Basis set

The basis set is defined as a dictionary, where the keys are the types of the basis sets, and the values are the basis set:

basis = Dict("ao"=>"cc-pVTZ",

The basis set dictionary contains three keys: ao, jkfit, and mpfit. The ao key contains the basis set for the AO integrals, the jkfit key contains the basis set for the density fitting integrals in the Hartree-Fock calculations, and the mpfit key contains the fitting basis set for the correlated calculations.

Alternatively, you can define the basis set using a string that defines the AO basis. In this case, the jkfit and mpfit basis names will be generated automatically. Here's an example of how you can define the basis set using a string:

basis = "cc-pVDZ"

Common acronyms are also supported for the basis set names, e.g., cc-pVDZ can be written as vdz, and aug-cc-pVTZ can be written as avtz.

Exported functions and types


Type for angular shells, i.e, subshells with the same angular momentum. For general contracted basis sets, the angular shell is a collection of all subshells with the same l quantum number. For some other basis sets (e.g., the def2-family), the angular shell can be a single subshell with a specific l quantum number. id is the index of the angular shell in the basis set.

  • element::String: element symbol (e.g., "H")

  • l::Int64: angular momentum

  • exponents::Vector{Float64}: array of exponents

  • subshells::Vector{ElemCo.BasisSets.BasisContraction}: array of subshells (contractions)

  • id::Int64: index of the angular shell in the basis set


A basis center (atom) with basis functions.

  • name::String: basis center name (e.g., "H1")

  • position::StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64}: atomic position in Bohr (3D vector)

  • atomic_number::Int64: atomic number

  • basis::String: name of the basis set (e.g., "cc-pVDZ")

  • shells::Vector{ElemCo.BasisSets.AngularShell}: array of angular shells


A basis set with basis centers (atoms) and basis functions.

  • centers::Vector{ElemCo.BasisSets.BasisCenter}: array of basis centers (atoms) with basis functions.

  • shell_indices::Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}: indices for angular shells.

  • center_ranges::Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}: center ranges for each basis set in a combined set.

  • shell_ranges::Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}: angular shell ranges for each basis sets in a combined set.

  • cartesian::Bool: cartesian basis set

  • lib::ElemCo.BasisSets.ILibcint5: infos for integral library (at the moment only libcint5 is possible).

ILibcint5(atoms::Vector{BasisCenter}, cartesian::Bool)

Prepare the infos for Libcint5 integral library.

ao_list(basis::BasisSet, ibas=1)

Return the list of atomic orbitals in the basis set.

For a combined basis set, use ibas to select the basis set.

basis_name(atoms, type="ao")

Return the name of the basis set (or unknown if not found). atoms can be a single atom ::Atom or a system ::AbstractSystem.

center_range(bs::BasisSet, i::Int=1)

Return the range of centers for the ith basis set.

The range is used to access the centers in the basis set, e.g., bs.centers[i] for i in center_range(bs, 1) gives the centers of the first basis set.

coefficients_1mat(ashell::AngularShell, cartesian::Bool)

Return a single contraction matrix of the coefficients in the angular shell (nprimitives × nsubshells). The contractions are normalized.

The missing coefficients are set to zero in the matrix.

combine(bs1::BasisSet, bs2::BasisSet)

Combine two basis sets.

The centers are concatenated. The center/shell ranges (center_ranges/shell_ranges) corresponding to the centers/shells for each basis set can be used to access the centers/shells in the combined basis set, e.g. bs.centers[i] for i in bs.center_ranges[1] gives the centers of the first basis set in the combined set.

generate_basis(ms::AbstractSystem, type="ao"; cartesian=false, basisset::AbstractString="")

Generate basis sets for integral calculations.

The basis set is stored in BasisSet object. type can be "ao", "mpfit" or "jkfit". If basisset is provided, it is used as the basis set.

generate_basis(EC::ECInfo, type="ao"; basisset::AbstractString="")

Generate basis sets for integral calculations.

The basis set is stored in BasisSet object. type can be "ao", "mpfit" or "jkfit". If basisset is provided, it is used as the basis set.

n_ao(ashell::AngularShell, cartesian::Bool)

Return the number of atomic orbitals in the angular shell.

n_ao(atom::BasisCenter, cartesian::Bool)

Return the number of atomic orbitals in the basis set for atom.


Return the number of atomic orbitals in the basis set.


Return the number of coefficients in the angular shell for a single contraction matrix.

The missing coefficients will be set to zero.

normalize_contraction(subshell::BasisContraction, ashell::AngularShell, cartesian::Bool)

Normalize the contraction coefficients in subshell.

