Config File

read_config(filename; create_out_path = true, kwargs...) -> config::OrderedDict{Symbol,Any}

read_config(filenames; create_out_path = true, kwargs...) -> config::OrderedDict{Symbol,Any}

read_config(path; create_out_path = true, kwargs...) -> config::OrderedDict{Symbol, Any}

Load the config file from filename, inferring any necessary settings as needed. If path given, checks for joinpath(path, "config.yml"). This can be used with the out_path returned by run_e4st See read_data to see how the config is used. If multiple filenames given, (in a vector, or separated by commas) merges them, preserving the settings found in the last file, when there are conflicts, appending the list of Modifications. Uses summarize_config to infer defaults, when applicable. Any specified kwargs are added to the config, over-writing anything except the list of Modifications.

The Config File is a file that fully specifies all the necessary information. Note that when filenames are given as a relative path, they are assumed to be relative to the location of the config file.

base_out_pathtruenothingThe path (relative or absolute) to the desired output folder. This folder doesn't necessarily need to exist. The code will make it for you if it doesn't exist yet. E4ST will make a timestamped folder within base_out_path, and store that new path into config[out_path]. This is to prevent processes from overwriting one another.
gen_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the generator table. See summarize_table(::Val{:gen}).
bus_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the bus table. See summarize_table(::Val{:bus}).
branch_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the branch table. See summarize_table(::Val{:branch}).
hours_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the hours table. See summarize_table(::Val{:hours}).
nominal_load_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the time representation. See summarize_table(::Val{:nominal_load})
yearstruenothinga list of years to run in the simulation specified as a string. I.e. "y2030"
optimizertruenothingThe optimizer type and attributes to use in solving the linear program. The type field should be always be given, (i.e. type: HiGHS) as well as each of the solver options you wish to set. E4ST is a BYOS (Bring Your Own Solver :smile:) library, with default attributes for HiGHS and Gurobi. For all other solvers, you're on your own to provide a reasonable set of attributes. To see a full list of solvers with work with JuMP.jl, see here.
modsfalseOrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, E4ST.Modification}()A list of Modifications specifying changes for how E4ST runs. See the Modification for information on what they are, how to add them to a config file.
year_gen_datatruenothingThe year string (i.e. y2016) corresponding to the data year of the generator table.
log_model_summaryfalsefalseWhether or not to log a numerical summary of the model. Useful for debugging, but can take a while if the model is large.
out_pathfalsenothingthe path to output to. If this is not provided, an output path will be created make_out_path!.
other_config_filesfalsenothingA list of other config files to read. Note that the options in the parent file will be honored.
af_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the availability factor table. See summarize_table(::Val{:af_table})
cf_thresholdfalse0.001The threshold below which the maximum capacity factor is considered to be zero. This helps with numerical performance of the solver. For example, a solar unit with an hourly average CF of 0.00001 will not operate, with the default cf_threshold of 1e-3.
iterfalseE4ST.RunOnce()The Iterable object to specify the way the sim should iterate. If nothing specified, defaults to run a single time via RunOnce. Specify the Iterable type, and all keyword arguments.
load_shape_filefalsenothinga file for specifying the hourly shape of load elements. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_shape})
load_match_filefalsenothinga file for specifying annual load energy to match for sets. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_match})
load_add_filefalsenothinga file for specifying additional load energy, after matching. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_add})
load_add_filefalsenothinga file for specifying additional load energy, after matching. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_add})
build_gen_filefalsenothinga file for specifying generators that could get built. See summarize_table(::Val{:build_gen})
gentype_genfuel_filefalsenothinga file for storing gentype-genfuel pairings. See summarize_table(::Val{:genfuel})
summary_table_filefalsenothinga file for giving information about additional columns not specified in summarize_table
save_datafalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the loaded data to file for later use (i.e. by specifying a data_file for future simulations).
data_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the data file (a serialized julia object). If this is provided, it will use this instead of loading data from all the other files.
results_formulas_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the results formulas file. See summarize_table(::Val{:results_formulas})
save_model_presolvefalsefalseA boolean specifying whether or not to save the model before solving it, for later use (i.e. by specifying a model_presolve_file for future sims). Defaults to false
model_presolve_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the unsolved model. If this is provided, it will use this instead of creating a new model.
save_data_parsedfalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the raw results after solving the model. This could be useful for calling process_results!(config) in the future. Defaults to true
save_data_processedfalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the processed results after solving the model. Defaults to true.
objective_scalarfalse1000.0This is specifies how much to scale the objective by for the sake of the solver. Does not impact any user-created expressions or shadow prices from the raw results, as they get scaled back. (Defaults to 1e6)
pgen_scalarfalse1000.0This specifies how much to scale pgen by in the conspgenmax constraint. Helps with numerical stability if there are small availability factors present. See also cf_threshold
pcap_retirement_thresholdfalse1.0e-6This is the minimum pcap threshold (in MW) for new generators to be kept. Defaults to 1e-6 (i.e. 1W). See also save_updated_gen_table
vollfalse5000This is the assumed value of lost load for which the objective function will be penalized for every MWh of curtailed load.
loggingfalsetrueThis specifies whether or not E4ST will log to get_out_path(config, "E4ST.log"). Options include true, false, or "debug". See start_logging! for more info.
eor_leakage_ratefalse0.5The assumed rate (between 0 and 1) at which CO₂ stored in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) leaks back into the atmosphere.
line_loss_ratefalse0.1The assumed electrical loss rate from generation to consumption, given as a ratio between 0 and 1. Default is 0.1, or 10% energy loss
line_loss_typefalseplservThe term in the power balancing equation that gets penalized with line losses. Can be "pflow" or "plserv". Using "pflow" is more accurate in that it accounts for only losses on power coming from somewhere else, at the expense of a larger problem size and greater solve time. Default is plserv due to increased runtime with pflow
distribution_costfalse60The assumed cost per MWh of served power, for the transmission and distribution of the power.
bio_pctco2efalse0.273783186The fraction of biomass co2 emissions that are considered new to the atmostphere. 0.225 metric tons/MWh * (2204 short tons/2000 metric tons) / 0.904 short tons/MWh
ng_upstream_ch4_leakagefalse0.000434Natural gas methane fuel content. (Short ton/MMBtu)
coal_upstream_ch4_leakagefalse0.000175Coal methane fuel content. (Short ton/MMBtu)
waccfalse0.0544Assumed Weighted Average Cost of Capital (used as discount rate), currently only used for calculating ptc capex adjustment but should be the same as the wacc/discount rate used to calculate annualized generator costs. Current value (0.0544) was using in annulaizing ATB 2022 costs.
error_if_zero_affalsetrueWhether or not to throw an error if there are generators with zero availability over the entire year. If set to equal false, it will throw a warning message rather than an error.
error_if_zero_costfalsetrueWhether or not to throw an error if there are generators with zero costs over the entire year. If set to equal false, it will throw a warning message rather than an error.

