
This page documents function available when using the Groundstation module, created with @service Groundstation.



cancel_contact(contact_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Cancels a contact with a specified contact ID.


  • contact_id: UUID of a contact.
create_config(config_data, name)
create_config(config_data, name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a Config with the specified configData parameters. Only one type of configData can be specified.


  • config_data: Parameters of a Config.
  • name: Name of a Config.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "tags": Tags assigned to a Config.
create_dataflow_endpoint_group(endpoint_details, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a DataflowEndpoint group containing the specified list of DataflowEndpoint objects. The name field in each endpoint is used in your mission profile DataflowEndpointConfig to specify which endpoints to use during a contact. When a contact uses multiple DataflowEndpointConfig objects, each Config must match a DataflowEndpoint in the same group.


  • endpoint_details: Endpoint details of each endpoint in the dataflow endpoint group.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "contactPostPassDurationSeconds": Amount of time, in seconds, after a contact ends that the Ground Station Dataflow Endpoint Group will be in a POSTPASS state. A Ground Station Dataflow Endpoint Group State Change event will be emitted when the Dataflow Endpoint Group enters and exits the POSTPASS state.
  • "contactPrePassDurationSeconds": Amount of time, in seconds, before a contact starts that the Ground Station Dataflow Endpoint Group will be in a PREPASS state. A Ground Station Dataflow Endpoint Group State Change event will be emitted when the Dataflow Endpoint Group enters and exits the PREPASS state.
  • "tags": Tags of a dataflow endpoint group.
create_ephemeris(name, satellite_id)
create_ephemeris(name, satellite_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates an Ephemeris with the specified EphemerisData.


  • name: A name string associated with the ephemeris. Used as a human-readable identifier for the ephemeris.
  • satellite_id: AWS Ground Station satellite ID for this ephemeris.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "enabled": Whether to set the ephemeris status to ENABLED after validation. Setting this to false will set the ephemeris status to DISABLED after validation.
  • "ephemeris": Ephemeris data.
  • "expirationTime": An overall expiration time for the ephemeris in UTC, after which it will become EXPIRED.
  • "kmsKeyArn": The ARN of a KMS key used to encrypt the ephemeris in Ground Station.
  • "priority": Customer-provided priority score to establish the order in which overlapping ephemerides should be used. The default for customer-provided ephemeris priority is 1, and higher numbers take precedence. Priority must be 1 or greater
  • "tags": Tags assigned to an ephemeris.
create_mission_profile(dataflow_edges, minimum_viable_contact_duration_seconds, name, tracking_config_arn)
create_mission_profile(dataflow_edges, minimum_viable_contact_duration_seconds, name, tracking_config_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a mission profile. dataflowEdges is a list of lists of strings. Each lower level list of strings has two elements: a from ARN and a to ARN.


  • dataflow_edges: A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a from Config and a to Config.
  • minimum_viable_contact_duration_seconds: Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.
  • name: Name of a mission profile.
  • tracking_config_arn: ARN of a tracking Config.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "contactPostPassDurationSeconds": Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a Ground Station Contact State Change event indicating the pass has finished.
  • "contactPrePassDurationSeconds": Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a Ground Station Contact State Change event indicating an upcoming pass.
  • "streamsKmsKey": KMS key to use for encrypting streams.
  • "streamsKmsRole": Role to use for encrypting streams with KMS key.
  • "tags": Tags assigned to a mission profile.
delete_config(config_id, config_type)
delete_config(config_id, config_type, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a Config.


  • config_id: UUID of a Config.
  • config_type: Type of a Config.
delete_dataflow_endpoint_group(dataflow_endpoint_group_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a dataflow endpoint group.


  • dataflow_endpoint_group_id: UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.
delete_ephemeris(ephemeris_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes an ephemeris


  • ephemeris_id: The AWS Ground Station ephemeris ID.
delete_mission_profile(mission_profile_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a mission profile.


  • mission_profile_id: UUID of a mission profile.
describe_contact(contact_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Describes an existing contact.


  • contact_id: UUID of a contact.
describe_ephemeris(ephemeris_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Describes an existing ephemeris.


  • ephemeris_id: The AWS Ground Station ephemeris ID.
get_agent_configuration(agent_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

For use by AWS Ground Station Agent and shouldn't be called directly. Gets the latest configuration information for a registered agent.


  • agent_id: UUID of agent to get configuration information for.
get_config(config_id, config_type)
get_config(config_id, config_type, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns Config information. Only one Config response can be returned.


  • config_id: UUID of a Config.
  • config_type: Type of a Config.
get_dataflow_endpoint_group(dataflow_endpoint_group_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns the dataflow endpoint group.


  • dataflow_endpoint_group_id: UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.
get_minute_usage(month, year)
get_minute_usage(month, year, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns the number of reserved minutes used by account.


  • month: The month being requested, with a value of 1-12.
  • year: The year being requested, in the format of YYYY.
get_mission_profile(mission_profile_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns a mission profile.


  • mission_profile_id: UUID of a mission profile.
get_satellite(satellite_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns a satellite.


  • satellite_id: UUID of a satellite.

