
This page documents function available when using the Synthetics module, created with @service Synthetics.



associate_resource(resource_arn, group_identifier)
associate_resource(resource_arn, group_identifier, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Associates a canary with a group. Using groups can help you with managing and automating your canaries, and you can also view aggregated run results and statistics for all canaries in a group. You must run this operation in the Region where the canary exists.


  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary that you want to associate with the specified group.
  • group_identifier: Specifies the group. You can specify the group name, the ARN, or the group ID as the GroupIdentifier.
create_canary(artifact_s3_location, code, execution_role_arn, name, runtime_version, schedule)
create_canary(artifact_s3_location, code, execution_role_arn, name, runtime_version, schedule, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a canary. Canaries are scripts that monitor your endpoints and APIs from the outside-in. Canaries help you check the availability and latency of your web services and troubleshoot anomalies by investigating load time data, screenshots of the UI, logs, and metrics. You can set up a canary to run continuously or just once. Do not use CreateCanary to modify an existing canary. Use UpdateCanary instead. To create canaries, you must have the CloudWatchSyntheticsFullAccess policy. If you are creating a new IAM role for the canary, you also need the iam:CreateRole, iam:CreatePolicy and iam:AttachRolePolicy permissions. For more information, see Necessary Roles and Permissions. Do not include secrets or proprietary information in your canary names. The canary name makes up part of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the canary, and the ARN is included in outbound calls over the internet. For more information, see Security Considerations for Synthetics Canaries.


  • artifact_s3_location: The location in Amazon S3 where Synthetics stores artifacts from the test runs of this canary. Artifacts include the log file, screenshots, and HAR files. The name of the S3 bucket can't include a period (.).
  • code: A structure that includes the entry point from which the canary should start running your script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included.
  • execution_role_arn: The ARN of the IAM role to be used to run the canary. This role must already exist, and must include as a principal in the trust policy. The role must also have the following permissions: s3:PutObject s3:GetBucketLocation s3:ListAllMyBuckets cloudwatch:PutMetricData logs:CreateLogGroup logs:CreateLogStream logs:PutLogEvents
  • name: The name for this canary. Be sure to give it a descriptive name that distinguishes it from other canaries in your account. Do not include secrets or proprietary information in your canary names. The canary name makes up part of the canary ARN, and the ARN is included in outbound calls over the internet. For more information, see Security Considerations for Synthetics Canaries.
  • runtime_version: Specifies the runtime version to use for the canary. For a list of valid runtime versions and more information about runtime versions, see Canary Runtime Versions.
  • schedule: A structure that contains information about how often the canary is to run and when these test runs are to stop.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ArtifactConfig": A structure that contains the configuration for canary artifacts, including the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3.
  • "FailureRetentionPeriodInDays": The number of days to retain data about failed runs of this canary. If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.
  • "RunConfig": A structure that contains the configuration for individual canary runs, such as timeout value and environment variables. The environment variables keys and values are not encrypted. Do not store sensitive information in this field.
  • "SuccessRetentionPeriodInDays": The number of days to retain data about successful runs of this canary. If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.
  • "Tags": A list of key-value pairs to associate with the canary. You can associate as many as 50 tags with a canary. Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only the resources that have certain tag values.
  • "VpcConfig": If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Running a Canary in a VPC.
create_group(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a group which you can use to associate canaries with each other, including cross-Region canaries. Using groups can help you with managing and automating your canaries, and you can also view aggregated run results and statistics for all canaries in a group. Groups are global resources. When you create a group, it is replicated across Amazon Web Services Regions, and you can view it and add canaries to it from any Region. Although the group ARN format reflects the Region name where it was created, a group is not constrained to any Region. This means that you can put canaries from multiple Regions into the same group, and then use that group to view and manage all of those canaries in a single view. Groups are supported in all Regions except the Regions that are disabled by default. For more information about these Regions, see Enabling a Region. Each group can contain as many as 10 canaries. You can have as many as 20 groups in your account. Any single canary can be a member of up to 10 groups.


