
This page documents function available when using the Internetmonitor module, created with @service Internetmonitor.



create_monitor(monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. A monitor is built based on information from the application resources that you add: VPCs, Network Load Balancers (NLBs), Amazon CloudFront distributions, and Amazon WorkSpaces directories. Internet Monitor then publishes internet measurements from Amazon Web Services that are specific to the city-networks. That is, the locations and ASNs (typically internet service providers or ISPs), where clients access your application. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide. When you create a monitor, you choose the percentage of traffic that you want to monitor. You can also set a maximum limit for the number of city-networks where client traffic is monitored, that caps the total traffic that Internet Monitor monitors. A city-network maximum is the limit of city-networks, but you only pay for the number of city-networks that are actually monitored. You can update your monitor at any time to change the percentage of traffic to monitor or the city-networks maximum. For more information, see Choosing a city-network maximum value in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ClientToken": A unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters that you specify to make an idempotent API request. Don't reuse the same client token for other API requests.
  • "HealthEventsConfig": Defines the threshold percentages and other configuration information for when Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor creates a health event. Internet Monitor creates a health event when an internet issue that affects your application end users has a health score percentage that is at or below a specific threshold, and, sometimes, when other criteria are met. If you don't set a health event threshold, the default value is 95%. For more information, see Change health event thresholds in the Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.
  • "InternetMeasurementsLogDelivery": Publish internet measurements for Internet Monitor to an Amazon S3 bucket in addition to CloudWatch Logs.
  • "MaxCityNetworksToMonitor": The maximum number of city-networks to monitor for your resources. A city-network is the location (city) where clients access your application resources from and the ASN or network provider, such as an internet service provider (ISP), that clients access the resources through. Setting this limit can help control billing costs. To learn more, see Choosing a city-network maximum value in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.
  • "Resources": The resources to include in a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). Resources can be VPCs, NLBs, Amazon CloudFront distributions, or Amazon WorkSpaces directories. You can add a combination of VPCs and CloudFront distributions, or you can add WorkSpaces directories, or you can add NLBs. You can't add NLBs or WorkSpaces directories together with any other resources. If you add only Amazon VPC resources, at least one VPC must have an Internet Gateway attached to it, to make sure that it has internet connectivity.
  • "Tags": The tags for a monitor. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor.
  • "TrafficPercentageToMonitor": The percentage of the internet-facing traffic for your application that you want to monitor with this monitor. If you set a city-networks maximum, that limit overrides the traffic percentage that you set. To learn more, see Choosing an application traffic percentage to monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.
delete_monitor(monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Deletes a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor to delete.
get_health_event(event_id, monitor_name)
get_health_event(event_id, monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Gets information that Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor has created and stored about a health event for a specified monitor. This information includes the impacted locations, and all the information related to the event, by location. The information returned includes the impact on performance, availability, and round-trip time, information about the network providers (ASNs), the event type, and so on. Information rolled up at the global traffic level is also returned, including the impact type and total traffic impact.


  • event_id: The internally-generated identifier of a health event. Because EventID contains the forward slash (“/”) character, you must URL-encode the EventID field in the request URL.
  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "LinkedAccountId": The account ID for an account that you've set up cross-account sharing for in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You configure cross-account sharing by using Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. For more information, see Internet Monitor cross-account observability in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
get_internet_event(event_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Gets information that Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor has generated about an internet event. Internet Monitor displays information about recent global health events, called internet events, on a global outages map that is available to all Amazon Web Services customers. The information returned here includes the impacted location, when the event started and (if the event is over) ended, the type of event (PERFORMANCE or AVAILABILITY), and the status (ACTIVE or RESOLVED).


  • event_id: The EventId of the internet event to return information for.
get_monitor(monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Gets information about a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor based on a monitor name. The information returned includes the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), create time, modified time, resources included in the monitor, and status information.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "LinkedAccountId": The account ID for an account that you've set up cross-account sharing for in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You configure cross-account sharing by using Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. For more information, see Internet Monitor cross-account observability in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
get_query_results(monitor_name, query_id)
get_query_results(monitor_name, query_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Return the data for a query with the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface. Specify the query that you want to return results for by providing a QueryId and a monitor name. For more information about using the query interface, including examples, see Using the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor to return data for.
  • query_id: The ID of the query that you want to return data results for. A QueryId is an internally-generated identifier for a specific query.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "MaxResults": The number of query results that you want to return with this call.
  • "NextToken": The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
get_query_status(monitor_name, query_id)
get_query_status(monitor_name, query_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns the current status of a query for the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface, for a specified query ID and monitor. When you run a query, check the status to make sure that the query has SUCCEEDED before you review the results. QUEUED: The query is scheduled to run. RUNNING: The query is in progress but not complete. SUCCEEDED: The query completed sucessfully. FAILED: The query failed due to an error. CANCELED: The query was canceled.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.
  • query_id: The ID of the query that you want to return the status for. A QueryId is an internally-generated dentifier for a specific query.
list_health_events(monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Lists all health events for a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. Returns information for health events including the event start and end times, and the status. Health events that have start times during the time frame that is requested are not included in the list of health events.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "EndTime": The time when a health event ended. If the health event is still ongoing, then the end time is not set.
  • "EventStatus": The status of a health event.
  • "LinkedAccountId": The account ID for an account that you've set up cross-account sharing for in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You configure cross-account sharing by using Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. For more information, see Internet Monitor cross-account observability in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
  • "MaxResults": The number of health event objects that you want to return with this call.
  • "NextToken": The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
  • "StartTime": The time when a health event started.

