Sagemaker Featurestore Runtime

This page documents function available when using the Sagemaker_Featurestore_Runtime module, created with @service Sagemaker_Featurestore_Runtime.



batch_get_record(identifiers, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Retrieves a batch of Records from a FeatureGroup.


  • identifiers: A list containing the name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the FeatureGroup, the list of names of Features to be retrieved, and the corresponding RecordIdentifier values as strings.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ExpirationTimeResponse": Parameter to request ExpiresAt in response. If Enabled, BatchGetRecord will return the value of ExpiresAt, if it is not null. If Disabled and null, BatchGetRecord will return null.
delete_record(event_time, feature_group_name, record_identifier_value_as_string)
delete_record(event_time, feature_group_name, record_identifier_value_as_string, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a Record from a FeatureGroup in the OnlineStore. Feature Store supports both SoftDelete and HardDelete. For SoftDelete (default), feature columns are set to null and the record is no longer retrievable by GetRecord or BatchGetRecord. For HardDelete, the complete Record is removed from the OnlineStore. In both cases, Feature Store appends the deleted record marker to the OfflineStore. The deleted record marker is a record with the same RecordIdentifer as the original, but with is_deleted value set to True, EventTime set to the delete input EventTime, and other feature values set to null. Note that the EventTime specified in DeleteRecord should be set later than the EventTime of the existing record in the OnlineStore for that RecordIdentifer. If it is not, the deletion does not occur: For SoftDelete, the existing (not deleted) record remains in the OnlineStore, though the delete record marker is still written to the OfflineStore. HardDelete returns EventTime: 400 ValidationException to indicate that the delete operation failed. No delete record marker is written to the OfflineStore. When a record is deleted from the OnlineStore, the deleted record marker is appended to the OfflineStore. If you have the Iceberg table format enabled for your OfflineStore, you can remove all history of a record from the OfflineStore using Amazon Athena or Apache Spark. For information on how to hard delete a record from the OfflineStore with the Iceberg table format enabled, see Delete records from the offline store.


  • event_time: Timestamp indicating when the deletion event occurred. EventTime can be used to query data at a certain point in time.
  • feature_group_name: The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the feature group to delete the record from.
  • record_identifier_value_as_string: The value for the RecordIdentifier that uniquely identifies the record, in string format.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "DeletionMode": The name of the deletion mode for deleting the record. By default, the deletion mode is set to SoftDelete.
  • "TargetStores": A list of stores from which you're deleting the record. By default, Feature Store deletes the record from all of the stores that you're using for the FeatureGroup.
get_record(feature_group_name, record_identifier_value_as_string)
get_record(feature_group_name, record_identifier_value_as_string, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Use for OnlineStore serving from a FeatureStore. Only the latest records stored in the OnlineStore can be retrieved. If no Record with RecordIdentifierValue is found, then an empty result is returned.


  • feature_group_name: The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the feature group from which you want to retrieve a record.
  • record_identifier_value_as_string: The value that corresponds to RecordIdentifier type and uniquely identifies the record in the FeatureGroup.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ExpirationTimeResponse": Parameter to request ExpiresAt in response. If Enabled, GetRecord will return the value of ExpiresAt, if it is not null. If Disabled and null, GetRecord will return null.
  • "FeatureName": List of names of Features to be retrieved. If not specified, the latest value for all the Features are returned.
put_record(feature_group_name, record)
put_record(feature_group_name, record, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

The PutRecord API is used to ingest a list of Records into your feature group. If a new record’s EventTime is greater, the new record is written to both the OnlineStore and OfflineStore. Otherwise, the record is a historic record and it is written only to the OfflineStore. You can specify the ingestion to be applied to the OnlineStore, OfflineStore, or both by using the TargetStores request parameter. You can set the ingested record to expire at a given time to live (TTL) duration after the record’s event time, ExpiresAt = EventTime + TtlDuration, by specifying the TtlDuration parameter. A record level TtlDuration is set when specifying the TtlDuration parameter using the PutRecord API call. If the input TtlDuration is null or unspecified, TtlDuration is set to the default feature group level TtlDuration. A record level TtlDuration supersedes the group level TtlDuration.


  • feature_group_name: The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the feature group that you want to insert the record into.
  • record: List of FeatureValues to be inserted. This will be a full over-write. If you only want to update few of the feature values, do the following: Use GetRecord to retrieve the latest record. Update the record returned from GetRecord. Use PutRecord to update feature values.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "TargetStores": A list of stores to which you're adding the record. By default, Feature Store adds the record to all of the stores that you're using for the FeatureGroup.
  • "TtlDuration": Time to live duration, where the record is hard deleted after the expiration time is reached; ExpiresAt = EventTime + TtlDuration. For information on HardDelete, see the DeleteRecord API in the Amazon SageMaker API Reference guide.