
Welcome to Makie, a high-performance, extendable, and multi-platform plotting ecosystem for the Julia programming language.

Installation and Import

The Makie.jl package is a convenience bundle of AbstractPlotting.jl and the commonly used GLMakie.jl backend. To install it, do:

# in the REPL
]add Makie

# elsewhere
using Pkg

# import the package
using Makie

If you want to use a different backend, for example CairoMakie, install AbstractPlotting as well.

# install
]add AbstractPlotting, CairoMakie

# import
using AbstractPlotting
using CairoMakie

# to switch between multiple loaded backends, use activate!()

Getting Started

See the Tutorial to learn the basics of plotting with Makie. For an introduction to more complex plots and layouts, check the MakieLayout Tutorial.

The Makie Ecosystem

The Makie ecosystem spans several core and extension packages.

Core Packages

AbstractPlotting.jl is the backbone of the ecosystem. It defines the infrastructure objects which can be visualized using backend packages.

There are three backends:

GLMakie.jlDefault Makie backend. GPU-powered, interactive 2D and 3D plotting in standalone GLFW.jl windows.
CairoMakie.jlCairo.jl based, non-interactive 2D backend for publication-quality vector graphics.
WGLMakie.jlWebGL-based interactive 2D and 3D plotting that runs within browsers.

Extension Packages

Here is a selection of peripheral packages which offer additional features:

AlgebraOfGraphics.jlGrammar-of-graphics style plotting, inspired by ggplot2.
GeoMakie.jlGeographic plotting utilities.

Getting Help

If have questions or run into any issues, you can:

  1. Use the REPL ? help mode
  2. Open an issue in the Makie.jl repository.
  3. Join the #makie channel in the Julia Slack group.