Returns a list of Config objects.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of Configs returned.
  • "nextToken": Next token returned in the request of a previous ListConfigs call. Used to get the next page of results.
list_contacts(end_time, start_time, status_list)
list_contacts(end_time, start_time, status_list, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns a list of contacts. If statusList contains AVAILABLE, the request must include groundStation, missionprofileArn, and satelliteArn.


  • end_time: End time of a contact in UTC.
  • start_time: Start time of a contact in UTC.
  • status_list: Status of a contact reservation.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "groundStation": Name of a ground station.
  • "maxResults": Maximum number of contacts returned.
  • "missionProfileArn": ARN of a mission profile.
  • "nextToken": Next token returned in the request of a previous ListContacts call. Used to get the next page of results.
  • "satelliteArn": ARN of a satellite.

Returns a list of DataflowEndpoint groups.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of dataflow endpoint groups returned.
  • "nextToken": Next token returned in the request of a previous ListDataflowEndpointGroups call. Used to get the next page of results.
list_ephemerides(end_time, satellite_id, start_time)
list_ephemerides(end_time, satellite_id, start_time, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

List existing ephemerides.


  • end_time: The end time to list in UTC. The operation will return an ephemeris if its expiration time is within the time range defined by the startTime and endTime.
  • satellite_id: The AWS Ground Station satellite ID to list ephemeris for.
  • start_time: The start time to list in UTC. The operation will return an ephemeris if its expiration time is within the time range defined by the startTime and endTime.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of ephemerides to return.
  • "nextToken": Pagination token.
  • "statusList": The list of ephemeris status to return.

Returns a list of ground stations.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of ground stations returned.
  • "nextToken": Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of ground stations.
  • "satelliteId": Satellite ID to retrieve on-boarded ground stations.

Returns a list of mission profiles.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of mission profiles returned.
  • "nextToken": Next token returned in the request of a previous ListMissionProfiles call. Used to get the next page of results.

Returns a list of satellites.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": Maximum number of satellites returned.
  • "nextToken": Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of satellites.
list_tags_for_resource(resource_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns a list of tags for a specified resource.


  • resource_arn: ARN of a resource.
register_agent(agent_details, discovery_data)
register_agent(agent_details, discovery_data, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

For use by AWS Ground Station Agent and shouldn't be called directly. Registers a new agent with AWS Ground Station.


  • agent_details: Detailed information about the agent being registered.
  • discovery_data: Data for associating an agent with the capabilities it is managing.
reserve_contact(end_time, ground_station, mission_profile_arn, satellite_arn, start_time)
reserve_contact(end_time, ground_station, mission_profile_arn, satellite_arn, start_time, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Reserves a contact using specified parameters.


  • end_time: End time of a contact in UTC.
  • ground_station: Name of a ground station.
  • mission_profile_arn: ARN of a mission profile.
  • satellite_arn: ARN of a satellite
  • start_time: Start time of a contact in UTC.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "tags": Tags assigned to a contact.
tag_resource(resource_arn, tags)
tag_resource(resource_arn, tags, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Assigns a tag to a resource.


  • resource_arn: ARN of a resource tag.
  • tags: Tags assigned to a resource.
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys)
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deassigns a resource tag.


  • resource_arn: ARN of a resource.
  • tag_keys: Keys of a resource tag.
update_agent_status(agent_id, aggregate_status, component_statuses, task_id)
update_agent_status(agent_id, aggregate_status, component_statuses, task_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

For use by AWS Ground Station Agent and shouldn't be called directly. Update the status of the agent.


  • agent_id: UUID of agent to update.
  • aggregate_status: Aggregate status for agent.
  • component_statuses: List of component statuses for agent.
  • task_id: GUID of agent task.
update_config(config_data, config_id, config_type, name)
update_config(config_data, config_id, config_type, name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Updates the Config used when scheduling contacts. Updating a Config will not update the execution parameters for existing future contacts scheduled with this Config.


  • config_data: Parameters of a Config.
  • config_id: UUID of a Config.
  • config_type: Type of a Config.
  • name: Name of a Config.
update_ephemeris(enabled, ephemeris_id)
update_ephemeris(enabled, ephemeris_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Updates an existing ephemeris


  • enabled: Whether the ephemeris is enabled or not. Changing this value will not require the ephemeris to be re-validated.
  • ephemeris_id: The AWS Ground Station ephemeris ID.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "name": A name string associated with the ephemeris. Used as a human-readable identifier for the ephemeris.
  • "priority": Customer-provided priority score to establish the order in which overlapping ephemerides should be used. The default for customer-provided ephemeris priority is 1, and higher numbers take precedence. Priority must be 1 or greater
update_mission_profile(mission_profile_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Updates a mission profile. Updating a mission profile will not update the execution parameters for existing future contacts.


  • mission_profile_id: UUID of a mission profile.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "contactPostPassDurationSeconds": Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a Ground Station Contact State Change event indicating the pass has finished.
  • "contactPrePassDurationSeconds": Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a Ground Station Contact State Change event indicating the pass has finished.
  • "dataflowEdges": A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a from Config and a to Config.
  • "minimumViableContactDurationSeconds": Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.
  • "name": Name of a mission profile.
  • "streamsKmsKey": KMS key to use for encrypting streams.
  • "streamsKmsRole": Role to use for encrypting streams with KMS key.
  • "trackingConfigArn": ARN of a tracking Config.