Why Makie?

Makie is a high level plotting library with a focus on interactivity and speed.

It can also be seen as a prototype for a new design of Plots.jl, since it will implement a very similar interface and incorporate a lot of the ideas.

A fresh start instead of the already available GLVisualize backend for Plots.jl was needed for the following reasons:

  1. Plots.jl was written to create static plots without any interaction. This is deeply reflected in the internal design and makes it hard to integrate the high performance interaction possibilities from GLVisualize.
  2. Plots.jl has many high level plotting packages as a backend which lead to a very inconsistent design for the backends. For example, there is no straight interface a backend needs to implement. The backend abstraction happens at a very high level and the Plots.jl design relies on the high-level backends to fill in a lot of functionality - which lead to a lot of duplicated work for the lower level backends and a lot of inconsistent behavior since the code isn't shared between backends. It also means that it is a lot of work to maintain a backend.
  3. The attributes a plot/series contains and where the default creation happens is opaque and not well documented. Sometimes it's the task of the backend to create defaults for missing attributes, sometimes Plots.jl creates the defaults. A missing attribute is signalled in too many different ways (e.g. false, nothing, "") which then needs to be checked and filled in by the backend. This leads to making it very challenging to e.g. find the color of a line for different plot types and creates buggy, inconsistent and messy backend code.
  4. As mentioned in point 2, there is not a single consistent low level drawing API. This also influences recipes, since there is not a straight mapping to a low level drawing API and therefore it's not that easy to compose. There should be a finite set of "atomic" drawing operations (which can't be decomposed further) which a backend needs to implement and the rest should be implemented via recipes using those atomic operations. So once a backend implements those, it will support all of the plotting operations and only minor maintenance work needs to be done from that point on.
  5. Backend loading is done in Plots.jl via evaling the backend code. This has at 4 negative consequences:
    1. Backend code can't be precompiled leading to longer load times
    2. Backend dependencies are not in the Plots.jlREQUIRE file
    3. Backend dependencies get loaded via a function that gets evaled, so it's a bit awkward to use those dependencies in the function inside a backend
    4. World age issues because of the eval