Reading Input Files


Loads various data inputs from multiple input .csv files in path directory and stores variables in a Dict (dictionary) object for use in model() function

inputs: setup - dict object containing setup parameters path - string path to working directory

returns: Dict (dictionary) object containing all data inputs

Fuels Data

load_fuels_data!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to fuel costs and CO$_2$ content of fuels

Generators Input Data

load_generators_data!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs_gen::Dict, fuel_costs::Dict, fuel_CO2::Dict)

Function for reading input parameters related to electricity generators (plus storage and flexible demand resources)

Variability of Generators' Outputs

load_generators_variability!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to hourly maximum capacity factors for generators, storage, and flexible demand resources

Load Data

load_load_data!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to electricity load (demand)


This function prevents TimeDomainReduction from running on a case which already has more than one Representative Period or has more than one Sub_Weight specified.

Transmission Network

load_network_map_from_list(network_var::DataFrame, Z, L, list_columns)

Loads the network map from a list-style interface

..., Network_Lines, Origin_Zone, Destination_Zone, ...
                 1,           1,                2,
                 2,           1,                3,
load_network_map_from_matrix(network_var::DataFrame, Z, L)

Loads the network map from a matrix-style interface

..., Network_Lines, z1, z2, z3, ...
                 1,  1, -1,  0,
                 2,  1,  0, -1,

This is equivalent to the list-style interface where the zone zN with entry +1 is the starting node of the line and the zone with entry -1 is the ending node of the line.

Minimum Capacity Requirements

load_minimum_capacity_requirement!(path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict, setup::Dict)

Read input parameters related to mimimum capacity requirement constraints (e.g. technology specific deployment mandates)

Capacity Reserve Margin

load_cap_reserve_margin!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to planning reserve margin constraints

load_cap_reserve_margin_trans!(setup::Dict, inputs::Dict, network_var::DataFrame)

Read input parameters related to participation of transmission imports/exports in capacity reserve margin constraint.

CO$_2$ Emissions Cap

load_co2_cap!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to CO$_2$ emissions cap constraints

Energy Share Requirement

load_energy_share_requirement!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to mimimum energy share requirement constraints (e.g. renewable portfolio standard or clean electricity standard policies)

Mapping Representative Time Periods

load_period_map!(setup::Dict, path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to mapping of representative time periods to full chronological time series


load_reserves!(setup::Dict,path::AbstractString, inputs::Dict)

Read input parameters related to frequency regulation and operating reserve requirements