Example Config File

base_out_path:    "../out/3bus"
gen_file:    "../data/3bus/gen.csv"
bus_file:    "../data/3bus/bus.csv"
branch_file: "../data/3bus/branch.csv"
hours_file:   "../data/3bus/hours.csv"
af_file:     "../data/3bus/af.csv"
nominal_load_file:     "../data/3bus/load.csv"
gentype_genfuel_file: "../data/3bus/gentype_genfuel.csv"
build_gen_file: "../data/3bus/build_gen.csv"
test_param1: "RIGHT" # This should not get overwritten by config_other
year_gen_data: y2020
  - "config_other.yml"
  - y2030
  - y2035
  - y2040
  type: "HiGHS" # See available options here:
  dual_feasibility_tolerance: 1e-5
  log_file: HiGHS.log
  log_to_console: false
  solver: simplex # "ipm" is probably preferred for larger problems, but it logs to console due to an issue
    type: "ExamplePolicyType"
    value: 0
      - "This makes an "
      - "array of strings."
      - "Cool, right?"
      name: "This makes an OrderedDict"
    type: "OtherModificationType"
    value: 0
    custom_parameter: "hello!!!"

summarize_config() -> summary::DataFrame

Summarizes the config, with columns for:

  • name - the property name, i.e. key
  • required - whether or not the property is required
  • default - default value of this property
  • description
base_out_pathtruenothingThe path (relative or absolute) to the desired output folder. This folder doesn't necessarily need to exist. The code will make it for you if it doesn't exist yet. E4ST will make a timestamped folder within base_out_path, and store that new path into config[out_path]. This is to prevent processes from overwriting one another.
gen_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the generator table. See summarize_table(::Val{:gen}).
bus_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the bus table. See summarize_table(::Val{:bus}).
branch_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the branch table. See summarize_table(::Val{:branch}).
hours_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the hours table. See summarize_table(::Val{:hours}).
nominal_load_filetruenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the time representation. See summarize_table(::Val{:nominal_load})
yearstruenothinga list of years to run in the simulation specified as a string. I.e. "y2030"
optimizertruenothingThe optimizer type and attributes to use in solving the linear program. The type field should be always be given, (i.e. type: HiGHS) as well as each of the solver options you wish to set. E4ST is a BYOS (Bring Your Own Solver :smile:) library, with default attributes for HiGHS and Gurobi. For all other solvers, you're on your own to provide a reasonable set of attributes. To see a full list of solvers with work with JuMP.jl, see here.
modsfalseOrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Symbol, E4ST.Modification}()A list of Modifications specifying changes for how E4ST runs. See the Modification for information on what they are, how to add them to a config file.
year_gen_datatruenothingThe year string (i.e. y2016) corresponding to the data year of the generator table.
log_model_summaryfalsefalseWhether or not to log a numerical summary of the model. Useful for debugging, but can take a while if the model is large.
out_pathfalsenothingthe path to output to. If this is not provided, an output path will be created make_out_path!.
other_config_filesfalsenothingA list of other config files to read. Note that the options in the parent file will be honored.
af_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the availability factor table. See summarize_table(::Val{:af_table})
cf_thresholdfalse0.001The threshold below which the maximum capacity factor is considered to be zero. This helps with numerical performance of the solver. For example, a solar unit with an hourly average CF of 0.00001 will not operate, with the default cf_threshold of 1e-3.
iterfalseE4ST.RunOnce()The Iterable object to specify the way the sim should iterate. If nothing specified, defaults to run a single time via RunOnce. Specify the Iterable type, and all keyword arguments.
load_shape_filefalsenothinga file for specifying the hourly shape of load elements. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_shape})
load_match_filefalsenothinga file for specifying annual load energy to match for sets. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_match})
load_add_filefalsenothinga file for specifying additional load energy, after matching. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_add})
load_add_filefalsenothinga file for specifying additional load energy, after matching. See summarize_table(::Val{:load_add})
build_gen_filefalsenothinga file for specifying generators that could get built. See summarize_table(::Val{:build_gen})
