Density-fitted Coupled Cluster methods
— ModuleDFCoupledCluster
Density-fitted coupled-cluster methods.
Exported functions
— Methodcalc_dressed_3idx(EC::ECInfo, T1)
Calculate dressed integrals for 3-index integrals from file mmL
— Methodcalc_svd_dc(EC::ECInfo, method::AbstractString)
Calculate decomposed closed-shell DCSD or DCD with $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$.
— Methodcalc_svd_dc(EC::ECInfo, method::ECMethod)
Calculate decomposed closed-shell DCSD or DCD with $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$.
Currently only DC methods are supported. DF integrals are used (have to be calculated before). The starting guess for SVD-coefficients is calculated without doubles, see calc_doubles_decomposition_without_doubles
Internal functions
— Methodcalc_3idx_svd_decomposition(EC::ECInfo, full_voL::AbstractArray)
Calculate $U^{iX}_a$ from $v_a^{iL}$ using SVD.
Version without holding all $v_a^{iL}$ integrals in memory. full_voL
is the full 3-index integral $v_a^{iL}$ (can be mmaped).
— Methodcalc_MP2_amplitudes_from_3idx(EC::ECInfo, voL::AbstractArray, ishift)
Calculate MP2 amplitudes from $v_a^{iL}$.
The imaginary shift ishift is used in the denominator in the calculation of the MP2 amplitudes.
— Methodcalc_MP2_from_3idx(EC::ECInfo, voL::AbstractArray, ishift)
Calculate MP2 energy from $v_a^{iL}$.
The imaginary shift ishift is used in the denominator in the calculation of the MP2 amplitudes. Returns total energy, SS, OS and Openshell (0.0) contributions as OutDict
with keys (E
— Methodcalc_deco_doubles_energy(EC::ECInfo, T2)
Calculate closed-shell doubles energy using decomposed doubles amplitudes T2
=$T_{XY}$ or T2
=$T^{ij}_{ab}$ using density-fitted integrals.
Returns total energy, SS, OS and Openshell (0.0) contributions as OutDict
with keys (E
— Methodcalc_deco_hylleraas(EC::ECInfo, T1, T2, R1, R2)
Calculate closed-shell singles and doubles Hylleraas energy using contravariant decomposed doubles amplitudes T2
=$T_{XY}$ or full contravariant doubles amplitude T2
Returns total energy, SS, OS and Openshell (0.0) contributions as OutDict
with keys (E
— Methodcalc_df_doubles_energy(EC::ECInfo, T2)
Calculate closed-shell doubles energy using DF integrals and T2[a,b,i,j]
= $T^{ij}_{ab}$.
Returns total energy, SS, OS and Openshell (0.0) contributions as OutDict
with keys (E
— Methodcalc_doubles_decomposition(EC::ECInfo)
Decompose $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$
— Methodcalc_doubles_decomposition_with_doubles(EC::ECInfo)
Decompose $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$ using explicit doubles amplitudes $T^{ij}_{ab}$.
— Methodcalc_doubles_decomposition_without_doubles(EC::ECInfo)
Decompose $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$ without explicit calculation of $T^{ij}_{ab}$.
The decomposition is done in two steps:
- $\bar U^{i\bar X}_a$ is calculated from $v_a^{iL}$ using SVD (with threshold
); - MP2 doubles $T^{i}_{aX}$ are calculated from $v_a^{iL}$ and $U^{iX}_a$ and again decomposed using SVD and threshold
The SVD-basis is rotated to pseudocanonical basis to diagonalize orbital-energy differences, $ϵ_X = U^{iX}_{a}(ϵ_a-ϵ_i)U^{iX}_a$. The imaginary shift CcOptions.deco_ishiftp
is used in the denominator in the calculation of the MP2 amplitudes. The orbital energy differences are saved in file e_X
. The SVD-coefficients $U^{iX}_a$ are saved in file C_voX
. The starting guess for doubles $T_{XY}$ is saved in file T_XX
. Return full MP2 correlation energy, SS, OS, and Openshell(0.0) (using the imaginary shift) as OutDict
with keys (E
— Methodcalc_svd_dcsd_residual(EC::ECInfo, T1, T2)
Calculate decomposed closed-shell DCSD residual with $T^{ij}_{ab}=U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$ and $R_{XY}=U^{iX†}_a U^{jY†}_b R^{ij}_{ab}$. T2
contains decomposed amplitudes $T_{XY}$ or full amplitudes $T^{ij}_{ab}$.
If T2
is $T^{ij}_{ab}$, the residual is also returned in full form.
— Methodcalc_voX(EC::ECInfo; calc_vᵥᵒˣ=false, calc_vᵛₒₓ=false)
Calculate $\hat v_a^{iX} = \hat v_{ak}^{ci} U^{kX}_c$ and/or $\hat v^c_{kX} = \hat v_{ak}^{ci} U^{†a}_{kX}$ with $\hat v_{ak}^{ci} = \hat v_a^{cL} \hat v_k^{iL}$ and $U^{kX}_c$ from file C_voX
Return a tuple (vᵥᵒˣ, vᵛₒₓ) (not calculated intermediates are empty arrays).
— Functioncontravariant_deco_doubles(EC::ECInfo, T2, projx=false)
Calculate contravariant doubles amplitudes $T̃^{ij}_{ab} = 2T^{ij}_{ab} - T^{ij}_{ba}$ with $T^{ij}_{ab} = U^{iX}_a U^{jY}_b T_{XY}$. If projx
is true, the projected exchange is returned: $T̃_{XY} = U^{†a}_{iX} U^{†b}_{jY} T̃^{ij}_{ab}$
— Methoddress_df_fock(EC::ECInfo, T1)
Dress DF fock matrix with DF 3-index integrals.
The dress-contribution is added to the original fock matrix from file f_mm
. The dressed fock matrix is stored in file df_mm
. Additionally, the coulomb and exchange dressing contributions to $\hat f_k^c$ are stored in files dfc_ov
and dfe_ov
— Methodgen_vₓˣᴸ(EC::ECInfo)
Generate $v_X^{X'L} = v_a^{cL} U^{†a}_{kX} U^{kX'}_c$ using bare integrals.
The integrals and the SVD-coefficients are read from files mmL
and C_voX
, and the result is stored in file X^XL
— Methodget_ssv_osvˣˣ(EC::ECInfo)
Return $ssv^{XY} = U^{kX}_c U^{lX}_d (v_{kl}^{cd} - v_{lk}^{cd} )$ and $osv^{XY} = U^{kX}_c U^{lX}_d v_{kl}^{cd}$ with $v_{kl}^{cd} = v_k^{cL} v_l^{dL'}δ_{LL'}$.
The integrals will be read from files ssd_^XX
and osd_^XX
. If the files do not exist, the integrals will be calculated and stored in files ssd_^XX
and osd_^XX
. vk^{cL} and U^{kX}c are read from files d_ovL
and C_voX
— Methodsave_pseudo_dress_df_fock(EC::ECInfo)
Save non-dressed DF fock matrix from file f_mm
to dressed file df_mm
— Methodsave_pseudodressed_3idx(EC::ECInfo)
Save non-dressed 3-index integrals from file mmL
to dressed files.