Plot Recipes

Recipes allow you to extend Makie with your own custom types and plotting commands.

There are two types of recipes. Type recipes define a simple mapping from a user defined type to an existing plot type. Full recipes can customize the theme and define a custom plotting function.

Type recipes

Type recipes are really simple and just overload the argument conversion pipeline, converting from one type to another, plottable type.

!!! warning convert_arguments must always return a Tuple.

An example is:

convert_arguments(x::Circle) = (decompose(Point2f, x),)

This can be done for all plot types or for a subset of plot types:

# All plot types
convert_arguments(P::Type{<:AbstractPlot}, x::MyType) = convert_arguments(P, rand(10, 10))
# Only for scatter plots
convert_arguments(P::Type{<:Scatter}, x::MyType) = convert_arguments(P, rand(10, 10))
# For a group of plots, using a conversion trait for instance PointBased plots, which includes Lines and Scatter
convert_arguments(P::PointBased, x::MyType)
# It is also possible to convert multiple arguments
convert_arguments(P::Type{<:Scatter}, x::MyType, y::MyOtherType)

Optionally you may define the default plot type so that plot(x::MyType) will use this:

plottype(::MyType) = Surface

Full recipes with the @recipe macro

A full recipe for MyPlot comes in two parts. First is the plot type name, arguments and theme definition which are defined using the @recipe macro. Second is a custom plot! for MyPlot, implemented in terms of the atomic plotting functions. We use an example to show how this works:

# arguments (x, y, z) && theme are optional
@recipe(MyPlot, x, y, z) do scene
        plot_color => :red

This macro expands to several things. Firstly a type definition:

const MyPlot{ArgTypes} = Combined{myplot, ArgTypes}

The type parameter of Combined contains the function instead of e.g. a symbol. This way the mapping from MyPlot to myplot is safer and simpler. (The downside is we always need a function myplot - TODO: is this a problem?) The following signatures are defined to make MyPlot nice to use:

myplot(args...; kw_args...) = ...
myplot!(scene, args...; kw_args...) = ...
myplot(kw_args::Dict, args...) = ...
myplot!(scene, kw_args::Dict, args...) = ...
#etc (not 100% settled what signatures there will be)

A specialization of argument_names is emitted if you have an argument list (x,y,z) provided to the recipe macro:

`argument_names(::Type{<: MyPlot}) = (:x, :y, :z)`

This is optional but it will allow the use of plot_object[:x] to fetch the first argument from the call plot_object = myplot(rand(10), rand(10), rand(10)), for example.

Alternatively you can always fetch the ith argument using plot_object[i], and if you leave out the (x,y,z), the default version of argument_names will provide plot_object[:arg1] etc.

The theme given in the body of the @recipe invocation is inserted into a specialization of default_theme which inserts the theme into any scene that plots Myplot:

function default_theme(scene, ::Myplot)
        plot_color => :red

As the second part of defining MyPlot, you should implement the actual plotting of the MyPlot object by specializing plot!:

function plot!(plot::MyPlot)
    # normal plotting code, building on any previously defined recipes
    # or atomic plotting operations, and adding to the combined `plot`:
    lines!(plot, rand(10), color = plot[:plot_color])
    plot!(plot, plot[:x], plot[:y])

It's possible to add specializations here, depending on the argument types supplied to myplot. For example, to specialize the behavior of myplot(a) when a is a 3D array of floating point numbers:

const MyVolume = MyPlot{Tuple{<:AbstractArray{<: AbstractFloat, 3}}}
argument_names(::Type{<: MyVolume}) = (:volume,) # again, optional
function plot!(plot::MyVolume)
    # plot a volume with a colormap going from fully transparent to plot_color
    volume!(plot, plot[:volume], colormap = :transparent => plot[:plot_color])

Here is a complete example of creating a custom type and a recipe for it.

using Makie
using AbstractPlotting
import AbstractPlotting: Plot, default_theme, plot!, to_value

struct Simulation
# Probably worth having a macro for this!
function default_theme(scene::SceneLike, ::Type{<: Plot(Simulation)})
        advance = 0,
        molecule_sizes = [0.08, 0.04, 0.04],
        molecule_colors = [:maroon, :deepskyblue2, :deepskyblue2]

# The recipe! - will get called for plot(!)(x::SimulationResult)
function AbstractPlotting.plot!(p::Plot(Simulation))
    sim = to_value(p[1]) # first argument is the SimulationResult
    # when advance changes, get new positions from the simulation
    mpos = lift(p[:advance]) do i
        sim.grid .+ rand(Point3f0, length(sim.grid)) .* 0.01f0
    # size shouldn't change, so we might as well get the value instead of signal
    pos = to_value(mpos)
    N = length(pos)
    sizes = lift(p[:molecule_sizes]) do s
        repeat(s, outer = N ÷ 3)
    sizes = lift(p[:molecule_sizes]) do s
        repeat(s, outer = N ÷ 3)
    colors = lift(p[:molecule_colors]) do c
        repeat(c, outer = N ÷ 3)
    scene = meshscatter!(p, mpos, markersize = sizes, color = colors)
    indices = Int[]
    for i in 1:3:N
        push!(indices, i, i + 1, i, i + 2)
    meshplot = p.plots[end] # meshplot is the last plot we added to p
    # meshplot[1] -> the positions (first argument) converted to points, so
    # we don't do the conversion 2 times for linesegments!
    linesegments!(p, lift(x-> view(x, indices), meshplot[1]))

# To write out a video of the whole simulation
n = 5
r = range(-1, stop = 1, length = n)
grid = Point3f0.(r, reshape(r, (1, n, 1)), reshape(r, (1, 1, n)))
molecules = map(1:(n^3) * 3) do i
    i3 = ((i - 1) ÷ 3) + 1
    xy = 0.1; z = 0.08
    i % 3 == 1 && return grid[i3]
    i % 3 == 2 && return grid[i3] + Point3f0(xy, xy, z)
    i % 3 == 0 && return grid[i3] + Point3f0(-xy, xy, z)
result = Simulation(molecules)
scene = plot(result)
N = 100
record(scene, "molecules_simulation.mp4", 1:N) do i
    scene[end][:advance] = i

nothing # hide