Marketplace Agreement

This page documents function available when using the Marketplace_Agreement module, created with @service Marketplace_Agreement.



describe_agreement(agreement_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Provides details about an agreement, such as the proposer, acceptor, start date, and end date.


  • agreement_id: The unique identifier of the agreement.
get_agreement_terms(agreement_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Obtains details about the terms in an agreement that you participated in as proposer or acceptor. The details include: TermType – The type of term, such as LegalTerm, RenewalTerm, or ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm. TermID – The ID of the particular term, which is common between offer and agreement. TermPayload – The key information contained in the term, such as the EULA for LegalTerm or pricing and dimensions for various pricing terms, such as ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm or UsageBasedPricingTerm. Configuration – The buyer/acceptor's selection at the time of agreement creation, such as the number of units purchased for a dimension or setting the EnableAutoRenew flag.


  • agreement_id: The unique identifier of the agreement.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "maxResults": The maximum number of agreements to return in the response.
  • "nextToken": A token to specify where to start pagination

Searches across all agreements that a proposer or an acceptor has in AWS Marketplace. The search returns a list of agreements with basic agreement information. The following filter combinations are supported: PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + ResourceIdentifier PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + OfferId PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType

  • AcceptorAccountId PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + Status PartyType as

Proposer + AgreementType + ResourceIdentifier + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + OfferId + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + ResourceType + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + ResourceType + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + OfferId PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + OfferId + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + ResourceIdentifier PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + ResourceIdentifier + Status PartyType as Proposer + AgreementType + AcceptorAccountId + ResourceType

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "catalog": The catalog in which the agreement was created.
  • "filters": The filter name and value pair used to return a specific list of results. The following filters are supported: ResourceIdentifier – The unique identifier of the resource. ResourceType – Type of the resource, which is the product (AmiProduct, ContainerProduct, or SaaSProduct). PartyType – The party type (either Acceptor or Proposer) of the caller. For agreements where the caller is the proposer, use the Proposer filter. For agreements where the caller is the acceptor, use the Acceptor filter. AcceptorAccountId – The AWS account ID of the party accepting the agreement terms. OfferId – The unique identifier of the offer in which the terms are registered in the agreement token. Status – The current status of the agreement. Values include ACTIVE, ARCHIVED, CANCELLED, EXPIRED, RENEWED, REPLACED, and TERMINATED. BeforeEndTime – A date used to filter agreements with a date before the endTime of an agreement. AfterEndTime – A date used to filter agreements with a date after the endTime of an agreement. AgreementType – The type of agreement. Values include PurchaseAgreement or VendorInsightsAgreement.
  • "maxResults": The maximum number of agreements to return in the response.
  • "nextToken": A token to specify where to start pagination.
  • "sort": An object that contains the SortBy and SortOrder attributes.