The subshell has to be part of the angular shell ashell. Return the normalized contraction.

shell_range(bs::BasisSet, i::Int=1)

Return the range of angular shells for the ith basis set.

The range is used to access the angular shells in the basis set, e.g., bs[i] for i in shell_range(bs, 1) gives the angular shells of the first basis set.

Internal functions and types



Represents an atomic orbital in a cartesian basis set.

  • icenter::UInt16: index of the center in the basis set object

  • iangularshell::UInt16: index of the angular shell in the basis set object

  • isubshell::UInt8: index of the subshell in the angular shell

  • n::UInt8: principal quantum number

  • l::UInt8: orbital angular momentum quantum number

  • ml::Int8: magnetic "quantum number" (ml = -l:l(l+1)/2)



Represents an atomic orbital in a spherical basis set.

  • icenter::UInt16: index of the center in the basis set object

  • iangularshell::UInt16: index of the angular shell in the basis set object

  • isubshell::UInt8: index of the contraction in the angular shell

  • n::UInt8: principal quantum number

  • l::UInt8: orbital angular momentum quantum number

  • ml::Int8: magnetic quantum number (ml = -l:l)

Base.getindex(bs::BasisSet, i::CartesianIndex{2})

Return the the angular shell.

Base.getindex(bs::BasisSet, i::Int, j::Int)

Return the the angular shell.

Base.getindex(bs::BasisSet, i::Int)

Return the the angular shell.

Base.iterate(bs::BasisSet, state=1)

Iterate over the basis angular shells in the basis set.


Return the number of angular shells in the basis set.


Return the full basis name and version number (if given as *.v[0-2], otherwise -1 is returned).


  • [a][wc/c]vXz* -> [aug-]cc-p[wc/c]vXz*
  • svp* -> def2-svp*
  • [tq]zvp* -> def2-[tq]zvp*

Additionally check for version number (e.g., vdz.v2)

parse_basis_block(basisblock::AbstractString, atom::Atom)

Parse the basis block for a given atom.

Return a list of angular shells AngularShell. The basis block is in the Molpro format:

  • ! comments
  • s,p,d,f,g,h angular momentum
  • c, <from>.<to> contraction coefficients for primitives

Example cc-pVDZ for H atom:

s, H , 13.0100000, 1.9620000, 0.4446000, 0.1220000
c, 1.4, 0.0196850, 0.1379770, 0.4781480, 0.5012400
c, 4.4, 1.0000000
p, H , 0.7270000
c, 1.1, 1.0000000

For generally-contracted basis sets (like the one above), one angular shell is created for each angular momentum type s,p,d,f,g,h with the corresponding exponents and contraction coefficients. For other basis sets, like the def2-SVP, each contraction is a separate angular shell:

! hydrogen             (4s,1p) -> [2s,1p]
s, H , 13.0107010, 1.9622572, 0.44453796, 0.12194962
c, 1.3, 0.19682158E-01, 0.13796524, 0.47831935
c, 4.4, 1.0000000
p, H , 0.8000000
c, 1.1, 1.0000000

Parse contraction coefficients from a line in the basis block.

Return the range of exponents and the contraction coefficients as a tuple. The line is in the Molpro format: c, 1.4, 0.0196850, 0.1379770, 0.4781480, 0.5012400 where c is the contraction, 1.4 is the exponent range, and the rest are the coefficients.


Parse exponents from a line in the basis block.

Return the angular momentum and exponents as a tuple. The line is in the Molpro format: s, H , 13.0100000, 1.9620000, 0.4446000, 0.1220000 where s is the angular momentum, H is the element symbol, and the rest are the exponents.

read_basis_block(basisfile::AbstractString, atom::Atom)

Read the basis block for a given atom.

The basis library is in the Molpro format:

  • ! comments
  • basis block starts with ! <elementname> ....
  • basis block ends with ! or }
  • basis block contains:
  • s,p,d,f,g,h angular momentum
  • c, <from>.<to> contraction coefficients for primitives

Example cc-pVDZ for H atom:

! hydrogen             (4s,1p) -> [2s,1p]
s, H , 13.0100000, 1.9620000, 0.4446000, 0.1220000
c, 1.4, 0.0196850, 0.1379770, 0.4781480, 0.5012400
c, 4.4, 1.0000000
p, H , 0.7270000
c, 1.1, 1.0000000
set_id!(ashells::AbstractArray{AngularShell}, start_id)

Set the id for each angular shell in the array. Return the next id.

set_id!(centers::AbstractArray{BasisCenter}, start_id)

Set the id for each angular shell in the array of centers. Return the next id.


If the ranges of exponents do not overlap, split the angular shell into separate angular shells for each subshell. The shells are kept together only if one is a subset of the other.