Plot function signatures

General function signatures and usage

Create a new plot inside a new scene object

func(args...; kw_args...)

where func are the atomics function, e.g. lines, scatter, surface, etc. For a list of the available atomics functions, see Plotting functions overview.

Create a new plot as a subscene of the specified scene object

func(scene::SceneLike, args...; kw_args...)

Add a plot in-place to the current_scene()

func!(args...; kw_args...)

Add a plot in-place to the specified scene as a subscene

func!(scene::SceneLike, args...; kw_args...)

Detailed function signatures

The input arguments are handled by the convert_arguments function, which handles a large variety of inputs. The signatures accepted by convert_arguments are also those accepted by the plotting functions.

Accepted signatures are as follows:


Wrap a single point or equivalent object in a single-element array.

Enables to use scatter like a surface plot with x::Vector, y::Vector, z::Matrix spanning z over the grid spanned by x y

convert_arguments(P, x, y, z)::(Vector)

Takes vectors x, y, and z and turns it into a vector of 3D points of the values from x, y, and z. P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x)::(Vector)

Takes an input GeometryPrimitive x and decomposes it to points. P is the plot Type (it is optional).

Accepts a Vector of Pair of Points (e.g. [Point(0, 0) => Point(1, 1), ...]) to encode e.g. linesegments or directions.

convert_arguments(P, y)::Vector

Takes vector y and generates a range from 1 to the length of y, for plotting on an arbitrary x axis.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x, y)::(Vector)

Takes vectors x and y and turns it into a vector of 2D points of the values from x and y.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x, y, z)::Tuple{ClosedInterval, ClosedInterval, Matrix}

Takes 2 ClosedIntervals's x, y, and an AbstractMatrix z, and converts the closed range to linspaces with size(z, 1/2) P is the plot Type (it is optional).


Takes an input AbstractStringx and converts it to a string.

convert_arguments(P, x)::(Vector)

Takes an input Rectx and decomposes it to points.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x::VecOrMat, y::VecOrMat, z::Matrix)

Takes 3 AbstractMatrixx, y, and z, converts them to Float32 and outputs them in a Tuple.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, Matrix)::Tuple{ClosedInterval, ClosedInterval, Matrix}

Takes an AbstractMatrix, converts the dimesions n and m into ClosedInterval, and stores the ClosedInterval to n and m, plus the original matrix in a Tuple.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x, y, f)::(Vector, Vector, Matrix)

Takes vectors x and y and the function f, and applies f on the grid that x and y span. This is equivalent to f.(x, y'). P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, Matrix)::Tuple{ClosedInterval, ClosedInterval, ClosedInterval, Matrix}

Takes an array of {T, 3} where T, converts the dimesions n, m and k into ClosedInterval, and stores the ClosedInterval to n, m and k, plus the original array in a Tuple.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x, y, z, i)::(Vector, Vector, Vector, Matrix)

Takes 3 AbstractVectorx, y, and z and the AbstractMatrixi, and puts everything in a Tuple.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(P, x, y, z, f)::(Vector, Vector, Vector, Matrix)

Takes AbstractVectorx, y, and z and the function f, evaluates f on the volume spanned by x, y and z, and puts x, y, z and f(x,y,z) in a Tuple.

P is the plot Type (it is optional).

convert_arguments(Mesh, x, y, z)::GLNormalMesh

Takes real vectors x, y, z and constructs a mesh out of those, under the assumption that every 3 points form a triangle.

convert_arguments(Mesh, xyz::AbstractVector)::GLNormalMesh

Takes an input mesh and a vector xyz representing the vertices of the mesh, and creates indices under the assumption, that each triplet in xyz forms a triangle.

convert_arguments(Mesh, x, y, z, indices)::GLNormalMesh

Takes real vectors x, y, z and constructs a triangle mesh out of those, using the faces in indices, which can be integers (every 3 -> one triangle), or GeometryBasics.NgonFace{N, <: Integer}.

convert_arguments(Mesh, vertices, indices)::GLNormalMesh

Takes vertices and indices, and creates a triangle mesh out of those. See to_vertices and to_triangles for more informations about accepted types.

See Plot attributes for the available plot attributes.