gentype_genfuel_filefalsenothinga file for storing gentype-genfuel pairings. See summarize_table(::Val{:genfuel})
summary_table_filefalsenothinga file for giving information about additional columns not specified in summarize_table
save_datafalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the loaded data to file for later use (i.e. by specifying a data_file for future simulations).
data_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the data file (a serialized julia object). If this is provided, it will use this instead of loading data from all the other files.
results_formulas_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the results formulas file. See summarize_table(::Val{:results_formulas})
save_model_presolvefalsefalseA boolean specifying whether or not to save the model before solving it, for later use (i.e. by specifying a model_presolve_file for future sims). Defaults to false
model_presolve_filefalsenothingThe filepath (relative or absolute) to the unsolved model. If this is provided, it will use this instead of creating a new model.
save_data_parsedfalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the raw results after solving the model. This could be useful for calling process_results!(config) in the future. Defaults to true
save_data_processedfalsetrueA boolean specifying whether or not to save the processed results after solving the model. Defaults to true.
objective_scalarfalse1000.0This is specifies how much to scale the objective by for the sake of the solver. Does not impact any user-created expressions or shadow prices from the raw results, as they get scaled back. (Defaults to 1e6)
pgen_scalarfalse1000.0This specifies how much to scale pgen by in the conspgenmax constraint. Helps with numerical stability if there are small availability factors present. See also cf_threshold
pcap_retirement_thresholdfalse1.0e-6This is the minimum pcap threshold (in MW) for new generators to be kept. Defaults to 1e-6 (i.e. 1W). See also save_updated_gen_table
vollfalse5000This is the assumed value of lost load for which the objective function will be penalized for every MWh of curtailed load.
loggingfalsetrueThis specifies whether or not E4ST will log to get_out_path(config, "E4ST.log"). Options include true, false, or "debug". See start_logging! for more info.
eor_leakage_ratefalse0.5The assumed rate (between 0 and 1) at which CO₂ stored in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) leaks back into the atmosphere.
line_loss_ratefalse0.1The assumed electrical loss rate from generation to consumption, given as a ratio between 0 and 1. Default is 0.1, or 10% energy loss
line_loss_typefalseplservThe term in the power balancing equation that gets penalized with line losses. Can be "pflow" or "plserv". Using "pflow" is more accurate in that it accounts for only losses on power coming from somewhere else, at the expense of a larger problem size and greater solve time. Default is plserv due to increased runtime with pflow
distribution_costfalse60The assumed cost per MWh of served power, for the transmission and distribution of the power.
bio_pctco2efalse0.273783186The fraction of biomass co2 emissions that are considered new to the atmostphere. 0.225 metric tons/MWh * (2204 short tons/2000 metric tons) / 0.904 short tons/MWh
ng_upstream_ch4_leakagefalse0.000434Natural gas methane fuel content. (Short ton/MMBtu)
coal_upstream_ch4_leakagefalse0.000175Coal methane fuel content. (Short ton/MMBtu)
waccfalse0.0544Assumed Weighted Average Cost of Capital (used as discount rate), currently only used for calculating ptc capex adjustment but should be the same as the wacc/discount rate used to calculate annualized generator costs. Current value (0.0544) was using in annulaizing ATB 2022 costs.
error_if_zero_affalsetrueWhether or not to throw an error if there are generators with zero availability over the entire year. If set to equal false, it will throw a warning message rather than an error.
error_if_zero_costfalsetrueWhether or not to throw an error if there are generators with zero costs over the entire year. If set to equal false, it will throw a warning message rather than an error.
save_config(config) -> nothing

saves the config to the output folder specified inside the config file

make_out_path!(config) -> nothing

If config[:out_path] provided, does nothing. Otherwise, makes sure config[:base_out_path] exists, making it as needed. Creates a new time-stamped folder via time_string, stores it into config[:out_path]. See get_out_path to create paths for output files.

get_out_path(config, filename) -> path

Returns joinpath(config[:out_path], filename)