CSC Database Documentation

1 Model setup parameters

Model settings parameters are specified in a csc_Settings.yml file which should be located in the current working directory (or to specify an alternative location, edit the settings_path variable in your Run.jl file). Settings include those related to model structure, solution strategy and outputs, policy constraints, and others. Model structure related settings parameter affects the formulation of the model constraint and objective functions. Computational performance related parameters affect the accuracy of the solution. Policy related parameters specify the policy type and policy goal. Network related parameters specify settings related to transmission network expansion and losses. Note that all settings parameters are case sensitive.

Table 1a: Summary of the Model settings parameters

Settings ParameterDescription
Model structure related
ModelCSCFlag to turn or off CO2 Supply Chain modelling capabilities.
0 = no CO2 supply chain modeling.
1 = modeling CO2 supply chain.
CO2NetworkExpansionFlag for activating or deactivating inter-regional transmission expansion.
0 = modeling single zone or for multi-zone problems, inter regional
transmission expansion is not allowed.
1 = active
ModelCO2PipelinesWhether to model pipeline in CO2 supply chain.
0 = not modeling CO2 pipelines (no transmission).
1 = modeling CO2 pipelines (with transmission).
CO2PipeIntegerWhether to model pipeline capacity as discrete or integer.
0 = continuous capacity of CO2 pipeline.
1 = discrete capacity of CO2 pipeline.
CO2Pipeline_LossWhether to model pipeline CO2 loss.
0 = not modeling pipeline CO2 loss.
1 = modeling pipeline CO2 loss.

2 Inputs

All input files are in CSV format. Running the GenX submodule requires a minimum of five input files. Additionally, the user may need to specify five more input files based on model configuration and type of scenarios of interest. Names of the input files and their functionality is given below. Note that names of the input files are case sensitive.

Table 2: Summary of the input files

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Files
CSC_pipelines.csvSpecify network topology, transmission fixed costs, capacity and loss parameters.
CSC_capture.csvSpecify cost and performance data for DAC resources.
CSC_capture_variability.csvSpecify time-series of capacity factor/availability for each resource.
CSC_capture_compression.csvSpecify cost and performance data for CO2 compression resources for CO2 captured by DAC if modeling separately.
CSC_storage_.csvSpecify cost and performance data for DAC resources.

2.1 Mandatory input data

2.1.1 CSC_pipelines.csv

This input file contains input parameters related to: 1) definition of pipeline network (regions between which pipelines are explicitly modeled and can be constructed) and 2) definition of pipeline construction costs, booster compressors (for pressure losses along the pipe), and main compressors (compression from CO2 production pressure to desired pipeline pressure). The following table describes each of the mandatory parameter inputs that need to be specified to run an instance of the model, along with comments for the model configurations when they are needed.

Table 3: Structure of the CSC_pipelines.csv file

Column NameDescription
Settings-specific Columns
Multiple zone model
CO2_PipelinesIndex number of existing and candidate CO2 pipelines.
Max_No_PipeMaximum number of CO2 pipelines.
Existing_No_PipeExisting number of CO2 pipelines.
Max_Flow_Tonne_p_hr_Per_PipeMaximum capacity (flow rate) per CO2 pipeline.
CO2Pipe_Inv_Cost_per_mile_yrAnnulized capital investment cost per pipeline-mile.
Pipe_length_milesCO2 pipeline length in miles.
CO2PipeLoss_tonne_per_mile_per_tonneAmount of CO2 loss per mile.
CO2PipeCap_tonne_per_mileMaximum storage capacity per CO2 pipeline per mile.
Min_pipecap_stor_fracMinimum storage capacity per CO2 pipeline in percentage of maximum.
len_bw_comp_mileLength between two booster compressors in miles.
BoosterCompCapex_per_tonne_p_hr_yrAnnulized investment cost of booster compressors per tonne/hr.
BoosterCompEnergy_MWh_per_tonneElectricity consumption of booster compressor per tonne of CO2 in MWh.
CO2Pipe_Fixed_OM_Cost_per_mile_yrAnnulized fixed O&M cost per pipeline-mile.
CO2Pipe_Energy_MWh_per_mile_per_tonneEnergy consumption per tonne of CO2 of per mile.

2.1.2 Generator_variability.csv

This file contains the time-series of capacity factors / availability of each resource included in the CSC_capture.csv file for each time step (e.g. hour) modeled.

• first column: The first column contains the time index of each row (starting in the second row) from 1 to N.

• Second column onwards: Resources are listed from the second column onward with headers matching each resource name in the CSC_capture.csv file in any order. The availability for each resource at each time step is defined as a fraction of installed capacity and should be between 0 and 1. Note that for this reason, resource names specified in CSC_capture.csv must be unique.

2.1.3 CSC_capture.csv

This file contains cost and performance parameters for various DAC resources included in the model formulation.

