ElemCo.jl Documentation

ElemCo.jl is a Julia package for computing electronic structure properties of molecules and materials. It provides a set of tools for performing quantum chemical calculations, including Hartree-Fock and post-HF methods.


You can install ElemCo.jl using the Julia package manager:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("ElemCo")

For a development version of ElemCo.jl, clone the ElemCo.jl-devel repository and create an alias to set the project to the ElemCo.jl directory,

alias jlm='julia --project=<path_to_ElemCo.jl>'

Now the command jlm can be used to start the calculations,

jlm input.jl


Input file

The input file is a Julia script that contains the calculation details. The script should start with the following lines,

using ElemCo

The @print_input macro prints the input file to the standard output. The calculation details are specified using the macros provided by ElemCo.jl.


The following macros are available in ElemCo.jl (see the documentation for more details and macros),

  • @dfhf - Performs a density-fitted Hartree-Fock calculation.
  • @cc<method> - Performs a coupled cluster calculation.
  • @dfcc<method> - Performs a coupled cluster calculation using density fitting.
  • @set<option> <setting> - Sets the options(ElemCo.ECInfos.Options) for the calculation.


Default scratch directory path on Windows is the first environment variable found in the ordered list TMP, TEMP, USERPROFILE. On all other operating systems TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, and TEMPDIR. If none of these are found, the path /tmp is used. Default scratch folder name is elemcojlscr.

Variable names fcidump, geometry and basis are reserved for the file name of FCIDUMP, geometry specification and basis sets, respectively.

Computing density-fitted Hartree-Fock and Coupled Cluster methods

To compute density-fitted Hartree-Fock (DF-HF) using ElemCo.jl, you can use the @dfhf macro. In order to run post-HF calculations, the integrals have to be transformed to the MO basis (using the @dfints macro), and the coupled cluster calculations can be performed using @cc macro. The @dfints macro is optional, @cc macro will automatically call @dfints if it has not been called before. Here's an example of how you can use these macros:

using ElemCo

# Print input to the output file
# Define the molecule
     O      0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.130186067
     H1     0.000000000    1.489124508    1.033245507
     H2     0.000000000   -1.489124508    1.033245507"

basis = Dict("ao"=>"cc-pVDZ",

# Compute DF-HF 
# Calculate MO integrals (optional)
# Run CCSD(T) calculation
@cc ccsd(t)

This code defines a water molecule, computes DF-HF using the cc-pVDZ basis set, calculates integrals using density fitting (mpfit basis) and computes CCSD(T) energy.

Setting options

To set options (ElemCo.ECInfos.Options) for the DF-HF, CC, etc calculations, you can use the @set macro. Here's an example of how you can use this macro:

# Set the maximum number of iterations to 10
@set scf maxit=10

# Compute DF-HF using the new options

This code sets the maximum number of iterations for the SCF procedure to 10 using the @set macro, and then computes DF-HF using the new options using the @dfhf macro.

Using AVX2 instructions on AMD "Zen" machines

MKL tends to be rather slow on AMD "Zen" machines (stand 2024). To use AVX2 instructions in MKL on AMD "Zen" machines, you can slightly modify the mkl libraries by running the ElemCo.amdmkl function, which will replace two symbolic links with compiled libraries that enforce the AVX2 instructions,

using ElemCo

Note: this function has to be called in a separate script (separate Julia session) before running the calculations, i.e., your workflow can look like this:

> julia -e 'using ElemCo; ElemCo.amdmkl()'
> julia input.jl

One can revert the changes by running the function with the argument true,

using ElemCo


Equations for the methods implemented in ElemCo.jl.