LFSC Database Documentation

1 Model setup parameters

Model settings parameters are specified in a lfsc_Settings.yml file which should be located in the current working directory (or to specify an alternative location, edit the settings_path variable in your Run.jl file). Settings include those related to model structure, solution strategy and outputs, policy constraints, and others. Model structure related settings parameter affects the formulation of the model constraint and objective functions. Computational performance related parameters affect the accuracy of the solution. Policy related parameters specify the policy type and policy goal. Note that all settings parameters are case sensitive.

Table 1a: Summary of the Model settings parameters

Settings ParameterDescription
Model structure related
ModelLiquidFuelsFlag to turn or off CO2 Supply Chain modelling capabilities.
0 = no liquid fuels supply chain modeling.
1 = modeling liquid fuels supply chain.
AllowConventionalDieselFlag for allowing purchase of conventional diesel.
0 = purchase of conventional diesel is not allowed.
1 = active
SpecifySynDieselPercentFlagFlag for allowing the specification of the percentage of non-conventional diesel.
0 = no user specified percentage of conventional diesel.
1 = active
percentsfdieselSpecify the percentage value of non-conventional diesel.
Enter a fraction from 0 to 1.
AllowConventionalJetfuelFlag for allowing purchase of conventional jetfuel.
0 = purchase of conventional jetfuel is not allowed.
1 = active
SpecifySynJetfuelPercentFlagFlag for allowing the specification of the percentage of non-conventional jetfuel.
0 = no user specified percentage of conventional jetfuel.
1 = active
percentsfjetfuelSpecify the percentage value of non-conventional jetfuel.
Enter a fraction from 0 to 1.
AllowConventionalGasolineFlag for allowing purchase of conventional gasoline.
0 = purchase of conventional gasoline is not allowed.
1 = active
SpecifySynGasolinePercentFlagFlag for allowing the specification of the percentage of non-conventional gasoline.
0 = no user specified percentage of conventional gasoline.
1 = active
percentsfgasolineSpecify the percentage value of non-conventional gasoline.
Enter a fraction from 0 to 1.

2 Inputs

All input files are in CSV format. Running the GenX submodule requires a minimum of five input files. Additionally, the user may need to specify five more input files based on model configuration and type of scenarios of interest. Names of the input files and their functionality is given below. Note that names of the input files are case sensitive.

Table 2: Summary of the input files

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Files
Liquid_Fuels_Diesel_Demand.csvSpecify time-series of load profiles for each model zone, price for conventional diesel, emission factor for conventional and synthetic diesel.
Liquid_Fuels_Jetfuel_Demand.csvSpecify time-series of load profiles for each model zone, price for conventional jetfuel, emission factor for conventional and synthetic, jetfuel.
Liquid_Fuels_Gasoline_Demand.csvSpecify time-series of load profiles for each model zone, price for conventional gasoline, emission factor for conventional and synthetic gasoline.
Syn_Fuels_resources.csvSpecify cost and performance data for synthetic fuels resources.

2.1 Mandatory input data

2.1.1 Liquid_Fuels_Diesel_Demand.csv

This file includes parameters to characterize model the diesel demand for each time step for each zone, the cost of conventional diesel, emission factor for conventional and synthetic diesel. Note that DOLPHYN is designed to model hourly time steps. With some care and effort, finer (e.g. 15 minute) or courser (e.g. 2 hour) time steps can be modeled so long as all time-related parameters are scaled appropriately (e.g. time period weights, heat rates, ramp rates and minimum up and down times for generators, variable costs, etc).

Table 1: Structure of the Liquid_Fuels_Diesel_Demand.csv file

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Columns
Conventional_diesel_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional diesel (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Conventional_diesel_price_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional diesel ($/tonne-CO2).
Syn_diesel_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of synthetic diesel (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Time_IndexIndex defining time step in the model.
Load_mmbtu_z*Load profile of diesel in a zone z* in MMBtu/hr; if multiple zones, this parameter will be a matrix with columns equal to number of zones (each column named appropriate zone number appended to parameter) and rows equal to number of time periods of grid operations being modeled.