Lists internet events that cause performance or availability issues for client locations. Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor displays information about recent global health events, called internet events, on a global outages map that is available to all Amazon Web Services customers. You can constrain the list of internet events returned by providing a start time and end time to define a total time frame for events you want to list. Both start time and end time specify the time when an event started. End time is optional. If you don't include it, the default end time is the current time. You can also limit the events returned to a specific status (ACTIVE or RESOLVED) or type (PERFORMANCE or AVAILABILITY).

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "EndTime": The end time of the time window that you want to get a list of internet events for.
  • "EventStatus": The status of an internet event.
  • "EventType": The type of network impairment.
  • "InternetEventMaxResults": The number of query results that you want to return with this call.
  • "NextToken": The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
  • "StartTime": The start time of the time window that you want to get a list of internet events for.

Lists all of your monitors for Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor and their statuses, along with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and name of each monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "IncludeLinkedAccounts": A boolean option that you can set to TRUE to include monitors for linked accounts in a list of monitors, when you've set up cross-account sharing in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You configure cross-account sharing by using Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. For more information, see Internet Monitor cross-account observability in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
  • "MaxResults": The number of monitor objects that you want to return with this call.
  • "MonitorStatus": The status of a monitor. This includes the status of the data processing for the monitor and the status of the monitor itself. For information about the statuses for a monitor, see Monitor.
  • "NextToken": The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
list_tags_for_resource(resource_arn, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Lists the tags for a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.


  • resource_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a resource.
start_query(end_time, monitor_name, query_type, start_time)
start_query(end_time, monitor_name, query_type, start_time, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Start a query to return data for a specific query type for the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface. Specify a time period for the data that you want returned by using StartTime and EndTime. You filter the query results to return by providing parameters that you specify with FilterParameters. For more information about using the query interface, including examples, see Using the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.


  • end_time: The timestamp that is the end of the period that you want to retrieve data for with your query.
  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor to query.
  • query_type: The type of query to run. The following are the three types of queries that you can run using the Internet Monitor query interface: MEASUREMENTS: Provides availability score, performance score, total traffic, and round-trip times, at 5 minute intervals. TOPLOCATIONS: Provides availability score, performance score, total traffic, and time to first byte (TTFB) information, for the top location and ASN combinations that you're monitoring, by traffic volume. TOPLOCATION_DETAILS: Provides TTFB for Amazon CloudFront, your current configuration, and the best performing EC2 configuration, at 1 hour intervals. For lists of the fields returned with each query type and more information about how each type of query is performed, see Using the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
  • start_time: The timestamp that is the beginning of the period that you want to retrieve data for with your query.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "FilterParameters": The FilterParameters field that you use with Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor queries is a string the defines how you want a query to be filtered. The filter parameters that you can specify depend on the query type, since each query type returns a different set of Internet Monitor data. For more information about specifying filter parameters, see Using the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor query interface in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
  • "LinkedAccountId": The account ID for an account that you've set up cross-account sharing for in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You configure cross-account sharing by using Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager. For more information, see Internet Monitor cross-account observability in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor User Guide.
stop_query(monitor_name, query_id)
stop_query(monitor_name, query_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Stop a query that is progress for a specific monitor.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.
  • query_id: The ID of the query that you want to stop. A QueryId is an internally-generated identifier for a specific query.
tag_resource(resource_arn, tags)
tag_resource(resource_arn, tags, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Adds a tag to a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor. A minimum of one tag is required for this call. It returns an error if you use the TagResource request with 0 tags.


  • resource_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a tag that you add to a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.
  • tags: Tags that you add to a resource. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor.
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys)
untag_resource(resource_arn, tag_keys, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Removes a tag from a resource.


  • resource_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a tag you remove a resource from.
  • tag_keys: Tag keys that you remove from a resource.
update_monitor(monitor_name, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Updates a monitor. You can update a monitor to change the percentage of traffic to monitor or the maximum number of city-networks (locations and ASNs), to add or remove resources, or to change the status of the monitor. Note that you can't change the name of a monitor. The city-network maximum that you choose is the limit, but you only pay for the number of city-networks that are actually monitored. For more information, see Choosing a city-network maximum value in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


  • monitor_name: The name of the monitor.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ClientToken": A unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters that you specify to make an idempotent API request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests.
  • "HealthEventsConfig": The list of health score thresholds. A threshold percentage for health scores, along with other configuration information, determines when Internet Monitor creates a health event when there's an internet issue that affects your application end users. For more information, see Change health event thresholds in the Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.
  • "InternetMeasurementsLogDelivery": Publish internet measurements for Internet Monitor to another location, such as an Amazon S3 bucket. The measurements are also published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
  • "MaxCityNetworksToMonitor": The maximum number of city-networks to monitor for your application. A city-network is the location (city) where clients access your application resources from and the ASN or network provider, such as an internet service provider (ISP), that clients access the resources through. Setting this limit can help control billing costs.
  • "ResourcesToAdd": The resources to include in a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). Resources can be VPCs, NLBs, Amazon CloudFront distributions, or Amazon WorkSpaces directories. You can add a combination of VPCs and CloudFront distributions, or you can add WorkSpaces directories, or you can add NLBs. You can't add NLBs or WorkSpaces directories together with any other resources. If you add only Amazon Virtual Private Clouds resources, at least one VPC must have an Internet Gateway attached to it, to make sure that it has internet connectivity.
  • "ResourcesToRemove": The resources to remove from a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
  • "Status": The status for a monitor. The accepted values for Status with the UpdateMonitor API call are the following: ACTIVE and INACTIVE. The following values are not accepted: PENDING, and ERROR.
  • "TrafficPercentageToMonitor": The percentage of the internet-facing traffic for your application that you want to monitor with this monitor. If you set a city-networks maximum, that limit overrides the traffic percentage that you set. To learn more, see Choosing an application traffic percentage to monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.