Release notes

Version v0.13.1 - 2024.07.11


  • Store MP2 amplitudes in cc_amplitudes_ files in @cc mp2 calculations.


  • Fix maxit=0 case for cc calculations.

Version v0.13.0 - 2024.07.09


  • DIIS.perform has been changed to DIIS.perform! in order to allow to read the vectors and residuals as Vector{}.
  • The signature of newmmap function has changed (the type specification is now the last argument and defaults to Float64.
  • The FciDump module has been renamed to FciDumps.
  • The FDump type has been changed to FDump{N} with N=3 (for triangular storage of 2-electron integrals) or 4. The logical variable triang has been removed (there is a function is_triang(::FDump) now). Aliases TFDump = FDump{3} and QFDump = FDump{4} have been introduced.
  • The ECInfo type now accepts only FDump{3}. The FDump{4} objects have to be transformed first (the transformation functions are not implemented yet).
  • The triangular functions have been moved to a separate file utensors.jl, part of the QMTensors module. uppertriangular function has been renamed to uppertriangular_index.
  • The driver functions and macros now return energies in an ordered descriptive dictionary OutDict=ODDict{String,Float64}. Use last_energy function to access the last energy (or last to access the whole entry including the key and the description).


  • Save the memory using in Hessian matrix calculation in dfmcscf function.
  • dfdump stores the MO integrals internally in mmaped files.
  • The header of the FDump is now stored in a type-stable structure FDumpHeader.


  • Export of molden files (@export_molden). At the moment the orbital energies and occupations are not exported.
  • Add dfmcscf part in documentation
  • CCSDT and DC-CCSDT closed-shell implementations generated with Quantwo.
  • QMTensors.SpinMatrix struct for one-electron matrices (e.g., MO coefficients)
  • An ordered descriptive dictionary for energy outputs (ODDict) has been implemented. Each key-value entry can have a description.
  • DIIS.perform! now accepts a tuple of functions to calculate cusomized dot-products (e.g., involving contravariants etc).

Version v0.12.0 - 2024.05.28


  • the mp2fit (rifit) basis sets have been renamed to mpfit.
  • ERI_?e?c routines have been renamed to eri_?e?idx.


  • use SVD in DIIS.
  • increase number of iterations in 2D-CCSD IAS test.
  • interface to libcint_jll has been implemented. The basis set library is added (in Molpro format), and basis sets are parsed to a BasisSet object. GaussianBasis.jl dependency is removed.


  • Expand README
  • amdmkl() function to speed up MKL on AMD machines.
  • CROP-DIIS option (JCTC 11, 1518 (2015)) which is less sensitive to the DIIS dimension. To activate, set diis option crop=true, the DIIS dimension can be changed using maxcrop (default is 3).
  • An option print_init is added to the @print_input macro (default is false). If set to true, the ElemCo.jl info is printed again (useful if the output is redirected in julia to a file).
  • A simple DMRG routine is added based on ITensors (adapted from ITensorChemistry.jl).
  • A Molpro interface to import matrop matrices (orbitals or overlap).


  • Get rid of error message from git if .git is not available (e.g., in the case of the released version).
  • Sort orblist, which fixes issues if user occupations are not provided in a sorted list.
  • Fix amplitudes before Hylleraas energy calculation for FR-CC, which will properly report the energy in a (2,2) (single iteration) calculation.

Version v0.11.1 - 2024.04.12


  • Remove ArgParse dependency and set [compat] section in Project.toml.

Version v0.11.0 - 2024.04.12


  • (previously of type MSys) in ECInfo is renamed to EC.system (of type AbstractSystem).
  • ECdriver routine is moved to CCDriver module and renamed to ccdriver. The fcidump keyword-argument is now empty by default. It doesn't accept list of methods anymore, only one method at a time.
  • The driver routines and macros return energies as NamedTuple.
  • The SVD methods have to be called now as SVD-<methodname>, e.g., svd-dcsd.
  • The @svdcc macro is renamed to @dfcc macro and calls the dfccdriver routine, which is intended as a driver routine for all DF-based correlation methods (i.e., methods which don't use the EC.fd integrals).


  • Renamed function active_orbitals to oss_active_orbitals.
  • Renamed function calc_ccsd_resid to calc_cc_resid.
  • ECdriver and oss_active_orbitals now return named tuples.
  • Improved documentation of occupation strings syntax.
  • Switched to Atom and FlexibleSystem from AtomsBase as the internal representation of the molecular system. The basis set is stored for each atom as :basis property (as Dict{String,String}, e.g., system[1][:basis]["ao"]). One can also set :basis property for the whole system.
  • Renamed macro @opt to @set. @opt is now an alias of @set.


  • The automatically generated UCCSDT and UDC-CCSDT methods have been added to the docs.

Version v0.10.0 - 2024.02.21


  • Cholesky threshold thr is used for integral decomposition only. Threshold for elimination of redundancies is now called thred.
  • Files for amplitudes and multipliers are now called ..._1, ..._2,... for singles, doubles, etc.


  • Option ignore_error is moved from ECInfo structure to wf options.


  • UCCSD(T), ΛUCCSD(T), ΛUDCSD have been implemented.
  • Pseudo-canonicalization of the FCIDUMP file (instead of full SCF calculation).
  • Generated UCCSDT and UDC-CCSDT methods.
  • Macro @print_input to print the source of the input file to the output.


  • Fix dressing of a three-internal integral (which slightly affected the energy of CCSD/DCSD with use_kext=false).

Version v0.9.0 - 2024.01.20


  • Add various methods (DF-[U]HF, BO-[U]HF, [U/R]CCSD, [U/R]DCSD, SVD-DCSD, SVD-DC-CCSDT, CCSD(T), ΛCCSD(T), ΛDCSD...).
  • Setup macros, options etc.
  • ...