2.1.2 Liquid_Fuels_Jetfuel_Demand.csv

This file includes parameters to characterize model the diesel demand for each time step for each zone, the cost of conventional jetfuel, emission factor for conventional and synthetic jetfuel. Note that DOLPHYN is designed to model hourly time steps. With some care and effort, finer (e.g. 15 minute) or courser (e.g. 2 hour) time steps can be modeled so long as all time-related parameters are scaled appropriately (e.g. time period weights, heat rates, ramp rates and minimum up and down times for generators, variable costs, etc).

Table 2: Structure of the Liquid_Fuels_Jetfuel_Demand.csv file

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Columns
Conventional_jetfuel_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional jetfuel (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Conventional_jetfuel_price_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional jetfuel ($/tonne-CO2).
Syn_jetfuel_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of synthetic jetfuel (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Time_IndexIndex defining time step in the model.
Load_mmbtu_z*Load profile of jetfuel in a zone z* in MMBtu/hr; if multiple zones, this parameter will be a matrix with columns equal to number of zones (each column named appropriate zone number appended to parameter) and rows equal to number of time periods of grid operations being modeled.

2.1.3 Liquid_Fuels_Gasoline_Demand.csv

This file includes parameters to characterize model the diesel demand for each time step for each zone, the cost of conventional jetfuel, emission factor for conventional and synthetic jetfuel. Note that DOLPHYN is designed to model hourly time steps. With some care and effort, finer (e.g. 15 minute) or courser (e.g. 2 hour) time steps can be modeled so long as all time-related parameters are scaled appropriately (e.g. time period weights, heat rates, ramp rates and minimum up and down times for generators, variable costs, etc).

Table 3: Structure of the Liquid_Fuels_Gasoline_Demand.csv file

Column NameDescription
Mandatory Columns
Conventional_gasoline_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional gasoline (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Conventional_gasoline_price_per_mmbtuEmission factor of conventional gasoline ($/tonne-CO2).
Syn_gasoline_co2_per_mmbtuEmission factor of synthetic gasoline (tonne-CO2/MMBtu).
Time_IndexIndex defining time step in the model.
Load_mmbtu_z*Load profile of gasoline in a zone z* in MMBtu/hr; if multiple zones, this parameter will be a matrix with columns equal to number of zones (each column named appropriate zone number appended to parameter) and rows equal to number of time periods of grid operations being modeled.

2.1.4 Syn_Fuels_resources.csv

This file contains cost and performance parameters for various synthetic fuels resources included in the model formulation.

Table 4: Mandatory columns in the Syn_Fuels_resources.csv file

Column NameDescription
Syn_Fuel_ResourceThis column contains unique names of resources available to the model. Resources can include different types of synthetic fuel plants.
ZoneInteger representing zone number where the resource is located.
Capacity requirements
MaxCapacity_tonne_p_hr-1 (default) – no limit on maximum CO2 input capacity of the synthetic fuel resource. If non-negative, represents maximum allowed CO2 input capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
MinCapacity_tonne_p_hr-1 (default) – no limit on minimum CO2 input capacity of the synthetic fuel resource. If non-negative, represents miniimum allowed CO2 input capacity (in tonne/hr) of the resource.
Cost parameters
Inv_Cost_p_tonne_co2_p_hr_yrAnnualized capacity investment cost of a technology per input CO2 capacity ($/tonne/hr/year).
Fixed_OM_Cost_p_tonne_co2_p_hr_yrFixed operations and maintenance cost of a technology per input CO2 capacity ($/tonne/hr/year).
Var_OM_Cost_p_tonne_co2Variable operations and maintenance cost of a technology per tonne input CO2 ($/tonne).
Technical performance parameters
mmbtu_sf_diesel_p_tonne_co2MMBtu of diesel output per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource. Should be consistent with fuel prices in terms of reporting on higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV) basis.
mmbtu_sf_jetfuel_p_tonne_co2MMBtu of jetfuel output per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource. Should be consistent with fuel prices in terms of reporting on higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV) basis.
mmbtu_sf_gasoline_p_tonne_co2MMBtu of gasoline output per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource. Should be consistent with fuel prices in terms of reporting on higher heating value (HHV) or lower heating value (LHV) basis.
tonnes_h2_p_tonne_co2Tonne H2 required per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource.
mmbtu_ng_p_tonne_co2MMBtu of fuel required per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource.
mwh_p_tonne_co2MWh of electricity required per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource.
co2_out_p_co2_inTonne CO2 released per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource.
co2_captured_p_co2_inTonne CO2 captured per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource and added to captured CO2 inventory.
By-products parameters (if applicable only)
mmbtu_p_tonne_co2_pb*MMBtu of byproduct b output per tonne of CO2 input by synthetic fuel resource.
price_p_mmbtu_pb*Selling price of byproduct b ($/MMBtu).
co2_out_p_mmbtu_pb*CO2 emission rate of byproduct b (\tonne/MMBtu).

