General Database Documentation

Table 1a: Summary of the Model settings parameters

Settings ParameterDescription
Model structure related
OperationWrappingSelect temporal resolution for operations constraints.
0 = Models intra-annual operations as a single contiguous period. Inter-temporal constraint are defined based on linking first time step with the last time step of the year.
1 = Models intra-annual operations using multiple representative periods. Inter-temporal constraints are defined based on linking first time step with the last time step of each representative period.
TimeDomainReduction1 = Use time domain reduced inputs available in the folder with the name defined by settings parameter TimeDomainReduction Folder. If such a folder does not exist or it is empty, time domain reduction will reduce the input data and save the results in the folder with this name. These reduced inputs are based on full input data provided by user in Load_data.csv, Generators_variability.csv, and Fuels_data.csv.
TimeDomainReductionFolderName of the folder where time domain reduced input data is accessed and stored.
Solution strategy and outputs
SolverSolver name is case sensitive (CPLEX, Gurobi, clp).
ParameterScaleFlag to turn on parameter scaling wherein load, capacity and power variables defined in GW rather than MW. This flag aides in improving the computational performance of the model.
1 = Scaling is activated.
0 = Scaling is not activated.
ModelingToGenerateAlternativesModeling to Generate Alternative Algorithm.
1 = Use the algorithm.
0 = Do not use the algorithm.
ModelingtoGenerateAlternativeSlackvalue used to define the maximum deviation from the least-cost solution as a part of Modeling to Generate Alternative Algorithm. Can take any real value between 0 and 1.
WriteShadowPricesGet dual of various model related constraints, including to estimate electricity prices, stored value of energy and the marginal CO$_2$ prices.
PrintModelFlag for printnig the model equations as .lp file.
1= including the model equation as an output
0 for the model equation not being included as an output

Additionally, Solver related settings parameters are specified in the appropriate solver settings .yml file (e.g. gurobi_settings.yml or cplex_settings.yml), which should be located in the current working directory (or to specify an alternative location, edit the solver_settings_path variable in your Run.jl file). Note that GenX supplies default settings for most solver settings in the various solver-specific functions found in the /src/configure_solver/ directory. To overwrite default settings, you can specify the below Solver specific settings. Note that appropriate solver settings are specific to each solver.

Table 1b: Summary of the Solver settings parameters

Settings ParameterDescription
Solver settings
MethodAlgorithm used to solve continuous models or the root node of a MIP model. Generally, barrier method provides the fastest run times for real-world problem set.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_LPMETHOD - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: Method - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
clp: SolveType - Default = 5; See link for more specifications.
BarConvTolConvergence tolerance for barrier algorithm.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_BAREPCOMP - Default = 1e-8; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: BarConvTol - Default = 1e-8; See linklink for more specifications.
Feasib_TolAll constraints must be satisfied as per this tolerance. Note that this tolerance is absolute.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPRHS - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: FeasibilityTol - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
clp: PrimalTolerance - Default = 1e-7; See link for more specifications.
clp: DualTolerance - Default = 1e-7; See link for more specifications.
Optimal_TolReduced costs must all be smaller than Optimal_Tol in the improving direction in order for a model to be declared optimal.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPOPT - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: OptimalityTol - Default = 1e-6; See link for more specifications.
Pre_SolveControls the presolve level.
Gurobi: Presolve - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
clp: PresolveType - Default = 5; See link for more specifications.
CrossoverDetermines the crossover strategy used to transform the interior solution produced by barrier algorithm into a basic solution.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_SOLUTIONTYPE - Default = 2; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: Crossover - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
NumericFocusControls the degree to which the code attempts to detect and manage numerical issues.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_NUMERICALEMPHASIS - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: NumericFocus - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
TimeLimitTime limit to terminate the solution algorithm, model could also terminate if it reaches MIPGap before this time.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_TILIM- Default = 1e+75; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: TimeLimit - Default = infinity; See link for more specifications.
clp: MaximumSeconds - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
MIPGapOptimality gap in case of mixed-integer program.
CPLEX: CPX_PARAM_EPGAP- Default = 1e-4; See link for more specifications.
Gurobi: MIPGap - Default = 1e-4; See link for more specifications.
DualObjectiveLimitWhen using dual simplex (where the objective is monotonically changing), terminate when the objective exceeds this limit.
clp: DualObjectiveLimit - Default = 1e308; See link for more specifications.
MaximumIterationsTerminate after performing this number of simplex iterations.
clp: MaximumIterations - Default = 2147483647; See link for more specifications.
LogLevelSet to 1, 2, 3, or 4 for increasing output. Set to 0 to disable output.
clp: logLevel - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.
cbc: logLevel - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.
InfeasibleReturnSet to 1 to return as soon as the problem is found to be infeasible (by default, an infeasibility proof is computed as well).
clp: InfeasibleReturn - Default = 0; See link for more specifications.
ScalingSets or unsets scaling; 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 dynamic(later).
clp: Scaling - Default = 3; See link for more specifications.
PerturbationPerturbs problem; Switch on perturbation (50), automatic (100), don't try perturbing (102).
clp: Perturbation - Default = 3; See link for more specifications.
maxSolutionsTerminate after this many feasible solutions have been found.
cbc: maxSolutions - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
maxNodesTerminate after this many branch-and-bound nodes have been evaluated
cbc: maxNodes - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
allowableGapTerminate after optimality gap is less than this value (on an absolute scale)
cbc: allowableGap - Default = -1; See link for more specifications.
ratioGapTerminate after optimality gap is smaller than this relative fraction.
cbc: ratioGap - Default = Inf; See link for more specifications.
threadsSet the number of threads to use for parallel branch & bound.
cbc: threads - Default = 1; See link for more specifications.