  • name: The name for the group. It can include any Unicode characters. The names for all groups in your account, across all Regions, must be unique.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "Tags": A list of key-value pairs to associate with the group. You can associate as many as 50 tags with a group. Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only the resources that have certain tag values.
delete_canary(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Permanently deletes the specified canary. If you specify DeleteLambda to true, CloudWatch Synthetics also deletes the Lambda functions and layers that are used by the canary. Other resources used and created by the canary are not automatically deleted. After you delete a canary that you do not intend to use again, you should also delete the following: The CloudWatch alarms created for this canary. These alarms have a name of Synthetics-SharpDrop-Alarm-MyCanaryName . Amazon S3 objects and buckets, such as the canary's artifact location. IAM roles created for the canary. If they were created in the console, these roles have the name role/service-role/CloudWatchSyntheticsRole-MyCanaryName . CloudWatch Logs log groups created for the canary. These logs groups have the name /aws/lambda/cwsyn-MyCanaryName . Before you delete a canary, you might want to use GetCanary to display the information about this canary. Make note of the information returned by this operation so that you can delete these resources after you delete the canary.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want to delete. To find the names of your canaries, use DescribeCanaries.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "deleteLambda": Specifies whether to also delete the Lambda functions and layers used by this canary. The default is false. Type: Boolean
delete_group(group_identifier, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a group. The group doesn't need to be empty to be deleted. If there are canaries in the group, they are not deleted when you delete the group. Groups are a global resource that appear in all Regions, but the request to delete a group must be made from its home Region. You can find the home Region of a group within its ARN.


  • group_identifier: Specifies which group to delete. You can specify the group name, the ARN, or the group ID as the GroupIdentifier.

This operation returns a list of the canaries in your account, along with full details about each canary. This operation supports resource-level authorization using an IAM policy and the Names parameter. If you specify the Names parameter, the operation is successful only if you have authorization to view all the canaries that you specify in your request. If you do not have permission to view any of the canaries, the request fails with a 403 response. You are required to use the Names parameter if you are logged on to a user or role that has an IAM policy that restricts which canaries that you are allowed to view. For more information, see Limiting a user to viewing specific canaries.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many canaries are returned each time you use the DescribeCanaries operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 100 is used.
  • "Names": Use this parameter to return only canaries that match the names that you specify here. You can specify as many as five canary names. If you specify this parameter, the operation is successful only if you have authorization to view all the canaries that you specify in your request. If you do not have permission to view any of the canaries, the request fails with a 403 response. You are required to use this parameter if you are logged on to a user or role that has an IAM policy that restricts which canaries that you are allowed to view. For more information, see Limiting a user to viewing specific canaries.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent operation to retrieve the next set of results.

Use this operation to see information from the most recent run of each canary that you have created. This operation supports resource-level authorization using an IAM policy and the Names parameter. If you specify the Names parameter, the operation is successful only if you have authorization to view all the canaries that you specify in your request. If you do not have permission to view any of the canaries, the request fails with a 403 response. You are required to use the Names parameter if you are logged on to a user or role that has an IAM policy that restricts which canaries that you are allowed to view. For more information, see Limiting a user to viewing specific canaries.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many runs are returned each time you use the DescribeLastRun operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 100 is used.
  • "Names": Use this parameter to return only canaries that match the names that you specify here. You can specify as many as five canary names. If you specify this parameter, the operation is successful only if you have authorization to view all the canaries that you specify in your request. If you do not have permission to view any of the canaries, the request fails with a 403 response. You are required to use the Names parameter if you are logged on to a user or role that has an IAM policy that restricts which canaries that you are allowed to view. For more information, see Limiting a user to viewing specific canaries.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent DescribeCanariesLastRun operation to retrieve the next set of results.

Returns a list of Synthetics canary runtime versions. For more information, see Canary Runtime Versions.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many runs are returned each time you use the DescribeRuntimeVersions operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 100 is used.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent DescribeRuntimeVersions operation to retrieve the next set of results.
disassociate_resource(resource_arn, group_identifier)
disassociate_resource(resource_arn, group_identifier, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Removes a canary from a group. You must run this operation in the Region where the canary exists.


  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary that you want to remove from the specified group.
  • group_identifier: Specifies the group. You can specify the group name, the ARN, or the group ID as the GroupIdentifier.
get_canary(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Retrieves complete information about one canary. You must specify the name of the canary that you want. To get a list of canaries and their names, use DescribeCanaries.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want details for.
get_canary_runs(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Retrieves a list of runs for a specified canary.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want to see runs for.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many runs are returned each time you use the GetCanaryRuns operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 100 is used.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent GetCanaryRuns operation to retrieve the next set of results.
get_group(group_identifier, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns information about one group. Groups are a global resource, so you can use this operation from any Region.


  • group_identifier: Specifies the group to return information for. You can specify the group name, the ARN, or the group ID as the GroupIdentifier.
list_associated_groups(resource_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns a list of the groups that the specified canary is associated with. The canary that you specify must be in the current Region.