3 Outputs

The table below summarizes the output variables reported as part of the various CSV files produced after each model run. The reported units are also provided. When the model is run with time domain reduction, if a result file includes time-dependent values (e.g. for each model time step), the value will not include the hour weight in it. An annual sum ("AnnualSum") column/row will be provided whenever it is possible (e.g., LF_Diesel_Balance.csv), and this value takes the time-weights into account.

3.1 Default output files

3.1.1 SynFuel_capacity.csv

Reports optimal values of investment variables for synthetic fuel resource.

Table 9: Structure of the SynFuel_capacity.csv file

Capacity_tonne_CO2_per_hInput CO2 capacity of each synthetic fuel resource type in each zoneCO$_2$ Tonnes / Hr
Capacity_Syndiesel_MMBtu_per_hMaximum hourly synthetic diesel production based on built capacityMMBtu / Hr
Capacity_Synjetfuel_MMBtu_per_hMaximum hourly synthetic jetfuel production based on built capacityMMBtu / Hr
Capacity_Syngasoline_MMBtu_per_hMaximum hourly synthetic gasoline production based on built capacityMMBtu / Hr
Annual_Syndiesel_ProductionActual annual synthetic diesel productionMMBtu
Annual_Synjetfuel_ProductionActual annual synthetic jetfuel productionMMBtu
Annual_Syngasoline_ProductionActual annual synthetic gasoline productionMMBtu
Max_Annual_CO2_ConsumptionMaximum annual CO2 input based on built capacityCO$_2$ Tonnes
Annual_CO2_ConsumptionActual annual CO2 inputCO$_2$ Tonnes
Capacity_FactorCapacity factor by dividing actual annual CO2 input by maximum annual possible CO2 input based on built capacity

3.1.2 SynFuel_costs.csv

Reports LFSC costs for each zone, including sum of fixed and variable costs for synthetic fuel resources, byproduct revenues (if any), conventional fuel costs and total costs.

3.1.3 SynFuelbalance.csv

Reports balance of input CO2, power, and H2, as well as output synthetic diesel, jetfuel, gasoline, and byproducts (if any) for each zone and time step.

3.1.4 SynFuelEmissions_Balance.csv

Reports balance of input CO2, process and byproducts (if any) emissions, CO2 captured, and CO2 emissions from synthetic, and conventional diesel, jetfuel, gasoline utilization for each zone and time step.

3.1.5 Synfueldieselproduction.csv

Reports production of synthetic diesel for each synthetic fuel resource and time step.

3.1.6 Synfueljetfuelproduction.csv

Reports production of synthetic jetfuel for each synthetic fuel resource and time step.

3.1.7 Synfuelgasolineproduction.csv

Reports production of synthetic gasoline for each synthetic fuel resource and time step.

3.1.8 LFDieselbalance.csv

Reports balance of synthetic and conventional diesel for each zone and time step.

3.1.9 LFJetfuelbalance.csv

Reports balance of synthetic and conventional jetfuel for each zone and time step.

3.1.10 LFGasolinebalance.csv

Reports balance of synthetic and conventional gasoline for each zone and time step.