulation
is further divided into SeaIceModelSimulation
, LandModelSimulation
, and OceanModelSimulation
, representing the 3 currently-supported options for surface models.
ComponentModelSimulation - required functions
A component model simulation should be implemented as a struct that is a concrete subtype of a ComponentModelSimulation
. This struct should contain all of the information needed to run that simulation.
Each ComponentModelSimulation
must extend the following functions to be able to use our coupler. For some existing models, these are defined within ClimaCoupler.jl in that model’s file in experiments/ClimaEarth/components/
, but it is preferable for these to be defined in a model’s own repository. Note that the dispatch ::ComponentModelSimulation
in the function definitions given below should be replaced with the particular component model extending these functions.
: construct and return an instance of theComponentModelSimulation
and perform all initialization. This function should return a simulation that is ready to be stepped in the coupled simulation. The interface for this function varies across component models.
: return a string containing the name of
this ComponentModelSimulation
, which is used for printing information about component models and writing to checkpoint files.
step!(::ComponentModelSimulation, t)
: A function to update the
simulation in-place with values calculate for time t
. For the models we currently have implemented, this is a simple wrapper around the step!
function implemented in SciMLBase.jl.
: A function to restart a simulation
after solving of the simulation has been paused or interrupted. Like step!
, this is currently a simple wrapper around the reinit!
function of SciMLBase.jl.
: A function that
returns the state vector of the simulation at its current state. This is used for checkpointing the simulation.
ComponentModelSimulation - optional functions
update_sim!(::ComponentModelSimulation, csf, turbulent_fluxes)
: A
function to update each of the fields of the component model simulation that are updated by the coupler. ClimaCoupler.jl provides defaults of this function for both AtmosModelSimulation
and SurfaceModelSimulation
that update each of the fields expected by the coupler. This function can optionally be extended to include additional field updates as desired.
AtmosModelSimulation - required functions
In addition to the functions required for a general ComponentModelSimulation
, an AtmosModelSimulation
requires the following functions to retrieve and update its fields.
get_field(::AtmosModelSimulation. ::Val{property})
: This getter
function returns the value of the field property for the simulation in its current state. For an AtmosModelSimulation
, it must be extended for the following properties:
Coupler name | Description | Units |
air_density | air density of the atmosphere | kg m^-3 |
air_temperature | air temperature at the surface of the atmosphere | K |
energy | globally integrated energy | J |
height_int | height at the first internal model level | m |
height_sfc | height at the surface (only required when using PartitionedStateFluxes ) | m |
liquid_precipitation | liquid precipitation at the surface | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
radiative_energy_flux_sfc | net radiative flux at the surface | W m^-2 |
radiative_energy_flux_toa | net radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere | W m^-2 |
snow_precipitation | snow precipitation at the surface | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
turbulent_energy_flux | aerodynamic turbulent surface fluxes of energy (sensible and latent heat) | W m^-2 |
turbulent_moisture_flux | aerodynamic turbulent surface fluxes of energy (evaporation) | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
thermo_state_int | thermodynamic state at the first internal model level | |
uv_int | horizontal wind velocity vector at the first internal model level | m s^-1 |
water | globally integrated water | kg |
update_field!(::AtmosModelSimulation. ::Val{property}, field)
A function to update the value of property in the component model simulation, using the values in field
. This update should be done in place. If this function isn't extended for a property, that property will remain constant throughout the simulation and a warning will be raised. This function is expected to be extended for the following properties:
Coupler name | Description | Units |
co2 | global mean co2 | ppm |
surface_direct_albedo | bulk direct surface albedo over the whole surface space | |
surface_diffuse_albedo | bulk diffuse surface albedo over the whole surface space | |
surface_temperature | temperature over the combined surface space | K |
turbulent_fluxes | turbulent fluxes (note: only required when using PartitionedStateFluxes option - see our FluxCalculator module docs for more information) | W m^-2 |
calculate_surface_air_density(atmos_sim::Interfacer.AtmosModelSimulation, T_S::ClimaCore.Fields.Field)
A function to return the air density of the atmosphere simulation extrapolated to the surface, with units of [kg m^-3].