  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary that you want to view groups for.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many groups are returned each time you use the ListAssociatedGroups operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 20 is used.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent operation to retrieve the next set of results.
list_group_resources(group_identifier, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

This operation returns a list of the ARNs of the canaries that are associated with the specified group.


  • group_identifier: Specifies the group to return information for. You can specify the group name, the ARN, or the group ID as the GroupIdentifier.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many canary ARNs are returned each time you use the ListGroupResources operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 20 is used.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent operation to retrieve the next set of results.

Returns a list of all groups in the account, displaying their names, unique IDs, and ARNs. The groups from all Regions are returned.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": Specify this parameter to limit how many groups are returned each time you use the ListGroups operation. If you omit this parameter, the default of 20 is used.
  • "NextToken": A token that indicates that there is more data available. You can use this token in a subsequent operation to retrieve the next set of results.
list_tags_for_resource(resource_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Displays the tags associated with a canary or group.


  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary or group that you want to view tags for. The ARN format of a canary is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:canary:canary-name . The ARN format of a group is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:group:group-name
start_canary(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Use this operation to run a canary that has already been created. The frequency of the canary runs is determined by the value of the canary's Schedule. To see a canary's schedule, use GetCanary.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want to run. To find canary names, use DescribeCanaries.
stop_canary(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Stops the canary to prevent all future runs. If the canary is currently running,the run that is in progress completes on its own, publishes metrics, and uploads artifacts, but it is not recorded in Synthetics as a completed run. You can use StartCanary to start it running again with the canary’s current schedule at any point in the future.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want to stop. To find the names of your canaries, use ListCanaries.
tag_resource(tags, resource_arn)
tag_resource(tags, resource_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified canary or group. Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions, by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values. Tags don't have any semantic meaning to Amazon Web Services and are interpreted strictly as strings of characters. You can use the TagResource action with a resource that already has tags. If you specify a new tag key for the resource, this tag is appended to the list of tags associated with the resource. If you specify a tag key that is already associated with the resource, the new tag value that you specify replaces the previous value for that tag. You can associate as many as 50 tags with a canary or group.


  • tags: The list of key-value pairs to associate with the resource.
  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary or group that you're adding tags to. The ARN format of a canary is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:canary:canary-name . The ARN format of a group is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:group:group-name
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys)
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Removes one or more tags from the specified resource.


  • resource_arn: The ARN of the canary or group that you're removing tags from. The ARN format of a canary is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:canary:canary-name . The ARN format of a group is arn:aws:synthetics:Region:account-id:group:group-name
  • tag_keys: The list of tag keys to remove from the resource.
update_canary(name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Updates the configuration of a canary that has already been created. You can't use this operation to update the tags of an existing canary. To change the tags of an existing canary, use TagResource.


  • name: The name of the canary that you want to update. To find the names of your canaries, use DescribeCanaries. You cannot change the name of a canary that has already been created.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ArtifactConfig": A structure that contains the configuration for canary artifacts, including the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3.
  • "ArtifactS3Location": The location in Amazon S3 where Synthetics stores artifacts from the test runs of this canary. Artifacts include the log file, screenshots, and HAR files. The name of the S3 bucket can't include a period (.).
  • "Code": A structure that includes the entry point from which the canary should start running your script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included.
  • "ExecutionRoleArn": The ARN of the IAM role to be used to run the canary. This role must already exist, and must include as a principal in the trust policy. The role must also have the following permissions: s3:PutObject s3:GetBucketLocation s3:ListAllMyBuckets cloudwatch:PutMetricData logs:CreateLogGroup logs:CreateLogStream logs:CreateLogStream
  • "FailureRetentionPeriodInDays": The number of days to retain data about failed runs of this canary.
  • "RunConfig": A structure that contains the timeout value that is used for each individual run of the canary. The environment variables keys and values are not encrypted. Do not store sensitive information in this field.
  • "RuntimeVersion": Specifies the runtime version to use for the canary. For a list of valid runtime versions and for more information about runtime versions, see Canary Runtime Versions.
  • "Schedule": A structure that contains information about how often the canary is to run, and when these runs are to stop.
  • "SuccessRetentionPeriodInDays": The number of days to retain data about successful runs of this canary.
  • "VisualReference": Defines the screenshots to use as the baseline for comparisons during visual monitoring comparisons during future runs of this canary. If you omit this parameter, no changes are made to any baseline screenshots that the canary might be using already. Visual monitoring is supported only on canaries running the syn-puppeteer-node-3.2 runtime or later. For more information, see Visual monitoring and Visual monitoring blueprint
  • "VpcConfig": If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Running a Canary in a VPC.