Long Duration Truck for Hydrogen

h2_long_duration_truck(EP::Model, inputs::Dict)

This function includes LongDurationtruck only when modeling representative periods.

** Variables**

State of charge of truck at beginning of each modeled period n. \begin{align} v{j, t}^{\textrm{F}}+v{j, t}^{\textrm{E}} & = V_{j} \quad \forall j \in \mathbb{J}, t \in \mathbb{T} \end{align}

\[\begin{aligned} v_{n}^{\textrm{SOC}} \geqslant 0,v_{z,j,n}^{\textrm{SOC}} \leqslant v_{j}^{\textrm{H,TRU}} \end{aligned}\]


State of charge of truck at beginning of each modeled period cannot exceed installed energy capacity

\[\begin{aligned} v_{z,j,n}^{\textrm{SOC}} \leq v_{j}^{\textrm{TRU}} \end{aligned}\]