Yearly Adjustments

AdjustYearly(;file, name)

Adjusts tables and parameters by year. Stores the table stored in file into data[name].

table_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the table to adjust. Leave blank if this adjustment is intended for a variable in data
variable_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the variable/column to adjust
operationE4ST.OperationE4ST.NAtrueThe operation to perform. Could be add, scale, or set.
filter_StringE4ST.NAtrueThere can be multiple filter conditions - filter1, filter2, etc. It denotes a comparison used for selecting the table rows to apply the adjustment to. See parse_comparison for examples
year_colStringE4ST.NAfalseOptional, the column for which the adjustment applies. For example, use year_on to set a cost for the lifetime of a generator. Leave blank (default) for to apply the adjustment by the simulation year value.
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not to use this adjustment
y_Float64E4ST.RatiotrueValue to adjust by for each year. Include a column for each year in the hours table. I.e. :y2020, :y2030, etc

Hourly Adjustments

AdjustHourly(;file, name)

Adjusts tables and parameters by hour. Stores the table stored in file into data[name].

table_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the table to adjust. Leave blank if this adjustment is intended for a variable in data
variable_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the variable/column to adjust
operationE4ST.OperationE4ST.NAtrueThe operation to perform. Could be add, scale, or set.
filter_StringE4ST.NAtrueThere can be multiple filter conditions - filter1, filter2, etc. It denotes a comparison used for selecting the table rows to apply the adjustment to. See parse_comparison for examples
yearStringE4ST.YeartrueThe year to adjust, expressed as a year string prepended with a "y". I.e. "y2022". Leave blank to adjust all years
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not to use this adjustment
h_Float64E4ST.RatiotrueValue to adjust by for each hour. Include a column for each hour in the hours table. I.e. :h1, :h2, ... :hn

Adjustments By Age

AdjustByAge(;file, name)

Adjusts tables and parameters by year. Stores the table stored in file into data[name].

table_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the table to adjust. Leave blank if this adjustment is intended for a variable in data
variable_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the variable/column to adjust
operationE4ST.OperationE4ST.NAtrueThe operation to perform. Could be add, scale, or set.
filter_StringE4ST.NAtrueThere can be multiple filter conditions - filter1, filter2, etc. It denotes a comparison used for selecting the table rows to apply the adjustment to. See parse_comparison for examples
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not to use this adjustment
age_typeStringE4ST.NAtrueThe type of age specified, can be exact, after, or trigger. If exact, then adjustment is applied only when the age in question is between [age, age+1). If trigger, then adjustment is applied for the first simulation year for which the age has been exceeded. If after, then adjustment is applied on [age, Inf)
ageFloat64E4ST.NumYearstrueThe age at which to apply this adjustment. Applies depending on age_type
valueFloat64E4ST.NAtrueValue to adjust by.

Adjusting Strings

AdjustString(;file, name)

Adjusts tables and parameters by setting a string. Stores the table stored in file into data[name].

table_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the table to adjust. Leave blank if this adjustment is intended for a variable in data
variable_nameAbstractStringE4ST.NAtrueThe name of the variable/column to adjust
filter_StringE4ST.NAtrueThere can be multiple filter conditions - filter1, filter2, etc. It denotes a comparison used for selecting the table rows to apply the adjustment to. See parse_comparison for examples
statusBoolE4ST.NAfalseWhether or not to use this adjustment
valueStringE4ST.NAtrueValue to set to.