SurfaceModelSimulation - required functions
Analogously to the AtmosModelSimulation
, a SurfaceModelSimulation
requires additional functions to those required for a general ComponentModelSimulation
get_field(::SurfaceModelSimulation. ::Val{property})
: This getter
function returns the value of the field property for the simulation at the current time. For a SurfaceModelSimulation
, it must be extended for the following properties:
Coupler name | Description | Units |
air_density | surface air density | kg m^-3 |
area_fraction | fraction of the simulation grid surface area this model covers | |
beta | factor that scales evaporation based on its estimated level of saturation | |
roughness_buoyancy | aerodynamic roughness length for buoyancy | m |
roughness_momentum | aerodynamic roughness length for momentum | m |
surface_direct albedo | bulk direct surface albedo | |
surface_diffuse albedo | bulk diffuse surface albedo | |
surface_humidity | surface humidity | kg kg^-1 |
surface_temperature | surface temperature | K |
update_field!(::SurfaceModelSimulation. ::Val{property}, field)
A function to update the value of property in the component model simulation, using the values in field
passed from the coupler This update should be done in place. If this function isn't extended for a property, that property will remain constant throughout the simulation and a warning will be raised. This function is expected to be extended for the following properties:
Coupler name | Description | Units |
air_density | surface air density | kg m^-3 |
area_fraction | fraction of the simulation grid surface area this model covers | |
liquid_precipitation | liquid precipitation at the surface | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
radiative_energy_flux_sfc | net radiative flux at the surface | W m^-2 |
snow_precipitation | snow precipitation at the surface | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
turbulent_energy_flux | aerodynamic turbulent surface fluxes of energy (sensible and latent heat) | W m^-2 |
turbulent_moisture_flux | aerodynamic turbulent surface fluxes of energy (evaporation) | kg m^-2 s^-1 |
surface_direct albedo | bulk direct surface albedo; needed if calculated externally of the surface model (e.g. ocean albedo from the atmospheric state) | |
surface_diffuse albedo | bulk diffuse surface albedo; needed if calculated externally of the surface model (e.g. ocean albedo from the atmospheric state) |
SurfaceModelSimulation - optional functions
update_turbulent_fluxes!(::ComponentModelSimulation, fields::NamedTuple)
This function updates the turbulent fluxes of the component model simulation at this point in horizontal space. The values are updated using the energy and moisture turbulent fluxes stored in fields which are calculated by the coupler. Note that this function is only required when using the PartitionedStateFluxes
option of ClimaCoupler.jl. See our FluxCalculator
module docs for more information.
Prescribed surface conditions - SurfaceStub
is aSurfaceModelSimulation
, but it only contains
required data in <surface_stub>.cache
, e.g., for the calculation of surface fluxes through a prescribed surface state. The above adapter functions are already predefined for SurfaceStub
in the surface_stub.jl
file, with the cache variables specified as:
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:air_density}) = sim.cache.ρ_sfc
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:area_fraction}) = sim.cache.area_fraction
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:beta}) = sim.cache.beta
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:energy}) = nothing
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:roughness_buoyancy}) = sim.cache.z0b
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:roughness_momentum}) = sim.cache.z0m
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Union{Val{:surface_direct_albedo}, Val{:surface_diffuse_albedo}}) = sim.cache.α
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:surface_humidity}) = TD.q_vap_saturation_generic.(sim.cache.thermo_params, sim.cache.T_sfc, sim.cache.ρ_sfc, sim.cache.phase)
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:surface_temperature}) = sim.cache.T_sfc
get_field(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:water}) = nothing
and with the corresponding update_field!
function update_field!(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:air_density}, field)
sim.cache.ρ_sfc .= field
function update_field!(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:area_fraction}, field::ClimaCore.Fields.Field)
sim.cache.area_fraction .= field
function update_field!(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:surface_temperature}, field::ClimaCore.Fields.Field)
sim.cache.T_sfc .= field
Interfacer API
— TypeCoupledSimulation
Stores information needed to run a simulation with the coupler.
— TypeAtmosModelSimulation
An abstract type for an atmospheric model simulation.
— TypeSurfaceModelSimulation
An abstract type for surface model simulations.
— TypeComponentModelSimulation
An abstract type encompassing all component model (and model stub) simulations.
— TypeAbstractSimulation
An abstract super-type representing a simulation.
— TypeSurfaceStub
On object containing simulation-like info, used as a stub or for prescribed data.
— Functionstub_init(cache)
Initialization function for SurfaceStub simulation type.
— Functionfloat_type(::CoupledSimulation)
Return the floating point type backing T
: T
can either be an object or a type.
— Functionname(::ComponentModelSimulation)
Returns simulation name, if defined, or Unnamed
if not.
Returns simulation name, if defined, or Unnamed
if not.
— Functionget_field(sim::AtmosModelSimulation, val::Val)
A getter function that should not allocate. Here we implement a default that will raise an error if get_field
isn't defined for all required fields of an atmosphere component model.
get_field(sim::SurfaceModelSimulation, val::Val)
A getter function that should not allocate. Here we implement a default that will raise an error if get_field
isn't defined for all required fields of a surface component model.
get_field(sim::ComponentModelSimulation, val::Val)
Generic fallback for get_field
that raises an error.
get_field(::SurfaceStub, ::Val)
A getter function, that should not allocate. If undefined, it returns a descriptive error.
— Functionupdate_field!(::AtmosModelSimulation, ::Val, _...)
Default functions for updating fields at each timestep in an atmosphere component model simulation. This should be extended by component models. If it isn't extended, the field won't be updated and a warning will be raised.
update_field!(::SurfaceModelSimulation, ::Val, _...)
Default functions for updating fields at each timestep in an atmosphere component model simulation. This should be extended by component models. If it isn't extended, the field won't be updated and a warning will be raised.
update_field!(sim::SurfaceStub, ::Val{:area_fraction}, field::CC.Fields.Field)
Updates the specified value in the cache of SurfaceStub