Table 4: Mandatory columns in the CSC_capture.csv file

Column NameDescription
CO2_ResourceThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include different types of DAC.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Capacity requirements
Max_capacity_tonne_per_hr-1 (default) – no limit on maximum capture capacity of the DAC resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed capture capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
Min_capacity_tonne_per_hr-1 (default) – no limit on minimum capture capacity of the DAC resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed capture capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_tonne_per_hr_yrAnnualized capacity investment cost of a technology ($/tonne/hr/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_tonne_per_hr_yrFixed operations and maintenance cost of a technology ($/tonne/hr/year).
Var_OM_Cost_per_tonneVariable operations and maintenance cost of a technology ($/tonne).
Technical performance parameters
etaFuel_MMBtu_p_tonneMMBtu of fuel consumed per tonne of CO2 captured by DAC. Should be consistent with fuel prices in terms of reporting on higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV) basis.
FuelFuel needed for a generator. The names should match with the ones in the Fuels_data.csv.
etaPCO2_MWh_p_tonneEnergy required per tonne of CO2 capture by DAC.
Power_Production_MWh_per_tonneEnergy produced per tonne of CO2 capture by DAC for resoures with built in power plants.
Fuel_CCS_RateCapture rate of CO2 released from fuel utilization.
CO2_Capture_Min_Output[0,1], The minimum capture level for a DAC unit as a fraction of total capacity.
Ramp_Up_Percentage[0,1], Maximum increase in CO2 capture output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.
Ramp_Dn_Percentage[0,1], Maximum decrease in CO2 capture output from between two periods (typically hours), reported as a fraction of nameplate capacity.

2.1.4 CSC_capture_compression.csv

This file contains cost and performance parameters for various CO2 compression resources included in the model formulation.

Table 5: Mandatory columns in the CSC_capture_compression.csv file

Column NameDescription
CO2_Capture_CompressionThis column contains unique names of CO2 compression resources available to the model.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Capacity requirements
Max_capacity_tonne_per_hr-1 (default) – no limit on maximum CO2 compression capacity. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed capture capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
Min_capacity_tonne_per_hr-1 (default) – no limit on minimum CO2 compression capacity. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed capture capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_tonne_per_hr_yrAnnualized capacity investment cost of a technology ($/tonne/hr/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_tonne_per_hr_yrFixed operations and maintenance cost of a technology ($/tonne/hr/year).
Technical performance parameters
etaPCO2_MWh_p_tonneEnergy required per tonne of CO2 compression.
Power_Production_MWh_per_tonneEnergy produced per tonne of CO2 capture by DAC for resoures with built in power plants.
CO2_Capture_Min_Output[0,1], The minimum CO2 compression level as a fraction of total capacity.
CO2_Capture_Max_Output[0,1], The maximum CO2 compression level as a fraction of total capacity.

2.1.5 CSC_storage.csv

This file contains cost and performance parameters for various CO2 storage resources included in the model formulation.

Table 4: Mandatory columns in the CSC_storage_.csv file

Column NameDescription
CO2_StorageThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include different types of CO2 storage.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Capacity requirements
Max_capacity_tonne_per_yr-1 (default) – no limit on maximum CO2 storage capacity of the resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed CO2 storage capacity (in tonne/year) of the resource.
Min_capacity_tonne_per_yr-1 (default) – no limit on minimum CO2 storage capacity of the DAC resource. If non-negative, represents minimum allowed CO2 storage capacity (in tonne/year) of the resource.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_per_tonne_per_yr_yrAnnualized capacity investment cost of a technology ($/tonne/year/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_per_tonne_per_yr_yrFixed operations and maintenance cost of a technology ($/tonne/year/year).
Var_OM_Cost_per_tonneVariable operations and maintenance cost of a technology ($/tonne).
Technical performance parameters
etaPCO2_MWh_p_tonneEnergy required per tonne of CO2 stored.
Max_injection_rate_tonne_per_hrThe maximum CO2 injection rate into CO2 storage resource (\tonne/hr).
CO2_Injection_Min_Output[0,1], The minimum CO2 injection level as a fraction of max injection rate.
CO2_Injection_Max_Output[0,1], The maximum CO2 injection level as a fraction of max injection rate.

3 Outputs

The table below summarizes the output variables reported as part of the various CSV files produced after each model run. The reported units are also provided. When the model is run with time domain reduction, if a result file includes time-dependent values (e.g. for each model time step), the value will not include the hour weight in it. An annual sum ("AnnualSum") column/row will be provided whenever it is possible (e.g., Zone_CO2_storage_balance.csv), and this value takes the time-weights into account.

3.1 Default output files

3.1.1 CSCDACcapacity.csv

Reports optimal values of investment variables for DAC

Table 9: Structure of the CSCDACcapacity.csv file

CapacityCapture capacity of each DAC resource type in each zoneCO$_2$ Tonnes / Hr
Max_Annual_CaptureMaximum annual possible CO2 capture based on built capacityCO$_2$ Tonnes
Annual_CaptureActual annual CO2 captureCO$_2$ Tonnes
Capacity_FactorCapacity factor by dividing actual annual CO2 capture by maximum annual possible CO2 capture based on built capacity

3.1.2 CSCstoragecapacity.csv

Reports CO2 storage capacity.

3.1.3 CSCinjectionper_year.csv

Reports total CO2 injection into CO2 storage.

3.1.4 ZoneCO2storage_balance.csv

Reports balance of captured CO2 of each sector and resources for each zone and time step.

3.1.5 CSCstoragebalance_zone.csv

Reports annual sum balance of captured CO2 of each sector and resources for each zone.

3.1.6 ZoneCO2emission_balance.csv

Reports emissions of each sector and re6ources for each zone and time step.

3.1.7 SystemCO2emission_balance.csv

Reports systemwide emissions of each sector for time step.

3.1.8 CSCco2pipeline_flow.csv

Reports CO$_2$ level (in tonnes/hour) in each pipeline for each time step, as well as the amount of CO2 (in tonnes) sent from the source or arrived at the sink.